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Pick-up regular trash only once every two weeks and if it is more than 1 can, charge more (with the exception of Christmas week).  With the recycling habits I've picked up since Florence began curbside pickup, my regular trash is less than half what it used to be.  I would recycle more, but Florence only accepts certain types of plastic that have a 1 or 2 in the triangle.


Makes me kinda mad that I'm going to have to pay more when I am already sending much less than the norm to the landfill.  It's not right to penalize those who are helping to solve the issue.

The thing I think about when I read the article was how Local politicians can work against each other all for the detriment of the local citizens good.  They discarded a great offer from a Chinese businessman that would help pay for the property or a portion of it and potentially allow them to fund the additional cell all at the same time but the Local politicians nixed that idea.  Here they purchase the land/property for the purpose of expansion but don't expand it in time to keep such a decision as they are not having to make.  

Sounds to me like a whole new slate of leaders that can work together for someone's good other than their own, needs to bee found.  The one sure thing is that the citizens will end up paying more in the end.  Pay more for the property, can't decide what to do with it, then position themselves in a place where rates have to be raised to afford a third party, out of their control to carry their trash elsewhere.  

It would be comical if it wasn't reality.

Who ever heard of a city council with an even number of voters.  There's something wrong there.


It's too bad that the city even has to be in the garbage business.  If it was a larger city, Waste Management and other national waste businesses would be in here trying to contract 100% of the city's refuse.


We need one more city councilman--and a rewrite of the City Charter.  Or, allow the mayor to vote when there's a tie in voting.

But, folks, isn't it worth knowing that we have  City CLOWNcil members who are protecting the Shoals from an invasion by the rapacious communists?  Who knows but what that Chinese  "pharmaceutical" research company that wanted to buy the country club property might have been doing research on chemical WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION--right in OUR back yard??!!


You just can't be too careful, what with a billion or so Commie Chinese and another billion or so 
"Mooslims" on the planet,  wishing us dead and wanting to steal our goods!


Never mind that some of our goods, in the form of two air-conditioning units--already have been stolen from the country club building.  Now the only question is who did it--the commies or the "Mooslims"! 

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