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Reply to "You might be a Christian if ….."

Sounds like the question of primacy. Which comes first, consciousness or existence? Rational logic dictates that the answer is existence.

Modern biology indicates that all traits evolved in infintessimally small leaps and starts. It makes sense only if you understand the bare basics of evolution.

You either accept that science can currently explain everything (which it cannot), or you accept the premise that "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

I certainly accept that science is fully capable of explaining "everything" given enough time. We've only had the tools of science for about 500 years and look how much we have discovered thus far.

Would you believe that the common wisdom was that man evolved from a block of clay and woman was cloned from the rib of a man? Why didn't they just make another woman out another bit of clay? Why the invasive surgery on Adam?

Would you believe that we once thought that all life on earth was extinguished during a Great Flood except from one boat that held every single land animal that ever existed including dinosaurs (including over 200,000 different types of beetles alone!) . . . Stop laughing. Seriously! This was accept as fact!

Would you believe that people used to think that snakes could talk? . . . Wait a minute, I think we just completed a thread on this and some people do still believe that so scratch that. We've got work to do.

Getting rid of ancient superstitions and illogical dogma would go a long ways towards our enlightenment.

In any case, there is no reason to believe that the biggest questions we have no will be answered as long as we don't destroy ourselves by our own ignorance.

The past 500 years proves that.

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