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The opponents of the new national health insurance law, including the chronically lachrymose John Boehner, are fond of saying that "Obamacare" will destroy "the best health care system in the world." There are comparisons that show that in quite a few categories of health and health care, this nation is lagging behind.


"Let’s be clear at the beginning that not every maternal death can be prevented. Still, almost all maternal deaths are preventable. The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (2000) set our national goal for a maternal death ratio to be no higher than 3.3 deaths per 100,000 live births by 2010. Unfortunately, we are far from achieving that goal—in fact, we are moving in the wrong direction.

Currently, according to the World Health Organization and several United Nations agencies, the United States ranks behind no fewer than forty other nations in preventing maternal deaths (based upon the official but unreliable number*). (2 Hill et al., 2007) In 1982, the U.S. ratio was 7.5 deaths per 100,000 births. In 2004, it was 13.2 deaths per 100,000. In 2005, the last year for which we have figures, the maternal death ratio was 15.1 deaths per 100,000 births. For African-American women, the ratio was an outrageous 34.5 deaths per 100,000 births. (Kung, Hoyert, Xu, & Murphy, 2008) In other words, for all U.S. women the maternal death ratio is almost 5 times as high as it should be, and for African-American women, it is more than 10 times what it should be."

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The RepubTEACons will now proclaim that your info is faulty and the UN is a communist plot to ruin Merica.

Health care in the USA costs 17% (almost $3tillion)of GDP which is about double that of many other nations that get as least as good of outcomes. Our care SHOULD be FAR better than any other nation.

The RepubTEACons have aligned their party as corporatists and will, till their last breath, advocate for the needs of the few to profit, over the needs of the many.
The reason this is even in question is that the Democrats allowed the Republicans to control the message, and still do.
The bill was referred to as "health care reform" but actually had nothing to do with health care delivery.
What it is, and should have been called is "Health Care Insurance reform".
Boehner can't keep from lieing about most everything, (all the while talking about how he preys and his "faith"), and he of course can't help but lie about this affecting health care.
Maybe a better term would be best healthcare not "best healthcare system". Because the "system" is truly broken.

While it is a very complex problem one of the biggest problems is the U.S. medical consumer. The U.S. medical consumer is very spoiled. They insist on uneeded procedures, brand name drugs when an equally effective generic is available and uneeded office visits. They refuse to change their unhealthy life style and give up their processed foods, high sugar soft drinks, fried foods and tobacco just to mention a few.

In Europe with so called free healthcare and with better maternal outcomes many women see midwives for normal uncomplicated pregnancies and deliver at home. They don't have sonograms just to see what sex their child is. If they are in the hosp. for their delivery they aren't in a private or semi private room.

So until the U.S. medical consurmer comes to grips with their complicity as part of the problem the U.S. "system" will remain broken and costs will continue to rise.

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