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Q: A Protestant friend asked me why Catholics use ashes on Ash Wednesday. What are the origins of Ash Wednesday and the use of ashes?

The liturgical use of ashes originates in Old Testament times. Ashes symbolized mourning, mortality and penance. For instance, in the Book of Esther, Mordecai put on sackcloth and ashes when he heard of the decree of King Ahasuerus (or Xerxes, 485-464BC) of Persia to kill all of the Jewish people in the Persian Empire (Est 4:1). Job (whose story was written between 7th and 5th centuries BC) repented in sackcloth and ashes (Jb 42:6).

Prophesying the Babylonian captivity of Jerusalem, Daniel (c. 550BC) wrote, “I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes” (Dn 9:3). In the 5th century BC, after Jonah’s preaching of conversion and repentance, the town of Nineveh proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, and the king covered himself with sackcloth and sat in the ashes (Jon 3:5-6). These Old Testament examples evidence both a recognized practice of using ashes and a common understanding of their symbolism.

Jesus Himself also made reference to ashes: Referring to towns that refused to repent of sin although they had witnessed the miracles and heard the good news, our Lord said, “If the miracles worked in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, they would have reformed in sackcloth and ashes long ago” (Mt 11:21).

The early Church continued the usage of ashes for the same symbolic reasons. In his book, De Poenitentia, Tertullian (c. 160-220) prescribed that the penitent must “live without joy in the roughness of sackcloth and the squalor of ashes.” Eusebius (260-340), the famous early Church historian, recounted in his The History of the Churchhow an apostate named Natalis came to Pope Zephyrinus clothed in sackcloth and ashes begging forgiveness. Also during this time, for those who were required to do public penance, the priest sprinkled ashes on the head of the person leaving confession.

In the Middle Ages (at least by the time of the 8th century), those who were about to die were laid on the ground on top of sackcloth sprinkled with ashes. The priest would bless the dying person with holy water, saying, “Remember that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return.” After the sprinkling, the priest asked, “Art thou content with sackcloth and ashes in testimony of thy penance before the Lord in the day of judgment?” To which the dying person replied, “I am content.” In all of these examples, the symbolism of mourning, mortality and penance is clear.

Eventually, the use of ashes was adapted to mark the beginning of Lent, the 40-day preparation period (not including Sundays) for Easter. The ritual for the “Day of Ashes” is found in the earliest editions of the Gregorian Sacramentary which dates at least to the 8th century. About the year 1000, an Anglo-Saxon priest named Aelfric preached, “We read in the books both in the Old Law and in the New that the men who repented of their sins bestrewed themselves with ashes and clothed their bodies with sackcloth. Now let us do this little at the beginning of our Lent that we strew ashes upon our heads to signify that we ought to repent of our sins during the Lenten fast.” As an aside, Aelfric reinforced his point by then telling of a man who refused to go to Church on Ash Wednesday and receive ashes; the man was killed a few days later in a boar hunt. Since the Middle Ages at least, the Church has used ashes to mark the beginning of the penitential season of Lent, when we remember our mortality and mourn for our sins.

In our present Ash Wednesday liturgy, we use ashes made from burned palm branches distributed on the Palm Sunday of the previous year. The priest blesses the ashes and imposes them on the foreheads of the faithful, making the sign of the cross and saying, “Remember, man you are dust and to dust you shall return,” or “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.”

As we begin this holy season of Lent in preparation for Easter, we must remember the significance of the ashes we have received: We mourn and do penance for our sins. We again convert our hearts to the Lord, who suffered, died and rose for our salvation. We renew the promises made at our baptism, when we died to an old life and rose to a new life with Christ. Finally, mindful that the kingdom of this world passes away, we strive to live the kingdom of God now and look forward to its fulfillment in heaven. In essence, we die to ourselves, and rise to a new life in Christ.

As we remember the significance of these ashes and strive to live it during this time of Lent, we must allow the Holy Spirit to move us to charity toward our neighbors. Our Holy Father in his Message for Lent, 2003, said, “It is my fervent hope that believers will find this Lent a favorable time for bearing witness to the Gospel of charity in every place, since the vocation to charity is the heart of all true evangelization.”

He also lamented that our “age, regrettably is particularly susceptible to the temptation toward selfishness which always lurks within the human heart…. An excessive desire for possessions prevents human beings from being open to their Creator and to their brothers and sisters.” This Lent, acts of self-giving love shown to those in need must be part of our penance, conversion and renewal, for such acts constitute the solidarity and justice essential for building up the kingdom of God in this world.

Editor’s note: This article is courtesy of the Arlington Catholic Herald.



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Hi Smokey,


Why is it that when Roman Catholics post a new discussion -- it is always 100% copy/paste?  I realize you are not allowed to interpret the Bible for yourselves; but, are you not allowed to even think for yourselves?   Is thinking and writing YOUR OWN thoughts forbidden in the Roman Catholic church?


That said, yes, in the Old Testament the Jews did put sack clothe and ashes on themselves when in mourning.  But, Ash Wednesday is relating to a New Testament event -- it is relating to Jesus Christ, the Messiah who came to free all men.  It is not a time of mourning; but of celebration!


I can find no reference to ashes in the New Testament.  Supposedly the ashes are the the residue from the palms which the people lay down for Christ at His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem several days before Passover.  


His Triumphal Entry is a time of joy -- so why the ashes of mourning?   Even His death we do not mourn -- for that was God's way of offering eternal life to all people.   Prior to the death of Christ -- no one could have eternal life in the presence of God. 


After His death, resurrection, and ascension -- everyone has the opportunity to enter into the presence of God.  That is a thing to celebrate, not to mourn -- for it is Christ's victory over sin and death.


So, why the ashes of mourning at that time?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




Ephesians 2_8-9 - Light House At Sunset


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  • Ephesians 2_8-9 - Light House At Sunset
Last edited by Bill Gray

smokey, billie route 66 doesn't understand your post, no surprise there, but

did you notice he only has three topics he'll post and only three.

One of those will be the horrors of homosexuals but his experimenting ways

is OK because he's only curious. Another would be the fear of his man made

OSAS isn't going to work and he's hanging ten on the eternal  lava river.



Vic, my Friend,


Now I see and understand why you always copy/paste 100% posts.  When you attempt to think and write on your own -- it comes out like the inane, childish babbling in the post above.


So, my Friend, I guess you are just stuck with 100% copy/paste -- with your period -- if you want to offer any resemblance of intelligence.


Bless your little heart!




Thanks for the post.  I enjoyed reading that.  


Bill, perhaps, this was posted so that those who are interested can read it.  It is not a requirement here for you to post something negative about every post that a Roman Catholic makes.   If you had an opened mind you might actually learn something for time to time.  But, sadly I think you only come on this site to ridicule and mock.


and why make the same ignorant comment in every post? what's up with that? i wonder what percent of 'forum topics' are started with a 'copy/past' of some article?

if one would venture a 'look' at say, news, politics, entertainment.. just about any section of any forum.. short of 'food' or 'feedback'.. darn near every topic is started by a 'copy/paste'.. why does bill keep whining about starting a topic with something you read/studied?

Y'all don't really understand our resident troll... He lays in wait in the dank dampness under his bridge waiting for the unsuspecting passer by to dare post to what he considers his God given private forum... Then he pounces... You can almost smell the mold and mildew that accompany a troll... It matters not that the poster is using cut/paste, or perhaps making some minor typos, or even some grammatical errors... Said resident troll is there ready to pounce... And pounce he does... He begins by attempting to belittle the poster... Then he follows with seven or eight paragraphs of his life experience, often including how he invented the PC, created the internet, organized the web - all this before he became an adult... Then he tells of when he married his 2nd, 3rd, or 4th wife, how he oversaw the growth of the casino industry and hobnobbed with all the celebrities... Etc., etc., etc., ad nausium...

Lastly, he'll add a stupid childish cartoon to his inane drivel, proclaiming all those who disagree with him (everyone) stupid... And he does all this in the name of Christianity...

Yes, fellow forum members, our resident troll presents us with a sad case of humanity...


Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Hi Smokey,


Why is it that when Roman Catholics post a new discussion -- it is always 100% copy/paste?  I realize you are not allowed to interpret the Bible for yourselves; but, are you not allowed to even think for yourselves?   Is thinking and writing YOUR OWN thoughts forbidden in the Roman Catholic church?







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  • hypocritequotes
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:

I'd say photoshopped, maybe not. I always managed with ashes in my eyes.

That was good for 30 to 40 minutes in the music room with the eye drops.

By the 5th grade I got ashes in my hair on the top of my head. I think they

were on to me.



If I was a priest and a bald headed guy came up I would make one heck of a big cross on his forehead.

I suppose the reason that the "penitential" ashes on the forehead tradition was adopted was because Ash Wednesday immediately follows "Fat Tuesday" and all of the Bacchanalian licentiousness associated with the Mardi Gras, Carnivale, and the various other periods of drunkenness and immorality that precede Ash Wednesday.  From what I have seen in those pre-Lenten spectacles , those who participate in them have plenty to repent of.


Lent is nowhere sanctioned in Scripture. Nor is Mardi Gras (the "last hurrah" before Lent),  as one might reasonably conclude,  given the vile and sensual things that are carried out in typical Mardi Gras, Carnivale, etc. observances, which are modeled after the Roman Lupercanal Festival, with its debauchery and hedonism. These practices were brought in by a corrupted church in order to provide pagans with something to continue to attach themselves to while at least nominally becoming "Christians" and subject to the politico-ecclesiastical authority of that day. A similar substitution is found in the exaggerated role of Mary prescribed in Catholic doctrine. This unscriptural quasi-deification of a human being was derived from a perceived need to find a surrogate for the feminine gods of paganism. Thus, instead of coming out from the evils of the world, the corrupted church of that dismal era co-opted the practices of heathens and pagans in modified forms, all with the goal of pacifying and attracting the former idolators into a corrupted form of "Christianity."


Originally Posted by Contendah:

I suppose the reason that the "penitential" ashes on the forehead tradition was adopted was because Ash Wednesday immediately follows "Fat Tuesday" and all of the Bacchanalian licentiousness associated with the Mardi Gras, Carnivale, and the various other periods of drunkenness and immorality that precede Ash Wednesday.  From what I have seen in those pre-Lenten spectacles , those who participate in them have plenty to repent of.


Lent is nowhere sanctioned in Scripture. Nor is Mardi Gras (the "last hurrah" before Lent),  as one might reasonably conclude,  given the vile and sensual things that are carried out in typical Mardi Gras, Carnivale, etc. observances, which are modeled after the Roman Lupercanal Festival, with its debauchery and hedonism. These practices were brought in by a corrupted church in order to provide pagans with something to continue to attach themselves to while at least nominally becoming "Christians" and subject to the politico-ecclesiastical authority of that day. A similar substitution is found in the exaggerated role of Mary prescribed in Catholic doctrine. This unscriptural quasi-deification of a human being was derived from a perceived need to find a surrogate for the feminine gods of paganism. Thus, instead of coming out from the evils of the world, the corrupted church of that dismal era co-opted the practices of heathens and pagans in modified forms, all with the goal of pacifying and attracting the former idolators into a corrupted form of "Christianity."



You're like the turd in the punchbowl.


I'd say connie falls under a human nature trait of what he is ignorant of

and fears, he hates. Anyone that believes actual Christianity in its true

sense can be fully understood by way of sola scriptura doesn't have the

eyes given by the Holy Spirit to see the full revelation of the word of God.

So to mix and attempt to confuse Lent with todays Mardi Gras is so

billie grayish of you. but beyond that is the indecent and rape like assault

you inflict on a person who is all too familar with the the lynch mob mindset.

Tell me godly and holy boy, what did the Mother of Jesus do to you that

warrants and gives you the right to drag the Holy Name of the Holy Family

through the sinful filthy theology you exist.

To whom you disgust, you should consider.

Originally Posted by INVICTUS:


I'd say connie falls under a human nature trait of what he is ignorant of

and fears, he hates. Anyone that believes actual Christianity in its true

sense can be fully understood by way of sola scriptura doesn't have the

eyes given by the Holy Spirit to see the full revelation of the word of God.

So to mix and attempt to confuse Lent with todays Mardi Gras is so

billie grayish of you. but beyond that is the indecent and rape like assault

you inflict on a person who is all too familar with the the lynch mob mindset.

Tell me godly and holy boy, what did the Mother of Jesus do to you that

warrants and gives you the right to drag the Holy Name of the Holy Family

through the sinful filthy theology you exist.

To whom you disgust, you should consider.


Your frothing gibberish is an appropriate complement to Smokey's scatological bombast.


Now get a clean towel and dab away at all that slobber you produced during your latest semi-literate tirade.


 Catholics make the ridiculous claim that:


"It follows then that Mary, as the first and most holy of Christians is the co-redeemer with special merit.'s%20role%20in%20salvation%20history.htm


There is one Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  It is indecent and blasphemous to attribute his redemptive nature and power to ANY other person, including the former virgin, Mary.


Hi Contendah,


I am grateful for one thing.  That the vast majority of Roman Catholics I know do not display the lack of class and inability to participate in intelligent dialogue -- as do our resident Roman Catholic representatives, Vic and Smokey, and their strange bedfellow, Dove.


I have had many dialogues with Roman Catholics, both Friends and family, and we always seem to be able to agree, or to agree to disagree without division -- and still remain Friends and family.


Yet, I suppose in every niche of our society, even within the Christian communities, there will always be those who just will not be able to stand and hold a civil discussion.   All we can do is to pray for them -- and hope that their associates with common beliefs will gently point out to them that they are making a mockery of their shared religion and faith.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,





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  • Friends_TiggerToo_Bear_Piggy_On-Limb-TEXT-1_Outline
Originally Posted by Contendah:
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:


I'd say connie falls under a human nature trait of what he is ignorant of

and fears, he hates. Anyone that believes actual Christianity in its true

sense can be fully understood by way of sola scriptura doesn't have the

eyes given by the Holy Spirit to see the full revelation of the word of God.

So to mix and attempt to confuse Lent with todays Mardi Gras is so

billie grayish of you. but beyond that is the indecent and rape like assault

you inflict on a person who is all too familar with the the lynch mob mindset.

Tell me godly and holy boy, what did the Mother of Jesus do to you that

warrants and gives you the right to drag the Holy Name of the Holy Family

through the sinful filthy theology you exist.

To whom you disgust, you should consider.


Your frothing gibberish is an appropriate complement to Smokey's scatological bombast.


Now get a clean towel and dab away at all that slobber you produced during your latest semi-literate tirade.


 Catholics make the ridiculous claim that:


"It follows then that Mary, as the first and most holy of Christians is the co-redeemer with special merit.'s%20role%20in%20salvation%20history.htm


There is one Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  It is indecent and blasphemous to attribute his redemptive nature and power to ANY other person, including the former virgin, Mary.


MORE on Mary and paganism for Invictus' and smoky's continuing education:

Of course Jesus is the one Redeemer and that doesn't take from the special

merit of Mary. You don't understand the depth of plan the Father laid out.

You're the only whining snot face cry baby thinking somebody stepped on

your god the bible. A book you couldn't understand if the Holy Spirit explained

it to you. And I know that Ain't never ever gonna happen. So go get your little

book and act like you know what it's saying.

Reread my last post, I'm saying it again.


Originally Posted by Contendah:
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:


I'd say connie falls under a human nature trait of what he is ignorant of

and fears, he hates. Anyone that believes actual Christianity in its true

sense can be fully understood by way of sola scriptura doesn't have the

eyes given by the Holy Spirit to see the full revelation of the word of God.

So to mix and attempt to confuse Lent with todays Mardi Gras is so

billie grayish of you. but beyond that is the indecent and rape like assault

you inflict on a person who is all too familar with the the lynch mob mindset.

Tell me godly and holy boy, what did the Mother of Jesus do to you that

warrants and gives you the right to drag the Holy Name of the Holy Family

through the sinful filthy theology you exist.

To whom you disgust, you should consider.


Your frothing gibberish is an appropriate complement to Smokey's scatological bombast.


Now get a clean towel and dab away at all that slobber you produced during your latest semi-literate tirade.


 Catholics make the ridiculous claim that:


"It follows then that Mary, as the first and most holy of Christians is the co-redeemer with special merit.'s%20role%20in%20salvation%20history.htm


There is one Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  It is indecent and blasphemous to attribute his redemptive nature and power to ANY other person, including the former virgin, Mary.



I miss seeing you protesting at the Florence City Council meetings, has your war against Amish heaters ended successfully? What is your next verbose tirade going to be about?  

And tell the truth, is that really the first time you've been called the turd in the punch bowl?

Also, do you realize that Chicken Little, aka BG, has taken your side?  Lol

Originally Posted by INVICTUS:

Of course Jesus is the one Redeemer and that doesn't take from the special

merit of Mary. You don't understand the depth of plan the Father laid out.

You're the only whining snot face cry baby thinking somebody stepped on

your god the bible. A book you couldn't understand if the Holy Spirit explained

it to you. And I know that Ain't never ever gonna happen. So go get your little

book and act like you know what it's saying.

Reread my last post, I'm saying it again.



I have no need to read your last post again, since I remember what a blithering mess it was and have no desire to expose myself to that blithering mess more than once.


Jesus is a big boy now and should look pass the  blasphemous and

indifferent slams you hurl at his Mother. The Father probably doesn't know

her whereabouts and the Holy Spirit was out of there right after her

Annunciation. Why not, according to you Jesus' mother was a pagan anyway.


I know it would seem reasonable to you to desecrate the womb of the new

covenant or maybe the Son of God wasn't the new covenant. Maybe Gods

hand pick selection of Mary wasn't what he really wanted and he wished for

another Ark of the New Covenant.


I realize your perception of those matters are about as fine tuned as a frog

contemplating the moon.


That's OK little connie, the mortified and excruciating embarrassment after

death will subside after a few centuries. Now, stop dripping snot on your

keyboard, grab that sugar tit and hit the sack, the sun's going down.


Originally Posted by INVICTUS:


Jesus is a big boy now and should look pass the  blasphemous and

indifferent slams you hurl at his Mother. The Father probably doesn't know

her whereabouts and the Holy Spirit was out of there right after her

Annunciation. Why not, according to you Jesus' mother was a pagan anyway.


I know it would seem reasonable to you to desecrate the womb of the new

covenant or maybe the Son of God wasn't the new covenant. Maybe Gods

hand pick selection of Mary wasn't what he really wanted and he wished for

another Ark of the New Covenant.


I realize your perception of those matters are about as fine tuned as a frog

contemplating the moon.


That's OK little connie, the mortified and excruciating embarrassment after

death will subside after a few centuries. Now, stop dripping snot on your

keyboard, grab that sugar tit and hit the sack, the sun's going down.



The numerous grammatical errors in your post indicate that you actually composed that drivel yourself instead of doing your standard cut-and-paste jobs from Papist sources.


No matter. Your rant contained no substantive information or analysis that would rebut anything I have posted here--just more name-calling and insulting.  Pitiful and ignorant.

Originally Posted by Contendah:
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:


Jesus is a big boy now and should look pass the  blasphemous and

indifferent slams you hurl at his Mother. The Father probably doesn't know

her whereabouts and the Holy Spirit was out of there right after her

Annunciation. Why not, according to you Jesus' mother was a pagan anyway.


I know it would seem reasonable to you to desecrate the womb of the new

covenant or maybe the Son of God wasn't the new covenant. Maybe Gods

hand pick selection of Mary wasn't what he really wanted and he wished for

another Ark of the New Covenant.


I realize your perception of those matters are about as fine tuned as a frog

contemplating the moon.


That's OK little connie, the mortified and excruciating embarrassment after

death will subside after a few centuries. Now, stop dripping snot on your

keyboard, grab that sugar tit and hit the sack, the sun's going down.



The numerous grammatical errors in your post indicate that you actually composed that drivel yourself instead of doing your standard cut-and-paste jobs from Papist sources.


No matter. Your rant contained no substantive information or analysis that would rebut anything I have posted here--just more name-calling and insulting.  Pitiful and ignorant.


It's saying you don't comprehend or you do not wish to think about the real

meaning of a number of verses. 

Originally Posted by Contendah:
Originally Posted by INVICTUS:


Jesus is a big boy now and should look pass the  blasphemous and

indifferent slams you hurl at his Mother. The Father probably doesn't know

her whereabouts and the Holy Spirit was out of there right after her

Annunciation. Why not, according to you Jesus' mother was a pagan anyway.


I know it would seem reasonable to you to desecrate the womb of the new

covenant or maybe the Son of God wasn't the new covenant. Maybe Gods

hand pick selection of Mary wasn't what he really wanted and he wished for

another Ark of the New Covenant.


I realize your perception of those matters are about as fine tuned as a frog

contemplating the moon.


That's OK little connie, the mortified and excruciating embarrassment after

death will subside after a few centuries. Now, stop dripping snot on your

keyboard, grab that sugar tit and hit the sack, the sun's going down.



The numerous grammatical errors in your post indicate that you actually composed that drivel yourself instead of doing your standard cut-and-paste jobs from Papist sources.


No matter. Your rant contained no substantive information or analysis that would rebut anything I have posted here--just more name-calling and insulting.  Pitiful and ignorant.


Cut and paste....?  Wow, you sound a lot like bill gray.  

Originally Posted by Bestworking:

Cut and paste....?  Wow, you sound a lot like bill gray.  



Doesn't he? More and more every day.


Bill Gray and I and anyone else following Invictus' posts would have to be blind or clueless not to have noted the high prevalence of cut-and-paste content in his impotent offerings to this forum. He does, however, strike some kind of a balance between cut-and-past and raw irrelevant insult.

Last edited by Contendah
Originally Posted by Contendah:

Bill Gray and I and anyone else following Invictus' posts would have to be blind or clueless not to have noted the high prevalence of cut-and-paste content in his impotent offerings to this forum.


Surely you know he does it to aggravate you & Bill cause you two bi*ch about it so much? It is kinda funny to listen to you whine just because someone does a cut-and-paste, & most especially when it's done on purpose.

Originally Posted by Contendah:


Bill Gray and I and anyone else following Invictus' posts would have to be blind or clueless not to have noted the high prevalence of cut-and-paste content in his impotent offerings to this forum. He does, however, strike some kind of a balance between cut-and-past and raw irrelevant insult.

Not that I care coddah but what did I copy/paste in this thread..??

Originally Posted by INVICTUS:
Originally Posted by Contendah:


Bill Gray and I and anyone else following Invictus' posts would have to be blind or clueless not to have noted the high prevalence of cut-and-paste content in his impotent offerings to this forum. He does, however, strike some kind of a balance between cut-and-past and raw irrelevant insult.

Not that I care coddah but what did I copy/paste in this thread..??


Nothing--here you relied primarily on your second strategy--raw and irrelevant insult. I merely noted above that it was evident from one of your posts that you had not copied and pasted, since the incorrect grammar was indicative of your own custom blithering.

Smokey - nice article thanks!

Contendah- people who go to mardi gras (New Orleans)want to party, it's not a pre-penitential gathering.  You are just a hateful bigot.   Sad.
In all my years as a catholic I was never taught to be haughty and assume I was better than non catholics.  
Glad I stopped by today to see the on going religious snobbery on the TD forum.
Originally Posted by Contendah:

I suppose the reason that the "penitential" ashes on the forehead tradition was adopted was because Ash Wednesday immediately follows "Fat Tuesday" and all of the Bacchanalian licentiousness associated with the Mardi Gras, Carnivale, and the various other periods of drunkenness and immorality that precede Ash Wednesday.  From what I have seen in those pre-Lenten spectacles , those who participate in them have plenty to repent of.


Lent is nowhere sanctioned in Scripture. Nor is Mardi Gras (the "last hurrah" before Lent),  as one might reasonably conclude,  given the vile and sensual things that are carried out in typical Mardi Gras, Carnivale, etc. observances, which are modeled after the Roman Lupercanal Festival, with its debauchery and hedonism. These practices were brought in by a corrupted church in order to provide pagans with something to continue to attach themselves to while at least nominally becoming "Christians" and subject to the politico-ecclesiastical authority of that day. A similar substitution is found in the exaggerated role of Mary prescribed in Catholic doctrine. This unscriptural quasi-deification of a human being was derived from a perceived need to find a surrogate for the feminine gods of paganism. Thus, instead of coming out from the evils of the world, the corrupted church of that dismal era co-opted the practices of heathens and pagans in modified forms, all with the goal of pacifying and attracting the former idolators into a corrupted form of "Christianity."


You're more pathetic everyday contedom and I know your smelly

sanctimonious POS brain will be proud to know you've replaced

billie-je as the crap on a cracker idiot of the year.

You have truly fallen facedown into the satanic sewage you've wished for.

Embrace it, own it, love it. It's you and you are of it.


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