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Bush Scandals List:
updated 10/09/07, recent changes in red. please contact us with corrections and additions.

INTRODUCTION: George Bush, the Connecticut cowboy, the good old boy from Yale is a man of mediocre intelligence, little imagination, and great stubbornness and vindictiveness. He may be the Decider but his handlers have long known how to manipulate him. The key is to hook him with short, simple sells. Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice know that once he has consulted his gut and perhaps his higher father his decision is forever. So whoever gets to him first is likely to carry the day because he doesn't like to be challenged and is, quite simply, too lazy to change his mind. The Bubble is a natural consequence of this decision making process where logic, reason, and facts have little or no role.
....Bush's Presidency began in the shadow of a contested and likely stolen election and promised to be unsuccessful in a largely forgettable and unremarkable way. 911 changed all that and transformed a plodding, and essentially AWOL one termer into an accidental hero. Enormous power flowed to his office but Bush had no idea how to use it. He liked to campaign, not govern. In those around him, he prized loyalty over competence and honesty. A believer in the notion of "to the victor go the spoils," he was the perfect mark for every conniver, bumbler, bungler, hack, hanger on, and would be crony that Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and their friends could find. In the normal course of things, this would have spelled failure. Post-911, it was catastrophic.
....At this critical juncture in our history we needed an adult but got an adolescent. Instead of responsibility, we got a truant. In place of flexibility we got obduracy. In the face of great and complex challenges, we got strawmen, a black and white universe, my way or the highway, regurgitated stump speeches, and a steadfast refusal to compromise not just with opponents but with reality.
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Originally posted by interventor:
Don't forget the Alamo, Rove was the chief Mexican military advisor.

Or, the Great Fire of London. I believe Christopher Wren spoke of Bush, but was it Senior, Junior or the dastardly Prescott?

The Great Fire of Rome, may not have been Bush's fault. But, where was Cheney at the time?

Rove was the evil of the so called republican God party who used God to get his boys in power.
Don't forget the Bubonic Plague, it was Bush's fault for not providing government health care back then.

It was also his fault that the Hindenburg blew up, he wanted air travel to be powered by engines so he could increase his oil profits.

Cheney caused the great depression by making lots of money through Haliburton and not leaving any for the rest of the country.

Let's impeach them now! It will probably be 2009 by the time the process runs it's course, but at least we can say we impeached them.
And some mighty fine boots they are, thank you. Smiler
These boots are made for walkin'...

Actually, y'all don't have to worry about Bush anymore. A reliable source said Hillary misplaced her PMS meds and while searching found Bush, giggling maniacally, shooting them one by one into his favorite jelly bean jar. They haven't seen him since.

President Bush Makes Fun of Himself (really)
Originally posted by zippadeedoodah:
They forgot the Chicago fire. Bush actually kicked over the lantern and blamed it on Mrs. O'Leary's cow, whose name happened to be Valerie. Later, he caused the Northridge earthquake.

Netroots? It should be called nutroots.

Lets see you make good jokes of the Scandals List. let us put down some of the real Scandals Of the Bush and his republicans

The article will tell you if you read it Tom Delay, creator of the K Street Project, squeezing lobbyists to finance Republicans only, indicted for conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws (money laundering) in Texas.

Mark Foley, chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, resigned over the House page scandal: sending sexually explicit messages to pages

Terri Schiavo (family and privacy rights in end of life cases); Senate Majority leader Bill Frist making his famous (and erroneous) video diagnosis; the memo written by Brian Darling, the legal counsel for Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) that the Schiavo case was a great political issue which could be used against the Democratic Senator from Florida Bill Nelson. Republicans who had cast the Schiavo case as a "moral" issue initially declared the memo a Democratic plant and dirty trick before the real source came out.

Big budget deficits and vastly increased national debt; the national debt as of the date of Bush's 2001 inauguration was $5.7 trillion in mid-April 2007 it was $8.8 trillion an increase of 35%.
Originally posted by NashBama:
Don't forget the Bubonic Plague, it was Bush's fault for not providing government health care back then.

It was also his fault that the Hindenburg blew up, he wanted air travel to be powered by engines so he could increase his oil profits.

Cheney caused the great depression by making lots of money through Haliburton and not leaving any for the rest of the country.

Let's impeach them now! It will probably be 2009 by the time the process runs it's course, but at least we can say we impeached them.

Are you not using the same slogans that the Democrats used on the Republicans when you right wingers were cutting down Clinton?
Last edited by Jan55
Yes, we all know that Mr. Bush has a stellar record and that history will prove the wisdom of his murderous policies. He is actually one of the greatest presidents this country has ever had -- it's just that we don't know it yet.

The truth is that this administration has been a total "disaster", not only for us Americans, but for the whole world. History will prove their total incompetence as leaders. They have destroyed virtually every ounce of good will the US has built up around the world since its inception.

Emperor Bush's imperialistic actions benefit his rich cronies at the expense of the rest of us unfortunates.
Originally posted by interventor:
PBA, Pogo, PB,

The moonbats on the left have hollered wolf so long and loud, no one's listening any more. Even the liberals in Congress are slowly backing away like someone does from a familar pooch that's starting to foam at the mouth. Its called over kill.

interventor, You stand to be corrected. First of all, you don't have but two or three liberals in the democratic congress. And these are the democrats that speak up more than the conservative democrats who have joined the conservative republicans. You conservatives look at liberals as though they are invading the country. But the dangers are not liberals. The dangers are the right wing nuts from the conservative side of the democrats and republicans. If you had liberal democratic controlled congress, Bush and Cheney would be impeached and put in jail. You don't have that, so that won't happen. You have conservative corporate republicans and democrats controlling the house and senate, all who have been purchased by corporations.

interventor, No one's hollering wolf. If anything is being hollered it's Wake Up America! The Bush and republican scandles speak for theirselves. All you have to do is take time to read it.
Originally posted by interventor:
interventor, You stand to be corrected.
Actually, I'm sitting quite comfortably with an ice cold martini. But, I stand by my statement., et at, have poisoned the well so that even botoxed, permanently startled Pelosi is frowning.

It really makes you wonder which is right or wrong Fox or move on. We know the conservatives of the right wing do their part and very good at what they do, like the lies they tell to cover Your King George.

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