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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Clap on! Clap on! The light over the head of James Clapper seems permanently burned out! I’m not so sure James Clapper is all there so I don’t want to be mean. Based on his performance as Director of National Intelligence over the past few months, Clapper appears to have the smarts of a carrot. My apologies to carrots.
You’ll remember Clapper was unaware of a major bust that netted 12 big-time terrorists in Britain a few months ago in Britain. When questioned by a reporter, Clapper could only mumble incoherently. Even carrots don’t mumble incoherently.
This week, Clapper once again showed he is either the world’s first openly retarded intelligence chief or the Imam of Washington, DC when he said the Muslim Brotherhood is “largely secular” in nature. Clapper is, of course, “largely an idiot” when it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood and their history. Either that, or he’ll be teaching Advanced IED techniques at the local DC mosque this week.
What is more frightening to Americans is Clapper is only one idiot black hole among many in the Hopenchange galaxy. Janet Napolitano who swears life on the border is just swell and anyone saying otherwise has a political agenda. **** right! That political agenda on the border is called staying alive! Eric Holder has broken civil rights laws to equally protect us so he could keep brothas in the New Black Panthers out of jail with the rest of their families. CIA Director Leon Panetta, a longtime Democrat hack got the information on Egypt that he handed over to Obama from CNN! Maybe Wolf Blitzer should run CIA instead! Couldn’t do any worse!
All these black holes of incompetence in the Obama administration point to one thing…we are screwed! Jobs, economy, energy, foreign policy, debt, spending….every way you examine it, we are screwed! And we still have two years for them to destroy us further!
I’m not so sure what Clapper did before being hired to run national intelligence. But shouldn’t the director of Americas national intelligence not appear to be mentally retarded?
Congratulations and condolences to Mr. Clapper. It’s sad when a high-level intelligence leader’s intellectual capacity can be compared to a vegetable. Maybe he should just be put out to pasture…or planted.
Watch this. Close your mouth afterwards. We’re screwed, I tell ya!
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