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Another woman, amazingly, comes forward at the very last moment right before the confirmation vote is to be made for Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh.  It's pretty much accepted that money from George Sorus is behind much of the demonstrations and that with regards to the women making the accusations they are vague at best and accusations reaching back into High School and College years but no specifics and no collaborating witnesses to back up the accusations.  

What we do have is an impeccable Judge with many witnesses who are willing to speak positively regarding his character and record.  Judge Brett Kavanaugh  also denies ALL accusations and states they didn't happen only in this case, and this case only, they are trying to put the burden of proof, or disproof, upon Judge Brett Kavanaugh and in every other case the burden of proof is usually upon the one making the accusations only in the case of these women there is no proof or evidence that Judge Brett Kavanaugh is guilty or ever did what he is accused of.

This leads to the question as to whether or not all these accusations are politically motivated in order to try and sabotageJudge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination and it would or will happen to ANY nominee that Trump or any Republican puts forward.  

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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The latest to come forward, Swetnick, graduated high school in 1980.  She claims to have seen Kavanaugh in 1982 at parties where women were raped.  Kavanaugh graduated high school in 1980.  Why was a 19 year old women hanging out with 15 and 16 year old high school boys?  And, why did she repeatedly go to such parties? Something stinks like a dead skunk in the middle of the road in a south Alabama August. 

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