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Aliens ..... Ghost..... Supernatural events.....

Do you believe in the paranormal? Anyone have a "close encounter" (no innuendo)

I've met people that didn't believe in aliens but wanted them to be true.... do you fit in this category?

Scientific Proof

The law of thermodynamics, if examined from a different angle, could prove that ghosts exist. Even if it cannot be taken as proof, it could give rise to a number of questions. If these questions are taken seriously and attempts made to find answers to them, we might very well come up with proof that ghosts exist.

What is the law of thermodynamics? Among the gravitational laws, this is the most significant law. A careful study of it reveals the fact that science has already proved that ghosts do exist. According to this law "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change form."

Let us now analyze this law carefully. Energy never dies, according to this important law; instead, energy shifts from one form to the other. Accordingly, the energy that we are is not destroyed by death; it just changes form.

Skeptics would say that our bodies would be decomposed by the action of the microorganisms, and this is how human energy would change form. But, what about the intelligence that gives us an identity? Just consider the amazing nature of our minds and bodies. Would all this just end up as being fodder for the microbes? Does this sound like a fair exchange? The more one questions, the more one feels that there is more to life than what meets the scientific eye.

The world of the paranormal will become familiar to us only if we keep a positive and open mind and study it. Instead of dismissing paranormal experiences as exercises of the imagination, we must get more curious about it and question it. Only then will great knowledge be opened to us.

Abhishek has been interested in the Paranormal since the last 15 years. Apart from having a keen interest in Ghosts, he is also an expert Astral Projector. He has got some great Astral Projection Techniques up his sleeves! For step-by-step instructions on how to successfully Astral Project, download his exhaustive and powerful eBook, "Astral Projection Underground", from his website

consider this warning Paul gave: "See then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off" (Rom. 11:22)

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I remember, many years ago, reading about an experiment that weighed people on their deathbeds, and at the moment of death they weighed a tiny fraction less than when alive. Does energy have weight? I don't know WHY they weighed less at the moment of death.

But, no, I don't believe in ghosts. I have had "supernatural" experiences that I chalk up to demons. Once I drove by a house with a friend of mine and I got the most awful feeling. I asked my friend to drive out of the area quickly because I felt there was evil there.

He told me that someone in that house had committed suicide and it was supposed to be haunted. (I had never heard that story before.) But I told my friend that what I felt wasn't the guy who committed suicied, but I felt whatever it was that DROVE him to commit suicide. I still believe that.

I even had an experience here at my store one day. Some of "my kids" were in here after hours to practice for a gig they had coming up. These kids are good, and have been playing together for quite some time. But that night they couldn't get their guitars in tune. They all kept breaking strings. The PA suddenly cut out for no reason. One of the amps started making weird whispering sounds.

The KIDS said they felt like someone was in here trying to mess things up. They were actually getting scared. So we prayed. We told that demon that our Lord was a lot more powerful than it was, and it had to leave, in the name of Jesus, our Lord.

It left.

As for aliens, yes, I do believe there is life on other planets. The odds of them even FINDING Earth, let alone GETTING here are so slim though, I doubt any of us will ever have an encounter with them.

As a matter of probabilities, there must be alien life elsewhere in the Universe. I doubt seriously that they abduct rednecks at random and make crop circles.

Ever seen any Pale Blue Dot videos? We are a speck in an unimaginably huge Universe. Yes, we broadcast our existence, but only for a very short time in cosmological time scale, and the signals will fade to nothingness in cosmological distance scale before they reach many planets.

Aliens would be cool. I hope we find some, some day.

there are things i have experianced that i cannot explain.

sometimes these things have given me evil dark creepy feelings... some gave me a joyous peaceful feeling.

i don't claim to have met a ghost or spirit or anythign else.

i claim to have had an odd experiance that i cannot explain.

just because *I* cannot explain it doesn't mean it cannot be explained.

as for aliens - i don't honestly believe that we have aliens visitors at this time. i think it's possible we have been visited in the past, not likely maybe, but Possible.... and i hope with all of my heart that we are scheduled for a visit by some friendly advanced aliens in the future - before i die.
sometimes these things have given me evil dark creepy feelings... some gave me a joyous peaceful feeling.

Same here, nagel.
There have been overwhelming sensations. There was a man on the street once, who looked at me with eyes that pierced my soul. Know what I mean? He was EVIL and I knew it. It flipped me out. There is no way to explain how his penetrating stare rattled me. But I sensed and knew it at the time.
Forces all around us.....good and bad! Fo shizzle!
He was evil.

I'm sure he was.

We rather advanced apes have a great and subtle recognition of non-verbal indicators. Think about it, we were non-verbal until only about 100,000 years ago, or less. But we were smart.

We can recognize the maladjusted among us quite often. Not always, more's the pity. We all know that Gray is maladjusted. Oh, he won't abuse children, but his mind is not right. We can all see that. But who is to say that Sofa King is not more subtle in his maladjustment? By the way, I'm picking on Sofa because of his apparent well-adjustedness.

Ted Bundy was a charming, attractive man. His maladjustedness was entirely hidden.

Originally posted by vplee123:
how about those psychic mediums that claim to communicate with the dead? Remember that guy that had that show...John something...from New York... ??crossing over??
Anyone think peeps have these abilities??

total Bunk Vepp...

watch a TV show called The Mentalist.

the idea is - he is a former tv psychic. but a serial killer ets mad at him for taking advantage of suckers and kills his wife and daughter...

so now the 'psychic' uses all of his knowledge to help track down criminals until he can finally nail the guy that destroyed his family.

the show often shows exactly how the tv medium psychic BS people pull their stunts...

also there is a lot of funny in the show, believe it or not... it's very much worth watching.
Nope I don't believe in the supernatural.

But only because I've never seen any evidence of it.

If I could actualy see and confirm a somebody I recognized who is no longer here....I might then consider the possibility of there being a 'god.'

Extraterrestrials? Sure, why not. We're here, they mght's well be, too. Never seen one but I suppose it's a possibility.

I saw Elvis once, but he was still alive back then. Him, I believe in.
Originally posted by Road Puppy:
Nope I don't believe in the supernatural.

But only because I've never seen any evidence of it.

If I could actualy see and confirm a somebody I recognized who is no longer here....I might then consider the possibility of there being a 'god.'

Extraterrestrials? Sure, why not. We're here, they mght's well be, too. Never seen one but I suppose it's a possibility.

I saw Elvis once, but he was still alive back then. Him, I believe in.

So pup,

You are sitting at your hf rig calling cq and a voice burst’ forth and a vk says this is Tom Christian on Pitcairn Island ‘please send ‘ 10 kw generator / diesel and that’s not at least spooky? lol
The man is John Edward (no, not the scumbag who cheated on his dying wife), and his talents seem to be genuine as far as research has shown. He may have a background check done on people in his audience, but he seems to mention specific items that I don't think would turn up. The Amazing Kreskin is another that seems to have ESP.

I fully believe ESP is possible, the brain is so complex and all of us has had those moments of deja vu. As for ghosts or spirits, yes, I do believe and have had some experiences with them. One particular ghost cat that likes to ram legs for instance.

As for aliens in outer space, of course. God would not make an infinite universe just so we can have little twinkles at night. I think there are all kinds of beings, each with their own beliefs but all part of the same universal family.

As the cola man used to say: Marvelous! Big Grin

I would love to meet some ET's if they are out there. And if they are not coming to earth to eat us and make lizard babies with us. Big Grin

As for ghost, esp, supernatural. No. Don't buy it. There is so much proof that these so called psychics are just flim flam artist that I don't understand how anyone could believe in them.

I agree with thenagel on the show The Mentalist. It highlights how this kind of thing is done without knowing anything about the person you are reading. Just like I developed a very keen sense of how to read a customer when they came in the store I worked at. I knew the moment that I had them sold and I knew when to back up and go at it from another angle, by just the slightest change in body language. I'm not special nor do I have powers, but after 10 years of reading people I got dang good at it.
Originally posted by vplee123:
As for ghosts or spirits, yes, I do believe and have had some experiences with them

B50, do tell!!!

LOL. I think I mentioned it before. But if not,

I love cats. I always have 4 or 5 at a time. I also end up with an alpha male. Since 1978, I have had three alpha males. The first was Cleon, he lived 14 and half years. His successor Taz, (no relation),which looked exactly like him, lived 13 years. I now have the third which also looks like the first two. My males have always protected my kids. When they were babies, Cleon would be a 'walker' for my son and my other male Fred (black Persian, missing a back leg) was the 'walker' for my daughter.

After my first male passed away, we were all very upset. My son was about 16 when it happened. One night as he was crossing our living room, I saw Cleon come out of the wall, run in front of my son actually causing him to trip and stumble, then run into the far side wall. My son saw the cat as well. Now, had he not felt the impact and stumbled, I would have said we both hallucinated, but he had the proof. He felt the blow and stumbled.

Cleon made other appearances after that until we got Taz, then no more appearances. We always assumed that Cleon's spirit entered Taz, and they became one. Now you can spend all day telling me it didn't happen, but I and my son know it did.

After Fred died, his ghost would sleep on my daughter's bed at night. She could feel the bed sink in where he laid down. I entered her room one morning and actually saw his black form on the bed for just a second. Now, do I need a shrink? LOL.

There are a few more, but I think that will get you all wondering for the day. Big Grin
Originally posted by b50m:
One night as he was crossing our living room, I saw Cleon come out of the wall, run in front of my son actually causing him to trip and stumble, then run into the far side wall. My son saw the cat as well. Now, had he not felt the impact and stumbled, I would have said we both hallucinated, but he had the proof. He felt the blow and stumbled.

After Fred died, his ghost would sleep on my daughter's bed at night. She could feel the bed sink in where he laid down. I entered her room one morning and actually saw his black form on the bed for just a second. Now, do I need a shrink? LOL.

I believe in things like that.

Now we will have another topic started by our Christian resident, Bill Gary, covering this.

Don't be surprised if he says you are demon possessed. Big Grin
I do believe in ESP. I think it comes from a part of our brains that is usually dormant in most people. It seems that people who are related to each other are more likely to be able to communicate this way.

Look at all the stories about identical twins who KNEW when one of them was hurt or killed, even when they were in another city.

I had a touch of it with my mother. I remember distinctly when I was in third grade, sitting in class and getting a STRONG feeling that something bad had happened to my mother. I was upset all day. When I got home I found my Mom's had bandaged with thirteen stitches that she had had to get after cutting herself. I asked her if it happened about 11:30 that morning, and sure enough, it had.

As previously stated, the mathematical odds favor the existence life of some sort elsewhere in the universe. I just don't think that we have any proof of intelligent extraterrestrial visitors here on earth (even though I saw a UFO on another continent as a child). Still, extraterrestrial life cannot rightly be considered "supernatural" or "paranormal".

Hopefully though, we'll meet the lizards first, they'll recognize us as their gods and gladly be hosts for our pink an brown babies after which they'll be honored to be their doting nannies. In exchange we can teach them about skin care.

I am a bit shocked though that some of the good people here may actually still believe in psychics and ESP and such. That stuff has been so long debunked by former charlatans, among others, that I didn't expect it to be a debatable issue.

It's all just a bunch of tricks folks. Penn & Teller don't actually do magic, catch bullets or read minds either. They're just clever tricks that take advantage of our senses. Our ancient brains are susceptible to such things and are easily exploitable (hopefully, for entertainment purposes only).
I once moved into a house that people said was haunted. I didn't believe in ghost so I thought "no problem".
Turned out, every night without fail ,at 11pm there were footsteps in the attic, walking back and forth. Had a stairway that led to the attic, and could go up there, open the door, and see nothing but insulation.
Occasionally, I would see a door open, or shut. Once a rocking chair in my bedroom just started rocking with no one there.
We brought in a German Sheppard dog one evening. All was ok, until 11PM and the dog started going absolutly nuts, barking, and whining. A door "opened" . We re-shut it and locked it, but about 5 minutes later, it opened again, the dog ran out and jumped through a window that was closed breaking the glass. After that, the dog wouldn't go back into the house.
After a lot of that, and some more stuff , I decided that there was something happening that was outside my ability to understand. I call it a ghost for lack of a better name.

After I moved out, I asked the landlord if he knew anything about the ghost; he said there had long been a story of a white man who married an Indian woman , and had killed her and thrown her in a pit under the house, and she was the ghost .
Haven't experienced anything like that since, and hope never to do so again.

I have never seen a space alien , but there seems to be a lot of evidence in ancient structures that indicate some advanced knowledge was here thousands of years ago. Wwhere did it come from, and what happened to it ? Questions, questions, but no answers - YET !
Originally posted by vplee123:
YES!!! John Edward- Crossing over.
I used to watch him all the time, and freak myself out. lol.

He certainly did look legitimate, but I guess he would still be on the air if he was. Frowner

I kind of think that psychic ability may be just a heightened acuity.

i encourage strongly everyone who enjoys thinking for themselves to hunt up a Showtime TV show called "Penn & Teller's ********"

the do an episode about these people... they sneak a guy with a camera into a private reading... and they show the scattershot rapid fire questions....

' ok.. i see a man.. an older man.. he has white hair.. maybe blonde... he's sitting behind you, strokeing his beard.. no.. not a beard.. he has a hat.. a hat and brow nhair.. and he's standing beside you.. he looks a little younger than you... anyone liek that.. is it a woamn? a blonde woman? your mom? no.. o not mom.. it's your grandmother... she's been watchign you fro mbeyond the veil

" grandma's alive"

" maybe an aunt.. did you have a neighbor growing up, close the the family.."

and fianlly end up with his father brother who died at the age of 3 was tryign to send him a message not to take a trip to the middle east...

these people grab questions and throw them at the wall like wet spagetti, and if anything sticks they run with it like they knew exactly what they were doing.

net flicks.. whatever.. find this tv show.. it's amazing.

especailly the episode on dolphins. i laughed until i thought i was gonan die.
Originally posted by thenagel:
Originally posted by vplee123:
YES!!! John Edward- Crossing over.
I used to watch him all the time, and freak myself out. lol.

He certainly did look legitimate, but I guess he would still be on the air if he was. Frowner

I kind of think that psychic ability may be just a heightened acuity.

i encourage strongly everyone who enjoys thinking for themselves to hunt up a Showtime TV show called "Penn & Teller's ********"

the do an episode about these people... they sneak a guy with a camera into a private reading... and they show the scattershot rapid fire questions....

' ok.. i see a man.. an older man.. he has white hair.. maybe blonde... he's sitting behind you, strokeing his beard.. no.. not a beard.. he has a hat.. a hat and brow nhair.. and he's standing beside you.. he looks a little younger than you... anyone liek that.. is it a woamn? a blonde woman? your mom? no.. o not mom.. it's your grandmother... she's been watchign you fro mbeyond the veil

" grandma's alive"

" maybe an aunt.. did you have a neighbor growing up, close the the family.."

and fianlly end up with his father brother who died at the age of 3 was tryign to send him a message not to take a trip to the middle east...

these people grab questions and throw them at the wall like wet spagetti, and if anything sticks they run with it like they knew exactly what they were doing.

net flicks.. whatever.. find this tv show.. it's amazing.

especailly the episode on dolphins. i laughed until i thought i was gonan die.

Nagel, I can see you laughing and slappin’ yo laigs over something like that. Roll Eyes

You probably weren't too far from gettin' a kick out of it, Eeker
I firmly believe in a very active and enormous Spiritual Realm that exist apart from the Physical world and Universe. I further believe that the physical laws of science and this world not only do not apply to the Spiritual Realm/world but that Physical Science cannot categorize, measure, see, touch, or recognize the Spiritual realm.

That said I also believe, very much so, in Angels and Demons and therefore since there are many unanswered questions about the afterlife and where a persons inner spirit resides after physical death and separation from the physical body I have nothing that would rule out the existence of these as "Ghost". As to any interaction or ability to interact between the physical and spiritual realms I do not believe there exist that capability. I believe once that barrier is passed that the spiritual entity cannot interact directly, in an evidential way, with the physical world. I further do believe in Satan that Satan or who some call the Devil, exist and is a very, extremely, powerful angel that has powers greater than man can conceive. I believe that Demons are also spiritual entities that have allegiance to satan and rebelled against God and His angels and that apart from the physical realm there is a very active spiritual war being waged.

I do though believe Angels and Demons have the capability to interact with the physical world and I very much believe that I have had one very vivid and real encounter with an angel when I was around 5 to 7 years old but not in a way that I could see, visually, the entity but a result of an action by the angel or entity.

Regarding aliens. I, as a Christian, would not be shaken or bothered if aliens were ever proven to exist. I actually believe as great as God's Creation is and vast as it is that God has established other physical life in other parts of the physical Universe. I believe very strongly if encounters with such alien life were to happen that the sole and only common point between us life forms would be a connection to the common Creator (God). I realize that others don't believe in Creation or Intelligent Design and that's alright, I choose to believe differently and only mention it here in this thread because of the statement about aliens or other life existing in addition to what is on this earth. Those that do not believe in God or a Creator very likely would admit or say that they believe life could exist on other planets or places in the universe account of the likelihood that a positive environment existing on another planet, as large as the universe is, would be very high.

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