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Hello Folks.
In several posts Beternu has been posting ANTI Mormon statements that he has copied from ANTI sites. I ignore most of it but will address the Adam- God theory he posted. I will write the words of Joseph Fielding Smith from the writings of the teachings of Latter-Day prophets ( The real thing and not ANTI tripe).

Source of the Adam - God theory
President Brigham Young is quoted--IN ALL POSSIBILITY THE SERMON WAS ERRONEOUSLY TRANSCRIBED!--- as having said: "Now hear it O inhabitants of the earth, Jew and Gentile, saint and sinnes! When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him. He HELPED to make and organize this world. He is Michael, the Archangel, the Ancient of Days, about whom men have written and spoken- He is our father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do.

If enemies of the Church who quote this wish to be honest, they could not help seeing that President Brigham Young definitely declares that Adam is Michael, the Archangel, the Ancient of Days, which indicates definitely that Adam IS NOT Elohim, or the God whom we worship, who is the Father of Jesus Christ.
Further, they could see that President Young declared that Adam HELPED to make the earth. If he helpedthen he was SUBORDINATE to someone who was superior. In another paragraph in that same discourse, President Young said," It is true that the EARTH WAS ORGANIZED BY THREE DISTINCT CHARACTERS, namely, ELOHIM, JEHOVAH,AND MICHAEL." Here he places Adam, or Michael, third in the list, and hence the least important of the three mentioned, and this President Young understood perfectly. We believe Adam, known as Michael, had authority in the heavens before the world was framed. He DWELT IN THE PRESENCE OF THE FATHER AND THE SON AND WAS SUBJECT TO THEIR DIRECTION as the scriptures plainly indicete.

So you see folks, there is an explanation for everything, for this on is the fact that Beternu DID NOT do his research very well at all. He just BLINDLY accepted the Anti tripe as truth and failed as an intellectual, to study , research and follow up on the erronious information he posted. He is so ready to attempt to destroy the church that he fails to DEEPLY research things and winds up looking like a fool. So when you see the ANTI tripe posted in here by Bet and Bill and others, dont be like the fools they are and just accept it, DO INDEPTH RESEARCH ON OFFICIAL SITES OF OUR CHURCH AND NOT THOSE ANTI SITES> Dwight

There is MUCH more on this subject in the same book and will open the eys of your understanding.
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest


THAT is pure, undocumented speculation, Windsong, and you can't get any relief from this instance of ludicrous and blasphemous Mormon theology by trying to just wave it away like that. For your edification, I am pasting below a discussion by an ex-Mormon (Horrors, you say; how could they be trusted??) that does a very good job of discussing Brigham's insane doctrine and the strange and fanciful evolution of Mormon concepts of Deity over time. Reading this history, one has to pay pretty close attention to figure out just WHO the Mormon "god(s) were at any given time and where they fit into the Mormon family tree of "God(s)."

Gotta hand it to these Mormon "theologians," though. They sure had rich imaginations!

Here's the goodie!

Monday, Apr 9, 2007, at 09:10 AM
The Mormon Conundrum Of Adam As God
Posted By Swedeboy

During my mission for the cult, a good companion of mine handed me a copy of the Adam God doctrine from the Journal of Discourses and out of the blue asked me, “What do you think of this?” Needless to say it changed my Mormon world view, and it was the real beginning of the end for me and my devotion to Mormonism.

I spent three days trying to wrap my mind around old Brigham’s pronouncements and had myself partially convinced that it could still fit it in with my Mormon definition of deity. However, I needed more insight from someone “wiser” than myself, so I went to visit my mission president, a former institute director at Texas A&M.

I presented him with my new found doctrinal dilemma, and his words to me were as follows, “Well Elder Swedeboy, the Adam God doctrine is a theory just like Noah’s’ flood.” I could not believe my ears, and as he began to baffle me with his bull****, I began to believe again, almost. After about thirty minutes of his spiritual reassurance that all is well, I said my goodbyes and left.

After returning home, marriage, kids and everything else, the question of Adam as God continued to surface and rear its doctrinally confusing head, begging to be resolved. I tried over the years to put my concerns to rest by reading apologist after apologist arguments, and of course what Bruce had to say about it in his book, Mormon Doctrine, and as they baffled me with their bull****, I began to believe again, almost.

Thank God this thorn was lodged into my mind, and as it festered and machetied its way through my Mormon programming. It gave me pause to think over the years, and continue on my quest to find the truth.

In my post Mormon studies of all things Mormon, I came across an excellent explanation of this Mormon doctrinal conundrum from H. Michael Marquardt.

In this post you will further understand why this is an important issue to understand from Mormonism’s past. It is a clear doctrinal shift which clearly shows the lack of inspiration and doctrinal clarity which is so prevalent in the Mormon church.

I hope you will enjoy discovering more about this doctrinal epiphany as I have.

Outline Relating to the LDS Temple Endowment and the Teachings of Brigham Young Creations Gods: On 8-9 March 1842 Joseph Smith worked on his Book of Abraham, "and they organized and formed, (that is, the Gods,) the heavens and the earth" (Times and Seasons 3 [15 March 1842]:720, words rearranged in Abraham 4:1). Who or how many Gods were involved is not known for sure. In the Nauvoo temple endowment as organized by Brigham Young the Gods were identified as three in number, that is, Eloheem [Elohim], Jehovah [also spelled Yahovah] and Michael. Michael had been previously identified by Joseph Smith as "Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days" (LDS D&C 27:11, added to early text in 1835).

Characters in the Nauvoo Temple
Nauvoo Temple Organization: 10-13 December 1845:
H. C. Kimball presides as Eloheem,
Orson Hyde as Jehovah and
George A. Smith as Michael
(Heber C. Kimball Journal kept by William Clayton, entry of 10 Dec. 1845, LDS archives)
The following persons officiating
Orson Hyde as Eloheem
Orson Spencer as Jehovah
George A Smith as Michael
later that day -
Heber C. Kimball acting as Eloheem
George A. Smith as Jehovah
Orson Hyde as Michael
(Heber C. Kimball Journal, entry of 11 Dec. 1845)
Pres[ident] Young acting as Eloheem
P.P. Pratt as Jehovah
Orson Hyde as Michael

"During the whole of the three days already spent in the endowment, President Brigham Young presided and dictated the ordinances and also took an active part in nearly every instance except when entirely overcome by fatigue through his constant labors to forward the work." (Ibid., 12 Dec. 1845) "Last evening an arrangement was made establishing better order in conducting the endowment. Under this order it is the providence of Eloheem, Jehovah and Michael to create the world . . ." (Ibid., entry of 13 Dec. 1845).

President Brigham Young's Teaching

Here we have the name/titles of the three creation Gods. Except for Michael the identities of Eloheem and Jehovah are not spelled out. Brigham Young mentioned, "It is true that the earth was organized by three distinct characters, namely, Eloheim, Yahovah, and Michael . . ." (Journal of Discourses 1:51, 9 April 1852).

In this same discourse (as published) President Brigham Young said:

When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him. He helped to make and organize this world. . . . the seed was brought from another sphere, and planted in this earth. . . . When Adam and Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit, their bodies became mortal from its effects, and therefore their offspring were mortal" (Journal of Discourses 1:50, emphasis in original).

What we have are three creation Gods, Eloheim, Yahovah [spelled that way in the Endowment House records] and Michael. They are not the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) but a different trinity. They are like a LDS priesthood presidency of three (Elder's Quorum, High Priest Quorum, First Presidency, Mission Presidency, Temple Presidency). But there are now two trinities, the regular Father, Son and Holy Ghost and the creation Gods Eloheim, Yahovah (Jehovah) and Michael. Brigham Young taught that in order to create a world a man would have received his exaltation as a God. At a Special Conference held on 28 August 1852 he explained it as an important key to understanding:

After men have got their exaltations and their crowns--have become Gods, even the sons of God--are made Kings of kings and Lord of lords, they have the power then of propagating their species in spirit; and that is the first of their operations with regard to organizing a world. Power is then given to them to organize the elements, and then commence the organization of tabernacles. How can they do it? Have they to go to that earth? Yes, an Adam will have to go there, and he cannot do without Eve; he must have Eve to commence the work of generation, and they will go into the garden, and continue to eat and drink of the fruits of the corporeal world, until this grosser matter is diffused sufficiently through their celestial bodies to enable them, according to the established laws, to produce mortal tabernacles for their spiritual children. This is a key for you" (Journal of Discourses 6:275).

Some individual journals mention the teachings of Brigham Young about Adam/Michael but not all church members believed in Adam being God or understood what he was talking about. Apostle Orson Pratt opposed the doctrine from 1852-1868. It is evident that if the interpretation of the creation Gods was taught in the Nauvoo Temple like Brigham Young was explaining then Pratt probably would have accepted it. But it appears to have first been publicly taught in April 1852.

At the church conference held on 8 October 1854 Brigham Young preached a powerful discourse that was not published until the 1970s. Warren Foote recorded, "8th We went to conference again. President B. Young delivered an interesting discourse concerning Adam's being the father of our spirits as well as bodies" (Warren Foote Journal, 8 Oct. 1854, original in LDS archives, typed copy).

Joseph Lee Robinson also recorded what Brigham Young taught:

Oct. 6th. Attended conference, a very interesting conference, for at this meeting President Brigham Young said thus, that Adam and Eve were the names of the first man and woman of every earth that was ever organized and that Adam and Eve were the natural father and mother of every spirit that comes to this planet, or that received tabernacles on this planet, consequently we are brother and sisters, and that Adam was God, or Eternal Father" (Joseph Lee Robinson Journal, 6-8 Oct. 1854, LDS archives, typed copy).

This "Discourse by Pres. Brigham Young Oct 8th 1854" (in LDS archives) has been published in an edited version. A copy is in The Essential Brigham Young (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1992), 86-103. A few quotes from the discourse:

But let us turn our attention to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father of our spirits (93).

The God and Father [of] our Lord Jesus Christ is the Father of our spirits (94).

I tell you more, Adam is the Father of our spirits. He lived upon an earth; he did abide his creation, and did honor to his calling and Priesthood; and obeyed his Master or Lord, and probably many of his wives did the same, and they lived, and died upon an earth, and then were resurrected again to Immortality and Eternal Life (96).

Our spirits and the spirits of all the human family were begotten by Adam, and born of Eve (97).

Adam planted the Garden of Eden, and he with his wife Eve partook of the fruit of this Earth, until their systems were charged with the nature of Earth, and then they could beget bodies, for their spiritual children (98)

I tell you, when you see your Father in the Heavens, you will see Adam; when you see your Mother that bear your spirit, you will see Mother Eve (99).

At the School of the Prophets in June 1871 President Brigham Young taught, "Elohim, Yahova & Michael, were father, Son and grandson. They made this Earth & Michael became Adam" (Joseph F. Smith Journal, 17 June 1871, LDS archives). So this would mean:

Elohim = Father of Yahovah
Yahovah = Son of Elohim
Michael = Grandson of Elohim = Adam = God the Father

Jesus would be the only begotten son of Michael/Adam. This may explain the words of President Young made in 1862:

The Father frequently came to visit his son Adam, and talked and walked with him; and the children of Adam were more or less acquainted with their Grandfather, and their children were more or less acquainted with their Great-Grandfather . . ." (Journal of Discourses 9:148, 12 Jan. 1862).

Brigham Young died in August 1877. At the October 1880 conference the Pearl of Great Price was accepted as the fourth standard work of the church. In various publications on gospel topics many writers emphasized that Adam and Eve were spirits before earth life. They used the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price (portion dictated in 1830) as their basis. This was more in line with Orson Pratt's position. There were church members who believed what President Young taught and others who had views based upon LDS scriptures. James E. Talmage wrote his book Articles of Faith which was published by the church.

Finally in June 1916 Talmage wrote the official statement on The Father and the Son which was accepted by the First Presidency and the Twelve as the position of the church on the Godhead. In essence Adam/Michael as God, the Father of our spirits and Father of Jesus Christ as taught by President Brigham Young was replaced by Elohim as God and Father. This statement has the following relating to Elohim:

The purport of these scriptures is to the effect that God the Eternal Father, whom we designate by the exalted name-title "Elohim," is the literal Parent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and of the spirits of the human race.

Prior to 1916 the interpretation of who the creation Gods were (as described by President Young) gradually changed. There was confusion over this issue for many years. It appears that during the Presidency of Joseph F. Smith the Michael in the temple endowment ceremony changed from being an exalted God who helped create the world to being a spirit personage "God." Elohim became God with Jesus Christ becoming the Jehovah creation God.

So part of Brigham Young's teaching expressed in his April 1852 discourse to priesthood members is rejected and part is accepted. At the time when President Young preached he was considered inspired. The conference minutes stated that the Holy Ghost rested upon Brigham Young at the time.

Current LDS Godhead:

Father = Elohim = God the Father
Son = Jehovah = Jesus Christ
Holy Ghost = spirit personage

Those who go through the endowment ceremony are taught that three Gods planned and organized the world and all things on it. Two of these Gods, that is, Jehovah and Michael were organizers under the direction of the third, Elohim. When the Gods had pronounced the world good, Michael, now designated as Adam, with Eve, was to commence the procreation of the children of men. Adam was given dominion over all the earth.

In the endowment ceremony men must follow Adam, and women follow Eve through all the priesthood ordinances if they are to become Gods. They are promised, if they are faithful, that they can become as Adam and Eve and create their own worlds and beget their own spiritual children to inhabit them. This is what Brigham Young was teaching. Currently in the church it is taught, after the change in the creation Gods, not to believe that the above applies to Adam. Church leaders teach that men can become Gods by following Adam but we are not to believe that Adam attained to that position.

Hey Beternun,

you are as usual are twisting and perverting the truth. I'm not
going to respond until you except the challange of an honest
debate. Windsong asked me to go easy on you because you get slapped
around by your wife. You married her I didn't. As for your church
the Church(Churches)of Christ a group of loosely alligned Churches
that vary in their beleifs. They only teach out of the New Testament
and not the Old T.. I wonder is it because you don't beleive the
Old T. is the word of God? So no ten commandments? The roots of your
Church are very interesting. The beginning of some of the Ideas
of your Church started in the 1600's with Arminianism and then
officialy was started in the 1800's by Stone Cambell. It was during
the restoration movement. You no with the big tents, like a circus going
place to place. You beleive that no human efforts help towards
salvation.(why bother then?)You beleive in total depravity,
what ever the heck that means. You beleive that all humans are guilty
of Adam's original sin. That if a child dies before Baptism, that
he will not be saved. We know that Adam transgressed but not sinned.
He was commanded by God to multiply and replenish the earth, which
he chose. So he had to replenish the earth along with Eve who was
tempted by the serpent. Waite a minute if he was a God, how come he
had to follow orders? We are born innocent not in sin. How do you
teach creation with out the Old Testament? Remember in the Old Testament
Dueteronomy 18:18 the Lord says;"I will raise a Prophet from among their
brethren like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth: and he shall
speak in my name, I will require it of him." The Lord requires us to
have a Prophet. He speaks his will thru his Prophet and scripture.
Oh I forgot you don't beleive in the Old Testament. If I'm wrong
about your beleifs, then you know how it is. Your example the former
missionary, probably never really had or lost the Holy Ghost to
help him. Wink

Keep Marching Against Wimps,
Skippy Cool
Skippy, you could not be MORE misinformed! The Churches of Christ and Christian Churches do NOT subscribe to the doctrine of total hereditary depravity, which is one of the 5 points of Calvinism, nor do they accept any of the other 4 points of Calvinism. Nor do they believe an innocent child who dies before baptism will not be saved. You can easily Google around and confirm that, but you did not. In the future, I urge you to find and post some documentation for what you assert, so rather than making stuff up out of thin air or getting bad information from persons equally as misinformed as yourself.

As to the Old Testament, what you posted is absolutely laughable. Just look up the phone number of any Church of Christ or Christian Church in your town and call and ask whoever answers if they believe the Old Testament is the Word of God. They will answer in the affirmative, I assure you.

You say, Skippy, that "We know that Adam transgressed but not sinned."
I am astonished, flabbergasted, and shocked that you would come on this public forum, Windsong and, in front of God and everybody, publicly disagree with the clear teaching of Holy Scripture on this point. Read on and be enlightened and consider publicly apologizing to God and His Apostle.

The Apostle John (not some phony Mormon "apostle,") who wrote several books of the Bible disagrees with you, Windsong. The Apostle John, in I John 3:4, writes " sin is the transgression of the law"

I think I will throw in with the Apostle John on this one, Skippy. I suggest that you go back to whatever, "apostle," "prophet" or other Mormon varmint steered you wrong on this and ask him why Mormon doctrine on "sin" and "transgression" is in conflict with what an inspired Apostle of Jesus Christ teaches on the matter.

Thanks for the lunch.
Last edited by beternU
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
Originally posted by beternU:


Really no?
Does no mean no? Is it the Church of no? No you can't come
out and play? What is no?
Did your wife tell you to say that?

Keep Marching,
Skippy Wink

It means nothing. I started to post something there and got interrupted and I have now fully replied to you and completely consumed your lunch, as you can see from the post immediately above yours.
Last edited by beternU
Originally posted by beternU:
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by beternU:


Really no?
Does no mean no? Is it the Church of no? No you can't come
out and play? What is no?
Did your wife tell you to say that?

Keep Marching,
Skippy Wink

It means nothing. I started to post something there and got interrupted and I have now fully replied to you and completely consumed your lunch, as you can see from the post immediately above yours.[/QUOTE

OK Mr. BeternU, I will apologize for that one then.

Originally posted by beternU:
Skippy, you could not be MORE misinformed! The Churches of Christ and Christian Churches do NOT subscribe to the doctrine of total hereditary depravity, which is one of the 5 points of Calvinism, nor do they accept any of the other 4 points of Calvinism. Nor do they believe an innocent child who dies before baptism will not be saved. You can easily Google around and confirm that, but you did not. In the future, I urge you to find and post some documentation for what you assert, so rather than making stuff up out of thin air or getting bad information from persons equally as misinformed as yourself.

As to the Old Testament, what you posted is absolutely laughable. Just look up the phone number of any Church of Christ or Christian Church in your town and call and ask whoever answers if they believe the Old Testament is the Word of God. They will answer in the affirmative, I assure you.

You say, Skippy, that "We know that Adam transgressed but not sinned."
I am astonished, flabbergasted, and shocked that you would come on this public forum, Windsong and, in front of God and everybody, publicly disagree with the clear teaching of Holy Scripture on this point. Read on and be enlightened and consider publicly apologizing to God and His Apostle.

The Apostle John (not some phony Mormon "apostle,") who wrote several books of the Bible disagrees with you, Windsong. The Apostle John, in I John 3:4, writes " sin is the transgression of the law"

I think I will throw in with the Apostle John on this one, Skippy. I suggest that you go back to whatever, "apostle," "prophet" or other Mormon varmint steered you wrong on this and ask him why Mormon doctrine on "sin" and "transgression" is in conflict with what an inspired Apostle of Jesus Christ teaches on the matter.

Thanks for the lunch.


To think I was seriously considering what Windsong asked. To go easy on you.
I'm glad to see I got you out of your shell. I'm so glad you finaly opened up
about something you beleive in, your Church. See it didn't hurt that bad did it?
I'll still think about what Dwight said. He has a good point. I know how bad
your temper can be. You know it's not good for your blood pressure when you get
so upset. As for my source, I didn't need to Google this I found it in one of the
most realible sources I know, Wickapedia. Big Grin Mabey you could refer me to some
other sources. I'm really interested in your Church. That way I don't get mislead
by the wrong sources in the internet.GET IT? Wink

Keep Marching,
Your Brother,
Skippy Cool
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
Originally posted by beternU:


Really no?
Does no mean no? Is it the Church of no? No you can't come
out and play? What is no?
Did your wife tell you to say that?

Keep Marching,
Skippy Wink

My wife is as amused as I am by your and Windsong's amateurish claims to have clairvoyant knowledge of our domestic arrangements. I can understand why Windsong is concerned with such stuff, given his three-strikes-and-out history of marriage to his first wife, who drove him to distraction. I suspect that your interest in my domestic affairs is no more than an attempt to divert me or the forum away from the sustained damage I have inflicted on your heretical, cultic, deranged belief system.
My wife is as amused as I am by your and Windsong's amateurish claims to have clairvoyant knowledge of our domestic arrangements. I can understand why Windsong is concerned with such stuff, given his three-strikes-and-out history of marriage to his first wife, who drove him to distraction. I suspect that your interest in my domestic affairs is no more than an attempt to divert me or the forum away from the sustained damage I have inflicted on your heretical, cultic, deranged belief system.

Can't speak for the rest of the forum but you haven't done any damage to him that I see. He pretty much holds his own with you and bill. What denomination are you bettern-nun? Why are you ashamed to tell us?
For you bettern-nun:

1 Samuel 2:3
3"Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows,
and by him deeds are weighed.

Proverbs 8:13
13To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.

Proverbs 11:2
2When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Proverbs 13:10
10Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

Proverbs 16:18
18Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 29:23
23 A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.

Ecclesiastes 7:8
8The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.

Isaiah 2:11
11The eyes of the arrogant man will be humbled and the pride of men brought low; the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.

Obadiah 1:3
3The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, 'Who can bring me down to the ground?'

2 Corinthians 12:20
For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder.
Originally posted by skippy delepepper:
Originally posted by beternU:
Skippy, you could not be MORE misinformed! The Churches of Christ and Christian Churches do NOT subscribe to the doctrine of total hereditary depravity, which is one of the 5 points of Calvinism, nor do they accept any of the other 4 points of Calvinism. Nor do they believe an innocent child who dies before baptism will not be saved. You can easily Google around and confirm that, but you did not. In the future, I urge you to find and post some documentation for what you assert, so rather than making stuff up out of thin air or getting bad information from persons equally as misinformed as yourself.

As to the Old Testament, what you posted is absolutely laughable. Just look up the phone number of any Church of Christ or Christian Church in your town and call and ask whoever answers if they believe the Old Testament is the Word of God. They will answer in the affirmative, I assure you.

You say, Skippy, that "We know that Adam transgressed but not sinned."
I am astonished, flabbergasted, and shocked that you would come on this public forum, Windsong and, in front of God and everybody, publicly disagree with the clear teaching of Holy Scripture on this point. Read on and be enlightened and consider publicly apologizing to God and His Apostle.

The Apostle John (not some phony Mormon "apostle,") who wrote several books of the Bible disagrees with you, Windsong. The Apostle John, in I John 3:4, writes " sin is the transgression of the law"

I think I will throw in with the Apostle John on this one, Skippy. I suggest that you go back to whatever, "apostle," "prophet" or other Mormon varmint steered you wrong on this and ask him why Mormon doctrine on "sin" and "transgression" is in conflict with what an inspired Apostle of Jesus Christ teaches on the matter.

Thanks for the lunch.


To think I was seriously considering what Windsong asked. To go easy on you.
I'm glad to see I got you out of your shell. I'm so glad you finaly opened up
about something you beleive in, your Church. See it didn't hurt that bad did it?
I'll still think about what Dwight said. He has a good point. I know how bad
your temper can be. You know it's not good for your blood pressure when you get
so upset. As for my source, I didn't need to Google this I found it in one of the
most realible sources I know, Wickapedia. Big Grin Mabey you could refer me to some
other sources. I'm really interested in your Church. That way I don't get mislead
by the wrong sources in the internet.GET IT? Wink

Keep Marching,
Your Brother,
Skippy Cool

Skippy, I have studied comparative religion for over forty years, both formally and on my own initiative. I know enough about the major religious groups in this country to be able to recognize when someone like you is grossly misrepresenting the basic beliefs of any of them. And get this--I am NOT your tutor. If you want to participate in discussions with me, you do your own research and preparation; I don't have time to guide you out of the labyrinth of confusion you have evidently got yourself stuck in. That is YOUR problem.

Unlike you and Windsong, I did not sail into this forum touting a particular belief system as the end-all and be-all. I do not operate a semi-literate blog, as Windsong does--that blithers out all the Mormon doctrines he is brainwashed with. If Windsong had not shown up here to trumpet the alleged superiority of his Mormon cult over all other belief systems,it is unlikely that I would have had any reason to post the rather extensive TRUTHS I have posted lately debunking his asinine assertions.

Why, in any case, should you ask ME to guide you to appropriate web sites? You and Windsong both constantly allege that all you have to do to find the truth (and in Windsong's case, to find an appropriate decaying house with no plumbing) is to pray to God and let the Holy Ghost deliver the goods straight to your brainpan. Why don't you just pray to be led by the Holy Spirit to the web sites that provide the best information on whatever you are trying to get studied up on? Or do you believe that my guidance would be superior to that of the Holy Spirit?

As to my blood pressure, there you go again with your pretense to clairvoyance. My blood pressure stays steady at about 125/80, give or take a few ticks up or down. You, like many others, confuse strong and earnest argumentation with anger. My most common response to the drivel you and Windsong post is wry amusement.

You people are SO shallow!
Last edited by beternU
Beternun you my intellectual friend did get upset.
I knew the only way I could get you to even admit you were a member
of the Church(Churches)of Christ. Your not a very good missionary.
At least Bill tries. You are bitter. You have no life but your imaginary
superiority you beleive you have over every one in this forum. You are
someone who has to stand at the bully pulpit to spew out your hatred of
members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The crap you reference is repulsive. You my bitter brother are repulsive.
You try to belittle others, but what you really do is belittle yourself.
Stone Cambell had no authority. No Priesthood, heck you don't even know
the gift of the Holy Ghost. On the contrary, the Holy Ghost does not seep
into your brain pan as you say. He is felt as a reassuring and warm glow
in your bossom and thru out your body. It is so great knowing the truth,
knowing that Jesus and your Heavenly Father is there close by and loves you
unconditionally. He loves you that way also you just can't feal it because
of your evil attacks on Christ's very own Church. I did nothing to you my
friend. Yet you attack something I hold dear and near. Something I hold
sacred. I beleive that most Churches have truths and came into this forum
hopeing to discuss with different poeple thier beliefs because i am curious.
And enjoy good conversation. I believe everyone has good in them. I am not
preaching in here. So I hope and pray to the one and only Father in Heaven
and I will close in the name of his Holy Son Jesus Christ. I do not like
to be mean or belittle anyone. So relax and take a chill pill. Life is to short
to be a nastey bitter sour puss. You can find love to.

Keep Smiling,
Life is Good, Enjoy it,
Skippy, you are moving ever more away from ISSUES and toward personal attacks. Your most recent deflection is seen in that you have posted FOUR TIMES since I posted the item below, but YOU STILL HAVE NOT RESPONDED TO THIS:

"You say, Skippy, that 'We know that Adam transgressed but not sinned.'

I am astonished, flabbergasted, and shocked that you would come on this public forum, Skippy, and, in front of God and everybody, publicly disagree with the clear teaching of Holy Scripture on this point. Read on and be enlightened and consider publicly apologizing to God and His Apostle.

The Apostle John (not some phony Mormon 'apostle,') who wrote several books of the Bible disagrees with you, Windsong. The Apostle John, in I John 3:4, writes 'sin is the transgression of the law.'"

Your studied avoidance of this obvious, glaring 180-degree contradiction between Mormon teaching and the teaching of the Apostle John is evident to anyone reading the ad hominem tripe you are posting instead of addressing this issue. Tell us, Skippy, is "sin" a "transgression" or is it not? Do you align with the Apostle John or with Mormon doctrine on this point?

Time to cut back on the personal attacks and address the ISSUE, Skippy. Come out, come out, wherever you are. And Windsong, feel free to help Skippy with this task. He obviously needs all the help he can get.

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