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Reply to "You might be a Christian if ….."

Here's the thing, I used to be one of you guys, an unbeliever. Rational logic decrees that the primacy of all things is existence. Consciousness can not come first, because without existence, what would there be to be conscious of? How could there be a god that exists outside of existence? Since existence, i.e. the world and the universe must come before anything including a god? Therefore there can be no such god.

Then I began to read "The Elegant Universe" by string theorist Brian Green. String theory, whether any of the scientists would ever admit it or not, opens up infinite possibilities. Infinite possibilities. Now after some time considering infinite possibilities, I began to encounter situations that are not logically explainable, and no I will not elaborate. After one such dramatic encounter, I was enlightened by just a glimpse of a very small part of a larger picture. My life has since been changed and I can not imagine for a second how I lived even as long as I did as a lost being.

As for "creation" I'm not a stickler on that one, one way or the other. Yet as for the existence of G-D I have zero doubt that he exists. So go ahead, I'm calling all atheists, pile on, tell me of your Flying Spaghetti Monster and any other forms of ridicule you care to heap on, it is no burden for me. I would ask that in the midst of the ridicule, what is it that you are trying to accomplish?

Excellent post.

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