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Hi to all my Forum Friends,

In the discussion begun by our atheist Friend, Deep, titled "Praying For Rain" which was Deep's effort to mock Governor Perry of Texas, and all Christians, for our belief in the power of prayer -- he shares a URL link to a "National Drought Summary -- September 6, 2011" chart showing the severe drought conditions in Texas -- and declares, "God hates Rick Perry."

Somehow, this discussion was led down the rosy path until it eventually evolved (a favorite atheist word) into a discussion of "free  will."  Please do not ask me how they connected the dots to get there -- but, it happened.

Then, Uno declares in typical atheist spiritual darkness, "And the answer that the believers insist they have given 'over and over' is, of course, the old argument of 'free will.'  As if that answers anything at all.  The funny thing, to me, is that I am certain that none of the believers here even grasp the fundamentals of the philosophical concept of 'free will.'  I could make a very cogent argument that 'free will' does not exist in this universe.  I could equally argue that it does."'

And, my Christian Friend, O No, insightfully tell him, "Uno, I really like liver and onions.  I am aware that many do not.  If they asked me why I like it, the ONLY answer I could honestly give is, 'Because it tastes good to me.'

People may not ACCEPT that answer.  They might say it is no answer at all.  But, they would be wrong, because it IS the answer --  and is the ONLY honest answer.  If no one wants to accept the truth, there is nothing more I can say."

O No, my Friend, thank you for that example -- for, it really ties two dissimilar subjects together in my life.  When I was a young boy, the two foods I hated most were liver/onions and cabbage.   I gagged on liver -- and, I would come close to throwing up at the smell of cooked cabbage.

Yet, when I became an adult, I grew to like liver and onions -- and, actually, over time, grew to like it so much (or, as we Southerners -- whom Deep detests because we are all ignorant and stupid, always embarrassing him with our Christian beliefs, because he is from Alabama but now claims Gollywood as home -- would say, "I love it!") -- liver and onions has become my favorite food.  And,  yes, we Southerners never just like something -- "We love it!  Bless your heart!"

And, the cabbage which used to make me want to throw up -- I now look forward to eating.  I suppose I can attribute that to my growing like (or "love" in Southernese) for Filipino food over the past 34 years of marital bliss with my beautiful young Filipina bride.

Yes, I know, our atheist Friends will begin to huff and puff, asking, "Bill, what in the world does liver/onions and cabbage have to do with the subject of Christianity and prayer?"

Glad you asked.  When I was a young boy -- although I believed in God and Jesus Christ, I was not a Christian.  Sure, like some of our Friends on the Religion Forum (and, lately, especially Uno and Jennifer) -- I would declare that I was a Christian because I went to church.  But, I was no more a Christian then because I went to church -- than Uno is a mule just because he goes into a barn.   And, we will not take that analogy any further.

But, back to the question at hand.  Christianity (like liver/onions and cabbage) was distasteful to me in my younger life because it, being a Christian, would not allow me to live the worldly life I desired and which was so much fun, then.  So, I dabbled in church -- over the years, actually attending most every kind of church in America -- and even dabbling in New Age and other Eastern metaphysical religions.  Yes, you might describe me then as a man of many religions -- but, definitely NOT a Christian.  I fear that is true of many of my Religion Forum detractors.

Then, when I matured -- for me that took fifty years -- and met a Godly pastor who, to borrow a phrase from Dr. Ergun Caner, President and Dean of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, "loved me all the way to the cross" -- I was ready to begin to truly appreciate the taste of Christianity.  At first, it just tasted like love, the love of God flowing through this Godly man, Pastor Sam Lacanienta, and through him permeating the entire church congregation -- and all that love flowing directly to me.  At least, that is the way it seemed.

As I began to taste Christianity, I noticed how pleasant, how comforting, how good if felt to be a part of this wonderful family of believers.   And, after tasting Christianity and the ensuing love for six months -- I decided I wanted to be a permanent part of this Family of God.  Like liver and onions has become my favorite food -- Christianity has become my favorite lifestyle.  And, the desire for it grows more and more every day.

Yes, O No, I like your analogy of liver and onions -- and Christianity.  That definitely describes my life.

Looking again at your post, Uno, you tell us, "I could make a very cogent argument that 'free will' does not exist in this universe.  I  could equally argue that it does."'

Reading Uno's statement brought another image from my distant past to mind.  In the early 1960s, I worked for Ramo Wooldridge (which later became TRW) in Canoga Park.  I was in the department which developed and tested the first MilSpec Minicomputer, the AN/UYK-1.  In another department where they were doing research on Artificial Intelligence, there was a brilliant scientist who had a funny quirk.  No matter how many times I went into the Men's Room during the day, he would always be standing at the urinal, eating an apple with one hand, doing his business with the other -- and talking to the wall.

Today, we see this a lot in Men's Rooms (most often minus the apple) and it turns out the person is talking on a cell phone which we cannot see.  But, in 1963 -- there were no wireless devices, there were no cell phones, nor any other hidden devices.  So, this brilliant man WAS talking to the wall -- or whatever else he saw.

And, this memory of that very intelligent man and his funny urinal quirk, talking to someone or something with which he had no connection -- is the image which comes to mind when our atheist and other non-believing Friends attempt to discuss God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and our Christian faith.  How can they discuss these things which they cannot see because of their spiritual  blindness?

Another thought which comes to mind as we Christians daily joust with our atheist, secularist, and other non-believing Friends -- on the Religion Forum, in our personal witnessing, and in our everyday face-to-face life among people -- is:  "There are none so blind as they who will not see."

This describes their spiritual blindness, their spiritual darkness.  But, what does this mean and where did we get this saying?

In Matthew 13:13, Jesus Christ tells His disciples, and us, "Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand."

God tells the people of Israel through the prophet Jeremiah, "Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see; Who have ears but do not hear"  (Jeremiah 5:21).

And, God sent His prophet Isaiah to the people of Israel, knowing they would reject the words He sent,  "He said, 'Go, and tell this people: "Keep on listening, but do not perceive; Keep on looking, but do not understand."  Render the hearts of this people insensitive, Their ears dull, And their eyes dim,. . . "  (Isaiah 6:9-10).

On the web site The Phrase Finder, we read:

"Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996).  Mr. Titelman agrees that this saying has its roots in the Bible, specifically Jer. 5:21 (King James version):  "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not."

"There are none so blind as those who will not see.  The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know."  The proverb has been traced back in English to 1546 (John Heywood), and resembles the Biblical verse quoted (above).  In 1738, it was used by Jonathan Swift in his 'Polite Conversation,' and is first attested in the United States in the 1713 'Works of Thomas Chalkley'..."


So, to Uno, and to all my other non-believing Friends, I can sincerely tell you that both liver/onions and Christianity are good for you.   Liver/onions will help you build a strong physical body -- and Christianity will give you a strong spiritual body.  Together, they will make you a whole person, ready for an eternal life in the presence of God.

Of course, you can have a strong physical body without having a strong spiritual body.  But, that would be like eating liver without onions -- a lot is lost in the omission.  Uno, Deep, Jennifer, and all my other non-believing Friends -- I pray that you will take the path toward both a strong physical body and a strong spiritual body; I pray that you will take that sincere step toward becoming a Christian believer.  With all my heart, I would love to meet you in heaven one day.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Hi to all my Forum Friends,
always embarrassing him with our Christian beliefs, And,  yes, we Southerners never just like something -- "We love it! 

my beautiful young Filipina bride.


As though you have never embarrassed the Christians here with your judgmental, non-compassionate/non-loving nature? Thankfully, most Christians aren't like you.


Just exactly how long have you lived away from the South? You may have been born in the South but that doesn't make you a Southerner.


Bill, I'm curious why you never fail to let us know your wife is Filipino? Do you really hate American women that bad? Are we supposed to be impressed by your choice of a wife?

quote:   Originally Posted by semiannualchick:
Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

And, the cabbage which used to make me want to throw up -- I now look forward to eating.  I suppose I can attribute that to my growing like (or "love" in Southernese) for Filipino food over the past 34 years of marital bliss with my beautiful young Filipina bride.

Bill, I'm curious why you never fail to let us know your wife is Filipino?  Do you really hate American women that bad?  Are we supposed to be impressed by your choice of a wife? 

Hi Chick,


Are you so full of hatred that you will pick one word, Filipina, from a fuller writing -- and try to make something hateful from it?   Above, I have replaced your abbreviated attempt to slur what I have written by showing the full paragraph with the full intent of my statement.    And, by the way, my wife IS AN AMERICAN!  But, she is an American of Filipino ancestry. 


Yes, she was born in the Philippines.  Yes, during the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, she, as a child, and her family had to hide and live in caves to escape the Japanese.  But, she has been an American citizen probably as long, or longer, than you have been alive.  So, I suppose that makes her more American than you.


Matter of fact, I would say that most naturalized American citizens probably know more about America that most of us who were born here.  I have looked at the American Civics and History text book she had to study to get her citizenship -- and I admire anyone who can pass that test. 


I love history -- and I wonder if I could pass the same test.   I would make a wild guess that 90%, or more, of the young people in America today could not pass the test that these people must pass to get their American citizenship.  Just be grateful that you and I did not have to pass the same test to retain our American citizenship.   Although, that would not be a bad idea.


And, when I watch Jay Leno's Street Walking interviews -- I sometimes think they should deport those people who have no idea who George Washington is  -- or who say that the Revolutionary War was fought in 1850, have never heard of Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin, and can't even spell Constitution.   Personally, I get embarrassed when I watch these everyday Americans make such fools of themselves, and our American educational system, on national television.


After the last presidential election, the news channels did Voting Place Exit Interviews with many people.   Most who voted for Obama could not even name a single congressman or senator, few knew who or what the Supreme Court is -- and, most had no idea who was running against Obama.  This is the level of intelligence which elected our current administration.


Chick, for your own sake, and for the sake of those I know must care about you -- put away that hatred.  It only acts like a cancer within you.  Your hatred hurts you much more that it hurts those of us who are the targets of that hatred.  I pray God will give you peace within yourself.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,





I just want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I like you. Seems like all we ever do on here is talk about what we don't like or what we don't agree on. I always look forward to your post and search them out. You make me smile and brighten my day.


I admire that you can actually make it through one of Bill's novels. I can't seem to stay interested long enough to do that.

No, Bill, as much as you would love for me to be full of hatred, I am not. I don’t even hate you. I do dislike you, but more so than that, I feel sorry for you.  Anyone that preaches Christianity the way you do is the one that would be of full of hatred, & a miserable human being.


I don’t hate anyone here or anywhere else. In fact, I like everyone on this forum, except for you. We will always come across people we dislike for one reason or another, that’s human nature. Doesn’t mean that it’s hatred or a cancer within us.


Any of us on this forum has a right to state our opinion & I respect that. Most times I learn something from these people. I even learn things from you, though it’s a negative learning experience. As long as you preach hate/judgment, I will come against you. Most Christians I know have a loving/compassionate nature of which you know nothing about.

I have a dear friend that is the wife of a Pastor. She knows how I feel about things but she loves me anyway. She never puts me down or judges me badly. I don't judge the Atheist or non-believers on this forum. They have a right to how they believe just as much as you do. Those people have shown me much more kindness than you ever have.


There was no attempt on my part to slur anything. My question was sincere. YOU are the one that always mentions your wife being Filipino. Anytime anyone on this forum mentions a spouse, they do so by saying wife or husband. No one mentions their ancestry. You are the one that puts a label on your wife. I was just curious why you do that? BTW, by American, I meant people born in the United States. Your comment that your wife is more American than I am is just so school yard childish.


I watch Jay Leno’s Street Walking interviews too, & love it. It’s so funny. If it embarrasses you, maybe you shouldn’t watch it.

You sometimes think they should deport those people that have no idea who George Washington, etc., is? Silly man!

Hope you have a good day, Bill, you certainly sound like you need one.

Originally Posted by DarkAngel:


I just want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I like you. Seems like all we ever do on here is talk about what we don't like or what we don't agree on. I always look forward to your post and search them out. You make me smile and brighten my day.


I admire that you can actually make it through one of Bill's novels. I can't seem to stay interested long enough to do that.

Thank you, Dark, I like you too & enjoy your post. I find the agreeing/disagreeing, liking/not liking interesting. I'm always open to learning something, good or bad. I have no problem with constructive criticism if someone wants to call me on something I say. I never know when I might learn something.


I don't always read all of Bill's novels but I do find it interesting what kind of hate he's going to put out there for us next. We have to feel pity for people like him.

LOL! I didn't even read bill's posts and I know what happened!! Semi, bill always throws in the fact that his wife is filipino, like somehow it's supposed to impress us. But if anyone asks a question and dares post the word "wife" to him he goes off. On another forum they were discussing bad service in restaurants and bill posted how his wife felt someone had mistreated her because she was filipino. Apparently she couldn't handle the situation and had to have bill go down and get the waitress fired. I think he even went so far as to write a letter to the restaurant's headquarters or at least threaten to do that. Bill was VERY proud of that.


Then I saw him in this forum, attacking skippy and others that don't believe like he does, running down homosexuals etc and making fun of a woman's looks. I posted to him that I didn't understand how he could be so prejudiced against others when he hated it so much if he had the slightest thought someone had been prejudiced against his wife. He accused me of attacking her based on that post! Bill said his first wife was mexican. So you kind of see the pattern there. I don't think it's that bill hates american women, I think it's the fact that they wouldn't put up with his bs, especially a strong willed southern woman. I wonder how he introduces her to people. Does he say "my filipino wife" with her standing there?


Maybe bill needs to take a trip back south. Guess what bill, filipinos, chinese, japanese, mexican, well you name it, are not an oddity around here. And if we are supposed to be impressed because  your wife is filipino you'll have to explain why, because I'm missing something.  And let's not forget how you kept posting to RP about his "accent".




Originally Posted by Bestworking:


Maybe bill needs to take a trip back south. Guess what bill, filipinos, chinese, japanese, mexican, well you name it, are not an oddity around here. And if we are supposed to be impressed because  your wife is filipino you'll have to explain why, because I'm missing something.  And let's not forget how you kept posting to RP about his "accent".



Billie-je is just impressed with himself because he still has a wife.

I guess he still does???



Bill, that was a nice take on something I wrote. Thanks. I'd like to expand on it a little bit more.


One of the remarkable things about the human body is that when it needs a certain nutrient, it will start craving foods that contain that nutrient. Sometimes I get an irresistable craving for carrots. I'm not crazy about carrots, but I will eat them anyway when that craving comes over me, because I probably need the vitamin A. I've done the same with orange juice from time to time. Don't really like the stuff, but sometimes I've just got to have it. Perhaps the reason I like liver and onions is because my body needs the iron.


In the same way, I believe our spiritual selves have cravings. Some people can't quite identify what it is their spiritual selves need, so they turn to crystals or tarot cards, or other such silly things. Sometimes they turn to science or philosophy. Some turn to their inner selves, trying to become stronger so they can somehow fill this need.


For me, the message of the craving was loud and clear. I craved GOD in my life. And because I recognized that need and let God in, my spiritual self has grown more healthy with every day. Now, the only spiritual hunger I have is to grow an even closer relationship with Him. I found "the good stuff my soul needs", and that has allowed me to grow.

quote:  Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

ONo, I have to congratulate you.  You did in three concise, intelligent, and interesting paragraphs, what Bill couldn't do in his condescending, long-winded, discussion with himself.

Hi Crusty,


I agree with you.  I like what O No has written.  So, let me suggest that you ignore what I wrote; take what she wrote to heart -- and find a local Christian fellowship where you can become involved and grow in your knowledge of God's Word and grow spiritually.  Let that be your revenge against me -- that you ignore me -- follow what O No suggests -- and become a Christian believer.  Then, one day, you and I will meet in heaven and have a good laugh over all our disagreements on the Religion Forum.


Sounds like a plan to me.  How about you?  Are you willing to give God (O No's God, not Bill's God) a try?  If so, I am sure that O No or Joy can point you toward a good local Christian fellowship to join.


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



quote:    Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

Bill, you are no good at reverse psychology, give it up.   You also seem to be deaf and dumb.  I've told you over and over, I'm good to go with God.  If you would pay attention to what I say, instead of the insanity that you believe, you would work on getting your own house in order.

Hi Crusty,


If you are truly a believer -- I praise God.  However, I do have to ask -- do you believe in God, or in a god?


You strongly dislike Christians.  You strongly are against church.  You deny God's Creation.  You deny God's Written Word, the Bible.  As a matter of fact, over the years, I believe you have denied just about everything God teaches us in the Bible.  So, I do have to ask you once again -- do you believe in and follow the God of the Bible -- or some other god?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
quote:    Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

Bill, you are no good at reverse psychology, give it up.   You also seem to be deaf and dumb.  I've told you over and over, I'm good to go with God.  If you would pay attention to what I say, instead of the insanity that you believe, you would work on getting your own house in order.

Hi Crusty,


If you are truly a believer -- I praise God.  However, I do have to ask -- do you believe in God, or in a god?


You strongly dislike Christians.  You strongly are against church.  You deny God's Creation.  You deny God's Written Word, the Bible.  As a matter of fact, over the years, I believe you have denied just about everything God teaches us in the Bible.  So, I do have to ask you once again -- do you believe in and follow the God of the Bible -- or some other god?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




Bill, you need to give up your worship of the Bible.  It isn't inerrant, written by God, nor to be taken literally.  I would have you seek out it's true message.  You are spending too much time here spouting nonsense, and need to find God. 


You made a list of things I deny.  I deny your list.  I deny your version of most those things on that list.  I deny your limitation of God's power.  I deny your cult.

Last edited by CrustyMac
Originally Posted by DarkAngel:


I remember Crusty creating a whole thread to explain what his beliefs were. They were Christian. He seemed to be a full on Jesus follower. It was a very interesting and nice as I recall.


Seems like he even directed it to you personally because you had ask him to explain his beliefs so many times.


Thank you for that, Dark.  It isn't something I usually talk about, and I really didn't want to make the post, but Bill needed an answer to his false remarks concerning my positions.

quote:   Originally Posted by CrustyMac:
quote:   Originally Posted by Bill Gray:
quote:    Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

Bill, you are no good at reverse psychology, give it up.   You also seem to be deaf and dumb.  I've told you over and over, I'm good to go with God.  If you would pay attention to what I say, instead of the insanity that you believe, you would work on getting your own house in order.

Hi Crusty,


If you are truly a believer -- I praise God.  However, I do have to ask -- do you believe in God, or in a god?


You strongly dislike Christians.  You strongly are against church.  You deny God's Creation.  You deny God's Written Word, the Bible.  As a matter of fact, over the years, I believe you have denied just about everything God teaches us in the Bible.  So, I do have to ask you once again -- do you believe in and follow the God of the Bible -- or some other god?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,   Bill

Bill, you need to give up your worship of the Bible.  It isn't inerrant, written by God, nor to be taken literally.  I would have you seek out it's true message.  You are spending too much time here spouting nonsense, and need to find God. 


You made a list of things I deny.  I deny your list.  I deny your version of most those things on that list.  I deny your limitation of God's power.  I deny your cult.

Hi Crusty,


You deny the Bible, God's Written Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  You will not attend church (Acts 2:42, Hebrews 10:25).  And, you seem to dislike most Christians who are on the Religion Forum.   So, Crusty, which God, or god, do you worship and when and where do you worship Him?


You say you deny my cult.   I am a Christian who is affiliated with the Baptist church.  What is your affiliation?  What church, fellowship, or Christian group do you gather with for worship?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,



Originally Posted by O No!:

Bill, that was a nice take on something I wrote. Thanks. I'd like to expand on it a little bit more.


One of the remarkable things about the human body is that when it needs a certain nutrient, it will start craving foods that contain that nutrient. Sometimes I get an irresistable craving for carrots. I'm not crazy about carrots, but I will eat them anyway when that craving comes over me, because I probably need the vitamin A. I've done the same with orange juice from time to time. Don't really like the stuff, but sometimes I've just got to have it. Perhaps the reason I like liver and onions is because my body needs the iron.


In the same way, I believe our spiritual selves have cravings. Some people can't quite identify what it is their spiritual selves need, so they turn to crystals or tarot cards, or other such silly things. Sometimes they turn to science or philosophy. Some turn to their inner selves, trying to become stronger so they can somehow fill this need.


For me, the message of the craving was loud and clear. I craved GOD in my life. And because I recognized that need and let God in, my spiritual self has grown more healthy with every day. Now, the only spiritual hunger I have is to grow an even closer relationship with Him. I found "the good stuff my soul needs", and that has allowed me to grow.

This is a nice summary, O No!, and it's somewhat similar to an argument that C.S. Lewis makes in Mere Christianity about the nature of our human cravings. He suggests that, just as we have cravings for a food and the food is there and we can fulfill our cravings, the craving that some people have for something spiritual must then mean that there must exist a God that/who can fulfill that craving, because. The argument is essentially that because some of our cravings can be met, it must follow that ALL of our cravings can be met.


This is a logical fallacy, though. You could just as easily argue that because you have dreamed of driving a car, and you actually HAVE driven a car, and you have dreamed of eating and you HAVE eaten, it must be possible to fly because you have dreamed of flying.


The notion that the possibility of one thing proves the possibility of another carries no weight.


But I do appreciate the clarity and conciseness of your posting. :-)

Originally Posted by CrustyMac:

ONo, I have to congratulate you.  You did in three concise, intelligent, and interesting paragraphs, what Bill couldn't do in his condescending, long-winded, discussion with himself.



Concur.  I'd have to try pretty hard to find sometime to disagree with.  That was almost . . .  Nice or something.  Perhaps the spirit of the loward? 

Originally Posted by Bill Gray:

Hi Crusty,


You deny the Bible, God's Written Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  You will not attend church (Acts 2:42, Hebrews 10:25).  And, you seem to dislike most Christians who are on the Religion Forum.   So, Crusty, which God, or god, do you worship and when and where do you worship Him?


You say you deny my cult.   I am a Christian who is affiliated with the Baptist church.  What is your affiliation?  What church, fellowship, or Christian group do you gather with for worship?


God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,




Bill, I don't deny the Bible.  I deny your distorted take on the Bible.  You worship the Bible, and when reality doesn't fit it, instead of seeing how teachings of the Bible in no way contradicts reality, you have to twist and distort reality until it fits your delusional take on the Bible. My take on the Bible and reality and yours are not the same.  Your take is just wrong. 


Exactly which Christians don't I like? 


Who says I don't attend church?  Define church for me.


Yes, I deny your fundamentalist nonsense.  It is a cult.  And you will probably need deprogramming before you can make real progress into the "spiritual maturity" that you claim to have, but so obviously don't.


Have another blissed day, Bill.

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