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Reply to "Understanding Evidence For The Biblical Timescale"

Where, in the Bible, do you find that -- that salvation is based upon faith AND good deeds?

Matthew 7:21 though 27 is a good start, Bill. Essentially, it says that faith wit out deeds are a house built upon sand that can wither and blow away in a storm. Faith WITH good deeds is a house built upon rock. You, sir, with your hatred of anyone who does not believe exactly as you do, are walking in quick sand. This passage and other clearly show that salvation is a WORK in progress. Jesus Himself said that those who do not do good deeds will not be known to Him.

True, Bill, Jesus never says that compassionate deeds "earn" salvation, or that any of us could ever "merit" the very gift of our existence. He merely sets that as the standard for compliance. Just as a child may offer its parents or grandparents an awkwardly-drawn piece of art, which likely holds little real artistic merit (perhaps in terms of art critics it might be as "filthy rags"), still the parents sincerely and genuinely cherish such efforts. It may not "merit" winning an art contest and may be able to "earn" very little, but loving parents find it good enough to represent the qualities THEY deem of real and lasting value.

The point is that Paul sets the standard for salvation as faith or belief in accepting Jesus while Jesus explicitly rejects this standard and sets the standard at universal compassionate love expressed in actions.

For example, when asked by a lawyer what the most important commandment in the LAW was, Jesus answered (Matt 22:36-40 and Luke 10:25-37) with references from the Old Testament, that the GREATEST law was to love god and the second was to love your neighbor as yourself .

Love your neighbor, Bill. Christians do that through ACTION and DEED. That means not to belittle them, be sarcastic with them, or threaten them with your own interpretation of judgment. You are a man filed with hate for those who do not meet your standard. You WILL be judged for this one day. I pray you come to your senses before that time.

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