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You just knew this would happen

All along, even from Trump's election, as the Stock Market increased without bound and in an unprecedented level and rate the national media never gave one infinitesimal bit of credit to Donald Trump or his administration or policies.  Just like other areas of the economy the Mainstream Media has ignored positives because they totally did not want to take a chance that Donald Trump would get credit.  As a result, you would have never known that Trump's policies or the optimism around is election has affected the Stock Market.   

Just let there be a huge drop in the market though and there is no shortage of commentators or news people that are ready to assign guilt or blame on Trump.  Although it's so predictable and expects it's still a sad commentary on today's media and the times we live in.  It's still such a valid demonstration of their Trump Derangement Syndrome that is so prevalent in liberals, the Media, and Hollywood today.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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