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Originally posted by interventor1:

The warrantless phone taps were for call originating outside the US and mainly from areas such as Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan. Even then, the calls could not be used as evidence in a trial. Such taps have ceased and the subject is now mute.
How do you know that they were only for those types of calls ? How do you know they are stopped ? Bush says so ! He's a known liar, the truth is not in him.

From my reading of the executive order, the owner of the pharmacy may refuse to fill such scripts, not the employee.

It is my understanding that anybody, even the clerk running the cash register, can fefuse to sell without reprecussions. I believe you are wrong on this point.
Its the left that wishes to require all medical personnel to participate in abortions under force of imprisonment, not just loss of their medical credentials. Nowhere in Europe are the present US abortion laws so lenient, let alone such a travesty.

As I have said before, the government (you know the same one you keep hounding on that shouldn't be in your business) should have absolutly no business in this matter. Only the mother, and her doctor should have input into this. By no means does this make anyone "pro abortion" . To say as much is just an outright lie, but the matter should not be in the arena of politics or the government.

Is that all you've got? Still no source for the claim about the constitution, I see.

You have forgotten that under Bush's direction a person can be declared some sort of enemy of the state and held without trial . Only one step away from arresting and jailing his political enemys.
only time right now for one rebuttle, of sorts.
I'll answer w/ a question: If it was Bush who led us to the brink of depression, and not the Dodds and Franks and the those who ran Fannie and Freddie and the like, tell me how the entire globe happens to be in the very same predicament (sp) at the very same time? Did Bush and the republicans run Japan, countries in the EC, middle east, China and so on? For a guy so many think is stupid, he sure was able to pull one over on the whole world! Diabolical brilliance instead.
As to the phone taps, in 20 days, its mute!

As to the Executive Order, neither the President or Congress may violate the law of contracts. If a employer wishes to dismiss an employee, he may, with certain protected classes, excepted.

Give an example of an enemy of the state arrest of a US citizen. Or, the source for the statement about the constitution.
Give an example of an enemy of the state arrest of a US citizen. Or, the source for the statement about the constitution.

There is no example of either thing.All you have is the deranged blatherings of the left.If we had took a do nothing approach to the War on Terror and been attacked again the same left wing loonies who are screaming "INVASION OF PRIVACY"right now would be screaming"HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE ANTICIPATED THIS ATTACK WITH OUR MODERN TECHNOLOGY?"Unfortunatly for Bush his whole Presidency has had a dammed if you do,dammed if you don't feel to it because of the left wing politicians and journalist.(That word makes me want to gag.)

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