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of the persons occupying these overloaded dwellings?

This city in South Carolina needs to quickly get about the business of limiting the number of occupants in single-family dwellings. They probably have not seen any need for such a restriction until now, since the phenomenon of scads of people holing up in one house is one of fairly recent origin. If you are watchful as you drive around the Shoals, you can see some instances of this kind of thing. One clue is when you see 6 or 8 vehicles of not-very-recent vintage parked in front of one small-to-medium-sized "single-family" house. These are not college kids crashing in one house. These are persons who have arrived recently in our area, having travelled from afar to find work. You will see more of this as time goes by.
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really though, a restriction on how many people can live in a house is absolute rubbish..if i pay 70,000 for a house, then its mine, and if i want to have 30 roommates then i feel as i have a right to do so. increase in accidents? hmm..look at apartment complexes, they dont have more accidents in and around them where 100's of people live. the underlying message of that article has to do with illegal aliens, because i bet if it was white people in the houses, most people wouldnt care.
Originally posted by thomaswayne0907:
really though, a restriction on how many people can live in a house is absolute rubbish..if i pay 70,000 for a house, then its mine, and if i want to have 30 roommates then i feel as i have a right to do so. increase in accidents? hmm..look at apartment complexes, they dont have more accidents in and around them where 100's of people live. the underlying message of that article as to do with illegal aliens, because i bet if it was white people in the houses, most people wouldnt care.

"[R]ubbish," you say!! Well, thomaswayne, ole son, I daresay you will find few who agree with you on this other than perhaps some unreconstructed rednecks. When a subdivision is zoned as "SINGLE-FAMILY Residential," it is clearly intended that the dwelling in that subdivision be occupied by a single family, and NOT by a ragtag bunch of mostly single persons temporarily in the area for employment and mostly unrelated to one another. Most subdivisions developed in the last 30 years or so have "covenants, conditions and restrictions" that enforce this expectation. So you go ahead and load up that "70,000" house with 20 or more renters and let them park their rustbucket cars all over the driveway and the lawn and see how long the neighbors are willing to put up with that without invoking the processes spelled out in either local ordinances or in the covenants, conditions, etc. tied to the property or to both these legal control mechanisms.

One more thing, thomaswayne--Are you perhaps a landlord to one or more assemblages of persons living elbow to kneebone in one or more rental properties of your own? I ask that because I find it hard to understand why anyone not standing to gain from such an arrangement could find any real reason to defend it.
Last edited by beternU
Originally posted by thomaswayne0907:
really though, a restriction on how many people can live in a house is absolute rubbish..if i pay 70,000 for a house, then its mine, and if i want to have 30 roommates then i feel as i have a right to do so. increase in accidents? hmm..look at apartment complexes, they dont have more accidents in and around them where 100's of people live. the underlying message of that article has to do with illegal aliens, because i bet if it was white people in the houses, most people wouldnt care.

The answer is to place ordinances as to how many vehicles can be parked in certain places and how much trash can be visible from outside.

this practice in done in the Shoals.

The sure all is to enforce immigration laws and the laws that forbid employing them.
What would the number of people living in one home be restricted to? 6? 8? 10? What about families such as the Duggar family? ( Duggar Family Homepage) Would they have an unfair burden placed on them to seek an exemption because of their family size?

If you have a problem with illegals being here, get rid of the illegals. Don't make laws that impose on law abiding citizens because of a problem caused by illegal, non-law abiding immigrants.
Hound dog, I was taught that if a number was used which was less than 13, the word was used instead of digits. This would not bother most of us, but to a purist??? Check it out!

You are absolutely right. I think the point here is: if you are going to criticize spelling you should be perfect yourself (and that includes grammar and typing numbers correctly).
Originally posted by beternU:
of the persons occupying these overloaded dwellings?

This city in South Carolina needs to quickly get about the business of limiting the number of occupants in single-family dwellings. They probably have not seen any need for such a restriction until now, since the phenomenon of scads of people holing up in one house is one of fairly recent origin. If you are watchful as you drive around the Shoals, you can see some instances of this kind of thing. One clue is when you see 6 or 8 vehicles of not-very-recent vintage parked in front of one small-to-medium-sized "single-family" house. These are not college kids crashing in one house. These are persons who have arrived recently in our area, having travelled from afar to find work. You will see more of this as time goes by.

I fail to see the difference between college students living in a house, and non college students living in a house. Who told you these people are not related?
Ethnicity has nothing to do with seeing a large group of people living in the same homes. It could be that there are people who do not make enough money to be able to live in their own home, so they live with family memebers or friends. I did not move from my home until I was 26. I had a car that was not-very-recent vintage and so did my sister, my brother and my mom and dad. I also had a baby sister that was still living at home. Some families prefer their children stay at home until they marry or are out of college. We did have the occasional child that came to stay with our family because they were having problems in their homes. And have you considered maybe the views on the "extended family" in this unnamed ethnic group may be very different to your own views. I don't think you should be quick to say anything about one ethnicity until you are sure there is no one of your own ethnicity doing the same. Wink
I think that you are judging people and how they live without a fair trial. If you have a problem with a certain house and its occupants and you think they are doing something wrong, such as housing illegals or a drug house, make a complaint. you have to realize that everyone has rights and just because you think they arenot right doesnot mean make it so. put your name on a complaint and see how fast a defense attorney would chew you up. it is not the business of the government to tell people how many can live in their home so why is it yours?
Originally posted by Do the Right Thing:
Originally posted by beternU:
of the persons occupying these overloaded dwellings?

This city in South Carolina needs to quickly get about the business of limiting the number of occupants in single-family dwellings. They probably have not seen any need for such a restriction until now, since the phenomenon of scads of people holing up in one house is one of fairly recent origin. If you are watchful as you drive around the Shoals, you can see some instances of this kind of thing. One clue is when you see 6 or 8 vehicles of not-very-recent vintage parked in front of one small-to-medium-sized "single-family" house. These are not college kids crashing in one house. These are persons who have arrived recently in our area, having travelled from afar to find work. You will see more of this as time goes by.

I fail to see the difference between college students living in a house, and non college students living in a house. Who told you these people are not related?

I agree; there is no real difference. The zoning laws and the covenants, etc. should be enforced irrespective of the makeup of the occupants. I was simply trying to point out that one tempting conclusion--especially in an area with a large university student population--would be that the occupants were college kids, but that in the matter under discussion, that is NOT the likely case.

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