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What could be?

Jeff Bezos is the world's richest man even with the recent divorce and Amazon is such a huge company making scads of money yet pays no taxes and worse treats their employees as trash.  They say money changes people but in Bezos case, I'm betting he wasn't such a nice person when he wasn't rich.  All that money and he could afford to make his company one of the most admired and best to work for but he's intent on apparently being a slave driver and working people as hard as possible with the least benefits.  

Jeff Bezos is going to have and get whatever he wants from a physical position yet he is not a good person and uses people as well as abuses them all with seemingly no concern or care what so ever.  Amazon and Whole Foods, as well as any of his businesses, could be the examples of the best places to work for but sadly that will never be due to the type of person he is, and money did not change him a bit, at least for the good.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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