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Reply to "Why do atheists care about religion?"

First of all you can google and see that combined the churches in America are worth billions, don't twist it to mean I said every church. That is the money we know they have. There's no telling what their real worth is, we will never know that. Now let me get real snarky, how does it feel to clean up a historic site and park while these people are hungry? Why would you clean up a low income area? Does low income equate to being unable to pick up your own trash? Who tossed it there in the first place? Do you think they care? You just don't get it do you? Why send people to Haiti and ignore the people here? Tell me what you send to these people here. Why do I keep thinking about the movie "Clueless" when churches want to tell us about all the things they do for people outside their own country?


 Why for goodness sake do churches in this country obsess on people in other countries before their own? There are enough churches in this area to tend to people after the tornado, but all I heard them doing was asking others to bring donations to them. Why? People were donating and helping each other all over with out any expectation of praise and many many were helped by people they still don't know.  People were going into their own pockets and buying food, gas, other things for their neighbors and the rescue workers. They were opening up their homes for people to charge phones and have showers, wash their clothes. Why didn't the church do the same and go out, buy the things they wanted to donate, and offer them to people? They didn't want to get up off that money is why. The catholic church will sorta admit to being worth around 115 billion, so that means you could probably double or even triple that. What would even one of those billion dollars do for an area? Oh and let's not forget the other thing churches do, defy the government and give sanctuary to illegals. You can't "p** out a forest fire".

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