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Matt Osborne

I just read the entire Bible in two days; it completely exonerates Satan.

On or about 100 AD, the Lord submitted to humanity “a confessional report explaining the ****ation or salvation decisions” He has reached.
The Lord thoroughly investigated allegations that Lucifer conspired with the Pharisees to interfere in the ministry of Jesus Christ, or sought to influence the related Roman investigation. In the report, the Lord noted that He employed more than 80 prophets, issued at least 66 books, distributed over 150 psalms, and executed an estimated 2.8 million sinners.

The Lord’s report is divided into two parts.

The first describes the results of the Lord’s creation of the heavens and the earth, and of human beings, His guidance of the Israelites, and their failure to live up to His expectations. Satan’s conduct during the tribulations of Job and the Babylonian conquest came under close examination. The Lord considered whether to evaluate this conduct under heavenly standards governing ****ation and salvation decisions, but did not make a final judgment.

The second part addresses a number of actions by Satan that the Lord investigated as potentially raising obstruction of divine justice concerns.

After making a “thorough factual investigation” into these matters, the Lord did not find that any demonic entity conspired or knowingly coordinated with the Pharisees or Sadducees, although the Heavenly Father brought charges against a number of individuals in connection with these activities, including a garden snake and an apostle.
Divine regulations prevent the unsealing of scrolls that could affect ongoing Revelations.

Matt Osborne


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