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Reply to "What's up with the old Ryan's building?"

gbrk posted:

I do know, personally, some of the Democratic, folks that post on the forum and I also know them to be conscientious caring and patriotic people who care just as much about the Nation as Conservatives do.  I fail though to understand the disconnect that exist when the current Democratic party is so obviously different and changed from the Democratic party that carried the moniker to care about the middle class or the working man. 

I fully believe that today's Republican voter, in general,  is more like the 1960's Democratic Voter.  With the advent of Donald Trump however there is an undercurrent of Stereotypical greedy, care only for themselves, Republicans and they would just as soon see the Nation go down, as a whole, than lose their own status.   I believe there are good people on both sides, both in politics and on the forum here but granted it is often difficult to find them or there is a temptation to become more confrontational than to seek debate and dialog.

In short I believe that our nation's government is stronger with diversity than it is with homogenous leadership  as different, diverse, people can address and identify areas of concern and need that may go unnoticed and ignored when you have only one point of view or a slanted point of view.   One problem today though is the outright deliberate attempt on the Left to totally control the dialog and exclude any on the right.  There is also, more than at any time in the past, a liberal biased media that is active at implementing liberal agendas and concealing or ignoring reports that may be negative to their own slanted, biased, point of view.

The media is supposed to be skeptical and hold Government officials  accountable but more and more today that has morphed into providing cover and actively seeking to influence opinion to their own biased agenda.  Case in point with Katie Couric's interview where an 8 second silent clip was inserted to indicate that she either stumped the pro Gun control people or make them appear as ignorant.  NBC has also done essentially the same to control the narrative with George Zimmerman and the Travon Martin case making George Zimmerman appear as racist in their selective editing.  This is a dangerous point that should be just as alarming to Democrats (even though it suits their agenda) as it is to Conservatives and Republicans.   

At the upper echelons of the government, there is a nexus of establishmentarians of both parties.  It appears keeping power is more important to them than the nation.  They are supported by the Chamber of Commerce types of the Republican party and the Democrats' money men.  Think an unholy alliance of Koch, Soros, Silicon Valley and Hollywood.   Trump appears to be breaking up that alliance.  Whereas, Hillary is a solid supporter.

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