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Reply to "Is Trump insane or just stupid."

L. Cranston posted:
gbrk posted:

One problem with the Democrats crying that they can't see the Muller Report and that is Barr is only abiding by the law that the Democrats created and passed to keep the Starr report sealed and away from the eyes of the public.  One thing also that the Democrats and Liberal media and you have failed to acknowledge and admit to and that is that Barr has a less redacted version available to Congress that neither Nadler or Pelosi nor other Democrats that could read the document, at the Justice Department have taken the time and opportunity to read it.  What they have done is make political moves against Barr who is starting to investigate potentially illegal activities by Democrats or officials in the Obama Administration or those left over from the Obama Administration against the Trump campaign.  Those very political moves sound similar to Obstruction of Justice themselves but then we know only Trump can be accused of such.

Again ... Barr made a less redacted version (only Grand Jury testimony I believe was kept redacted). But NO DEMOCRATS have cared to view it rather only complain that the whole report hasn't been released.  Which by the way would be ILLEGAL due to laws that the Democrats themselves passed during the Starr report days.

The Starr report was published, online, within 48 hours of being submitted. The House voted to publish it , 363-63.  Republicans made sure every lurid detail was described and couldn't have cared less about who was named/hurt in the process.

These laws were put in place to protect ongoing investigations or people who may flee the country, if the investigation was revealed, or people who would/may be harmed by information not relating to any charges from the investigation. The MAJORITY of the issues with 'Grand Jury' information is not pertinent, after the investigation concludes.

I wonder why Republicans never have the whole story.

I'm not saying that I don't see reasons for the Grand Jury exemption and redactions on testimony for even after the Grand Jury acts and even dissolves the importance of keeping secrecy or privacy is understood because it protects those who choose to testify and reveal information.  Not many would be so willing to testify if they knew that their testifying could be revealed to those they testify against, at some future moment after the Jury's duty is over, so I am not condemning the Democrats implementing this exception or protection.  I am condemning them  now wanting to ignore the very law they put in place to protect witnesses in the past not seemingly caring about the ones today.  If they deserve protection, before (which they did/do), then they deserve that protection today.   Even though the majority of the issues may not be pertinent that testimony should be protected none the less, or I believe it should be so that future potential witnesses will observe that protection and that it holds in place.

Also no comment on the fact that Barr has presented a much less redacted (with only Grand Jury Testimony left redacted) copy of the Muller report for reading at the Justice department such that those in need of knowing can know yet have, for some reason, chosen not to read that which was provided for them.  

It's difficult to claim that someone is keeping something from you when it's provided and you don't choose to use your opportunity to see it.  Realize also that Trump choosing to exercise Executive Privilege came only after congress  subpoenaed the full, un-redacted, report from Barr.  Barr was acting within the law and all Trump did was keep him from having to make the decision to break the law in order to keep with the subpoena or reject the subpoena in order to keep the law.   Democrats, just like many Republicans do, are playing politics rather than actually caring about the public's interest.  At least that's the way I see it.  


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