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Reply to "The Rich Are Not Rich Because the Poor Are Poor"

L. Cranston posted:
Stanky posted:
L. Cranston posted:

Republicans are known for their hate for Unions and have written many laws limiting collective bargaining. Union membership and middle class Americans have a lot in common. Getting rid of one will eliminate the other. Republicans will never see the correlation.

And unions are noted for being as greedy and unreasonable as the people who sit on the other side of negotiation table. After LBJ sidelined millions of employable people on the goobermint plantation, unions felt they could demand anything and get it, but reality bit them in the butt. There were many more millions of foreign workers who would work harder for less and not show up for work drunk. 

And thus the Republican talking point reemerges. They've mastered the art of repeating the same lie until the people believe it. Without Unions, corporations run right over the worker's rights. Republicans hate of Unions has destroyed the middle class.

And Dem's hate of reality and the truth is really evident. Right now we have millions of illegal aliens taking jobs and welfare that was intended for US citizens and Dems are trying to flood the US with millions more. That action deflates wages and ensures that if a business unionizes and the union asks for too much, then the business closes and settles elsewhere. Actually, I wouldn't mind a more open immigration policy, but only if there's no free stuff waiting for the immigrants. We're going broke fast enough as it is with the past promises we can't pay for.

I should note that most of the thriving unions are public sector unions which give campaign cash to Dems and buy over generous pay and benefits. Blue states and cities are going bankrupt.

Dems only care about political power and the bottom line of their crony capitalists. What a bunch of crocodile tears they shed when they talk about the working class.

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