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Comrade Pelosi wants to bring San Freaksicko-style liberalism to D.C. She wants to make the entire U.S. a People's Republik akin to the People's Democommunist Republik of Kalifornia (PDRK).

Bush, political wise, has caved for whatever reason. Conservatives feel stabbed in the back by his want of a de-facto amnesty of illegal aliens, among other things. Bush never vetoed anything when the House and Senate was republican. The RINO's and Bush paid dearly for it in the last election, similar to when Comrade Klinton and his crony pals ran the House and Senate in 1993-94. They banned guns, among other things, which p/o'ed alot of folks, and got a pink slip bigtime (to quote the late Peter Jennings: "...a temper tantrum..") on Election day 1994 (that was the second time I voted).

Yep, welcome folks to San Freaksicko-style liberalism. This is what you wanted, this is what you are going to get. If you like guns, better buy now, or cry later when they are banned and/or further restricted; among other things I didn't mention.

If the sheeple of this country continue to vote for the party, instead of voting for the individual based upon an individuals voting record, this is what you will get....the shaft.

I say vote them all out, and start with a clean slate. I say get rid of the Party name and they run based on if they are a liberal, conservative, or weak-kneed/I don't stand for anything/vote how the wind of the latest poll blows moderate.

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