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The Great Double Stuf Deception!

Those overstuffed Oreos are not as stuffed as you might have thought, according to this scientific analysis:,0,4947442.story


Any reasonable cookie consumer would conclude that something labeled “double stuff” would contain precisely twice the amount of “stuff” that comes with the original, unmodified Oreo cookie, not a mere 1.86 times that amount.


I see a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT on the horizon. Surely some bottom-feeding lawyer will seize upon Nabisco’s “deceptive advertising practice” and gather unto himself several millions of class action clients on whose behalf he will sue, alleging that they have somehow been injured by this callous deception.  This public-spirited champion of justice will stride forth to righteously represent these offended millions, with the objective of winning for each of them some trivial monetary award, while securing for himself and his firm a six- or seven-digit fee for the legal services entailed in correcting this monumental injustice!

I yam what I yam and that's all I yam--but it is enough!

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