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Unintended consequences

Actual response to Obamacare (aka Democratic Healthcare)  Democrats have affected healthcare in this nation for generations to come.  In their attempts to provide insurance for people that cannot afford it they made insurance and healthcare unaffordable for most families as a result.  Deductibles (money out of families pockets BEFORE any insurance pays even a dime) increased from a few hundred dollars for most to thousands or increases exponentially.  Then the cost of that insurance also skyrocketed and in many places was restricted to only a few providers.   

Democrat politicians proved their ineptness at accomplishing anything for most Americans other than mouthing platitudes in attempts to get them elected or to paint their opponents (Republicans) and non-caring people that would push grandmother over the cliff.  In truth Democrats have been and are responsible for the increased healthcare cost to famlies and responsible for a large number of providers choosing to call it quits.  

So often goes it that the best intentions actually end up causing the worst of consequences.   

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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