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Understanding how a conservative thinks

I have jotted down some questions for conservatives to answer, and people who want to reply to the conservatives answers that are not conservative, but moderate, democrat, liberal, or what ever. please be civil and serious because I feel like if a conservative would like to win some of us to their thinking, then we need to know why they think that way to give us a better understanding. Please try to give the answers to the best of your knowledge without attacking anyone. Thank you for your cooperation. Conservatives, do not feel like you are being attacked just because we ask questions.

1. Are you concerned about any issues in the present administration?

2. How concerned are you about the Iraq war?

3. Do you have any children presently serving in Iraq? If so, how do you feel about it? if not, why not?

4. How concerned are you about the truth and do you think we are being told the truth?

5. Most conservatives I've talked to, Bush's eavesdropping and opening our mail, does not bother a conservative. As they claim, they have nothing to hide. So, what is your feelings about this?

6. How liberal is liberal?

7. Do you feel all liberals are gay?

8. Do you feel there are conservatives that are gay?

9. Do you only read, watch, associate with people that think like you? In other words, do you only watch conservative movies and base your views only on conservative views?

10. Can you be a little conservative and a little liberal? In other words, you don't blieve 100% right or left, you're pretty much in the middle. For example, you may be conservative to gay issues, abortion, but liberal when it comes to veteran benefits, social security, etc.

11. Have any of you wondered what really is going on in Iraq and what do you go by that conviences you that we should be there? You been over seas and witnessed it for yourself? You trust FOX? You don't think our news media will ever lie to us except CNN?

12. Last but not least, why aren't the churches skipping and not preaching much on peace? And if you are a Christian, you might explain that one to me.
Thank you for your honest answers and if you think people should be conservative and think like you, here's your opportunity to sell it.
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