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Hi to my Forum Friends,

When I received the November 2011 issue of the Acts & Facts magazine from the Institute For Creation Research, there were several articles I wanted to share with you.  But, I procrastinated.  Today, the following article appeared on Facebook -- and got me off my "couch potato" butt.  So, I am sharing part of the article here.  To read the full article you will need to visit the URL shown below  the title.

Or, you can visit and click on Current Issue in the left panel to read the full September issue -- or visit the Recent Articles section in the left panel to read from past issues.

But, let me point out a phrase in the excerpt below which might be confusing to some.  The phrase, or title, "scientific creationist" is not referring to a Creation Scientist such as one will find working, lecturing, and writing for the Institute For Creation Research.

By "scientific creationist" the writer is referring to those Christian scientists who have chosen to compromise the teachings of God's Word by attempting to adapt it to fit secular science's wants and beliefs.   Two current examples are:

Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director of NIH, founder and previous president of the BioLogos Foundation, who tells us, "Given the diverse  theological backgrounds of our staff and of the BioLogos community in general, we have chosen not to adopt a specific (Christian) Statement of Faith."

Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons To Believe ministry preaches a similar compromise.  With a Ph.D in astronomy and astrophysics, he promotes progressive and day-age forms of old Earth creationism.

In other words, both, and all who will compromise the Word of God, throw out the book of Genesis and replace it with secular science, or other, teachings.

Darwin's Sacred Imposter: Natural Selection's Idolatrous Trap
by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.*
Acts & Facts, November 2011 Issue

A major university promoted an annual Diversity Day that featured almost any organization willing to set up a booth.  At one booth, a student was given a small carved statue that, he was told, had the power to select his best soul mate from all the girls he’d ever met.  He asked how a statue could truly select, but was provided an unsatisfying, unquantifiable, mystical answer.

He then visited the Humanist Club exhibit, where an evolutionist from Princeton University quoted a colleague who said:

Biological change is always driven by random mutation and selection, but at certain pivotal junctures in evolutionary  history, such random processes can create structures capable of steering subsequent evolution toward greater  sophistication and complexity. (1)


Thinking the evolutionist’s words also had a mystical flavor, the student asked what actually does the “selecting.”  The evolutionist  replied, “Environmental stresses.”  The student pointed out that, by definition, “selecting” something implied volition and was presumptive evidence of intelligence.  So how could selection by environmental stresses be any more tangible than selection by the statue in his pocket?  The professor fired back that “selection” in this case was obviously just a figure of speech.

By coincidence, a "scientific creationist" speaking at the adjacent booth said, “Beneficial mutations in bacteria are more likely to have phenotypic impacts, or changes to observable characteristics, and undergo stronger positive selection.”   The student asked him the same follow-up questions and was surprised to get the identical answers given by the evolutionist.  After the student expressed his skepticism that no real “selection” was involved in adaptation, the creationist probed him: “So you’re saying that you  don’t believe in natural selection and it isn’t even real?”

The student responded, “I’m saying that those who think they see positive selection, negative selection, or just plain natural selection, never seem to point to any tangible exogenous selector or selecting force to justify using the word ‘selection’ — and evolutionists definitely cannot appeal to it as a real force capable of explaining design.”  He added further, “All that purveyors of  ‘selection’ do is attribute choice-making abilities to Nature and give it credit for an organism’s endogenous capabilities to produce traits that solve environmental problems, enabling them to fit environments and fill them.”

Later, at home, the student pondered these interactions.  Despite it being Diversity Day, when it came to the key issue of ascribing selective powers to inanimate objects, he did not see much diversity between the statue merchant, the evolutionist, and the creationist.

“Selective” Attributes Bestowed on Nature Ascribe Great Creative Power:

Living organisms fit into their environments extremely well because they have suitable intricately arranged parts that look as though they were chosen for specific purposes.  Darwin knew people thought the cause of the obvious design in nature was God.  He  needed a mechanism, an inanimate substitute god with that one essential attribute — the perceived ability to “think.”   

Nature did not need to really think.  It only needed to seem like it could think in order to plant in people's minds the thought that nature's design only looked like it was real — though it wasn't.  He (Darwin) struck on a clever solution: Take something within nature, living organisms, and when certain heritable traits appear in their offspring that solve environmental stresses (yet another part  of nature), depict them as being “selected for” by those same environmental stresses — voilà, Nature selects.

Darwin’s application of mystical powers to natural selection was immediately spotted and severely criticized. (2)   Darwin and his followers have all been forced to concede that selection is a false term when applied to interactions at the organism-environment interface — but they always justify metaphorical usage.  Selection was resisted for decades precisely because there was no empirical evidence for a selector — evidence that still remains non-existent.

Thus, creationists have been encouraged to re-evaluate all evolutionary ideas — even those presumed to be well established like  “natural selection” — to assess their biblical accuracy and scientific reality, and replace them with better explanations.  Toward that end, a series of previous Acts & Facts articles (2) documented, at length, the following observations:

Bill Gray note: You will need to visit the September 2011 issue to read these previous articles: -- select Recent Issues.


Note:  Bold, italic, underline, and parenthetical emphasis in the excerpt above are mine.

If you find this issue of Acts & Facts useful, you might want to visit: -- and request to receive your own personal subscription which comes monthly via snail-mail.   This is an offer you cannot refuse!  The price is right:  FREE!

So, what do you have to lose?  And, just imagine the hours of interesting reading each month -- as you grow more knowledgeable of this amazing universe which God has created?  

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1)  AMEN!

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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quote:  Originally Posted by Aristophanes:

"Creation Research" - A bunch of guys sitting around saying "Yep, God did it."

Hi Ari,


ATHEIST -- a bunch of guys sitting around say, "There is no God!"  


To be honest with you -- I find the first group, the Creation Scientists, to have better heads on their shoulders.  And, that is a group I most definitely want to be hanging with when our Lord comes back to Rapture His church.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,





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I find it interesting, Bill, that you allow them to violate your one hard and fast rule regarding religious websites. 


Otherwise, once again, this is a group of people who are trying to twist reality in order to keep their idiotic religious house of cards from falling.  Bill equates everyone who understands and promotes science with atheism, which of course is just wrong.  It is only the fundamentalist wackos who can't accept science.  These folks at ICS are fundamentalist wackos, and the article above shows that they have no understanding of the science, or at least understand it enough to be dishonest about it.  ©

Last edited by CrustyMac
quote:   Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

I find it interesting, Bill, that you allow them to violate your one hard and fast rule regarding religious websites. 

Hi Crusty,


All you had to do is ask:


Here you will find their:  "Principles of Biblical Creationism" and their "Principles of Scientific Creationism" which constitutes their Statement of Belief or Statement of Faith.   You really should read both of these.  It will most certainly improve your education and your knowledge of God's Word.


Is now a good time for you to cry, "UNCLE"?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,





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quote:  Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

I will admit I was mistaken about the statement of faith, I mistook one crazy bunch for another when I was skimming.  Otherwise, I stand by the rest of my post.  Wackos.  The Scholastics solved the "problem" of science and the Bible - there is no science in the Bible. 

Hi Crusty,


The Bible is NOT a science book; it is basically a history book.   Yet, it tells us how all the sciences and their governing laws were created.   And, when the Bible does touch on aspects of science; there is no error.


However, if you will lay aside your prejudgment of the Acts & Facts magazine from the Institute For Creation Research -- you will find a lot of solid science being explained in it.   Acts & Facts for Creation Science material ( ) and Israel My Glory ( ), published by The Friends Of Israel Gospel Ministry, a bimonthly magazine with great theological and Biblical articles -- are two of the absolute best periodicals/magazines I receive.   And, the price is right on both -- FREE!


Crusty, I only ask you, and our other Forum Friends, to have an open mind.  The magazines are free -- so, what do you have to lose?   And, there is so much to be gained by reading this material.  Hey, I subscribe to several magazines from churches I know to be cults.  Why?  Because these churches are offshoots of the old Worldwide Church of God and their scholars have great knowledge regarding current events seen through the lens of the Bible.  I learn from those articles -- and, I ignore their theology.  Works for me.  Why don't you try this with the two magazines I recommend?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



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You are correct, the Bible is not a science book.  You are wrong on the rest of it, though.  There is no science in the Bible, and the Bible doesn't "touch" on science.  When you finally open your mind up to it, you will find wonderful things in science.  I've seen how the ICS "explains" science.  The distortions are mind-boggling.  ©

Originally Posted by JimiHendrix:
Bill's denial of the validity of Darwin is a kind of proof that Darwin was correct. Remember the "evolution of man" poster that hung in science classrooms in the '5o's? I believe that Bill is the 3rd one from the left.

You mean the one that shows black people to be inferior to whites? The one that shows black people to only be a step above apes?

 It's funny, those posters always show white europeans as the top of the evolution of man.


 Lets see, what did darwin say? Something like the intelligence of a full grown black male was equivalent to the intelligence of an 8 year old white person.


 yep, that sounds like science to me.

Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.......... aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahaha!



I can't breathe.... hahahahahahahahhaha, omg............... hahahahhahaha.


Buncha maroons............ hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa.......






 Yes, it takes a real moron to believe this.





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Originally Posted by JimiHendrix:
He was right about naturalbselection. In this scientific area he was a genius.




 The theory of evolution was originally called "The Preservation of the Favoured Races"
by Darwin. It was supposed to give justification for the British subjugation of India and the far east.

 There is nothing scientific about it. The theory took a hodge podge of pseudo science from the early 1800s and put it under one roof. Since that time zealous persons have been bending and twisting "science" to make it fit into the evolutionary box.

Originally Posted by Not Shallow Not Slim:

X, I challenge you to present credible evidence for your claim that Darwin's seminal book on the diversity of species was originally a racist screed.


Your Creationist sources will be insufficient, I assure you.


Let's see your evidence.





 For starters, from Darwin's book "The Descent of Man". For Darwins, the term savages relates to the black races of Africa and Australia.



“With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of every one to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands, who from a weak constitution would formerly have succumbed to small-pox. Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man............hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed”

Page - 138-139

Darwin on monkeys and Negroes-

“For my own part I would as soon be descended from that heroic little monkey, who braved his dreaded enemy in order to save the life of his keeper, or from that old baboon, who descended from the mountains, carried away in triumph his young comrade from a crowd of astonished dogs—as from a savage who delights to torture his enemies, offers up bloody sacrifices, practices infanticide without remorse, treats his wives like slaves, knows no decency, and is haunted by the grossest superstitions”

Page - 642-643

Darwin, on the future of Negroes and Australian Aborigines-

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla”

Page - 162,163


More on the racism of those who founded evolution.


A half century later, Darwin follower Henry Fairfield Osborn writes:  "The Negroid stock is even more ancient than the Caucasian and Mongolian, as may be proved by an examination not only of the brain, of the hair, of the bodily characters. such as the teeth, thegenitalia, the sense organs, but of the instincts, the intelligence. The standard of intelligence of the average Negro is similar to that of the eleven-year-old youth of the species Homo sapiens.  (Henry Fairfield Osborn, "The Evolution of the Human Races," Natural History, Jan./Feb. 1926. Reprinted in Natural History 89 (April 1980): 129.). 

Before 1859 (before Darwin's Origin), many scientists had questioned whether blacks were of the same species as whites, but they had no scientific basis for that notion.   Things changed once Darwin presented his racist evolutionary schema. Darwin stated that  African-Americans could not survive competition with their white near-relations, let alone being able to compete with the white race.  According to Darwin, the African was inferior because he represented the missing-link" between ape and Teuton.  (John C. Burham, Science, vol. 175 (February 4, 1972) p.506).

quote:  Originally Posted by knewcleardaze:

Isn't "Creation Scientist" an oxymoron?   And the cost of the subscription isn't worth it.

Hi Daze,


The magazine "Acts & Facts" published by The Institute For Creation Research is a really good deal -- IT IS FREE  And, it is an amazing in its quality.  The magazine is published on top quality paper, very well done.  The articles are written by very knowledgeable, highly educated (mostly Ph.d) people.  And, the photos and graphics are extremely professional -- in all respects. 


So, boil it all down -- this magazine (whether received FREE via snail-mail -- or read online) is a fantastic offer.  Why, even a person who is not a believer, even a person who has trapped himself/herself into a position of compromise with the secular science world, or even an atheist -- can appreciate the quality of this magazine and its material on Creation Science.


So, Daze, let me suggest this:   Try it!  And, if you are not happy with the magazine -- I promise, THEY WILL REFUND ALL YOUR MONEY!


God bless, have a wonderful, blesssed day,





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Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
quote:  Originally Posted by Aristophanes:

"Creation Research" - A bunch of guys sitting around saying "Yep, God did it."

Hi Ari,


ATHEIST -- a bunch of guys sitting around say, "There is no God!"  


To be honest with you -- I find the first group, the Creation Scientists, to have better heads on their shoulders.  And, that is a group I most definitely want to be hanging with when our Lord comes back to Rapture His church.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,






They will have to wait around a very long time for the concept of "Rapture" that you entertain, Bill, because that ain't gonna happen! See John 5:28 & 29.

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