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Reply to "Why the BP Disaster Threatens to Expose Fox News"

LMAO Right I would gladly help Mr Biden I think he is a courageous man for stepping up for a job most of us wouldn't want. I do believe that we have a major problem at hand and it's the Right wing agenda. Propaganda is everywhere On Fox, MSNBC, CNN, the church, and is a great place to get brainwashed. Fox hides the fact that Monsanto delivers the RbST bovine growth hormone to cattle and this catalyst is absorbed by the human body causing cancer. The European Union and Canada won't eat our beef. Anything wrong with that?

The war is on for your mind.

Fixed News preys on the small minds of the viewers as exemplified by the juvenile comments on this forum from anyone who dares not regurgitate the propoganda they are being brainwashed with on a daily basis. Read the posts by the followers on here and it is obvious that Fox is not just slanted; IT IS DANGEROUS!

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