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Reply to "Why the BP Disaster Threatens to Expose Fox News"

Let me see, he is not a teabagger and speaks out in opposition of Sarah Palin, is this a twisted logic of reverse "You might be a redneck?" Are you saying anyone who doesn't goose step to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News COULDN'T be from the shoals?
I am!!!!

I shouldn't even respons, but I'll explain.

There are plenty of politically misguided people locally, and this forum has proven that repeatedly. Where NBD tips his hand is not in political idealogy. NBD almost never responds to the comments in threads he/she starts, and when he/she does there's very little substance. That is because NBD doesn't care about how people respond, just THAT they respond. Additionally, NBD periodically shows up, starts several new threads that always link to the same site, and then disappears. NBD never comments on local issues, and a die-hard liberal (as NBD claims to be) would have plenty to complain about with such conservative local and state politics. It's pretty obvious really.

I'm done now, as I'm only helping NDB spam the forum.

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