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Shallow? Shallow is bragging about how much money you have, bragging about how big the fish was, bragging about a promotion, bragging about your new toy...your entire identity being measured by your job title. THAT'S shallow.

Oh, you boys also brag about your lady's appearance, now don't you? Who's worried about it more?
Yes Joy I agree 100%. As a poor, almost destitute struggling nobody whose never caught a fish in his life stuck on the bottom rung of the corporate ladder who, only if someone asks me will I tell them that my "profession" is digging ditches with my bare hands for a living -- someone who can't afford to buy a used toy -- let alone a new one, I want to thank you for your thoughtful comments.

And while my wife is indeed a beautiful woman, I try not to brag on her too much. And believe me, I don't spend a lot of time worrying about her "appearance". Thank you once again.
Originally posted by _Joy_:
Originally posted by LAWGRL:
I love men! But the man who loves me will have to accept the fact that I am his wife, his parter; NOT his cook, maid, babysitter, or errand runner.

HEAR HEAR! Stick to your guns, sister. I remember at a family gathering my grandmother fussing at my sister and I for not fixing our husbands plates (puh-lease). My big sis told her (respectfully Wink) that we were ending that family tradition in our generation. You know, my husband has not gone hungry as a result either. Amazing, huh?
My EX in-laws were less than happy with me at our first Thanksgiving together after we were married. The women slaved in the kitchen while the men sat plopped in front of the TV; then when dinner was ready, the women walked into the living room and announced, "It's ready! Men, you go first." I was like, "HUH?" So I said, politely, "It only seems fair to me that if the women cooked the meal, they should fix their plates first." You'd have thought I had announced I was the anti-Christ.
When I was growing up and we had family dinners (at either sets of grandparents) the men would eat first, then the women and the kids got the later dinner. Then the men would go sit outside under the shade tree while the women cleaned up the steamy kitchen. I never got anything more than a pulleybone from the chicken at my father's parents. My other grandmother killed half the chickens in Limestone county for the dinner so it wasn't a problem there. Can you imagine anyone doing that today?
Originally posted by (aka)PuckerupFrog:
Then the men sit around belching and watching more TV while the women clean up the leftover mess, right?
Not in my house! I have learned to make it clear very early in a dating relationship that that is not acceptable. I just speak up and say, "Hey. I need some help cleaning up the kitchen." I've never once had a man look at me and question it for a second. They get it, say, "Sure!", and come help. It usually only takes once.
Wait till you marry 'em, baby.

Wait till you're dating one of the creatures and he gets sick with something minor (like a head cold). Offer to stay with him for a while. THEN you'll get a sort of mini-preview of what married life with him would be like. If he doesn't revert back to a whining toddler, he may have the makings of a keeper. But I doubt that'll happen very often.
Ha! I'm independent to a fault. I was married once before, but we handled things around the house as close to 50/50 as we could. I am accustomed to that, and I run like lightning from any man who gives me the feeling he'd rather see me barefoot and pregnant than running a law firm. I can't even comprehend that!
Originally posted by (aka)PuckerupFrog:
If you backdown with that he may expect more backing down and less compromise in the future.
I didn't back down and won't. I guess it's a moot point now anyway because I broke our plans last night. I just can't get past his reaction to the prenup issue. I am going to protect my assets, period.
Thank god I'm married. (I think.) I have nurse friends who tell tales of meeting a guy and the first thing the guy says is "Nurses make good money don't they?" The friends say they have all learned to be vague about the job at first. I can't tell you how many women I've worked with who have married men (usually second marriages) who quit working as soon as the ink's dry on the paper.

I'd imagine that applies to lawyer girls, too? And computer girls?
Originally posted by Peace Brother:
PLEASE shut up! The problem with generalizations is that they take anecdotal information and apply them across the board. The door swings both ways.

But to listen to a bunch of women rant and rave about how they are "entitled" to spend money on themselves for such "empowering" things as hair, nails, salon, etc., is a little more than I can stand.

Oh you poor little make-do darlings! My heart goes out to you for denying yourselves all those things that YOU deserve, like the poor soul who never had a pedicure, scraping the bottom of the lip stick tube, and God forbid, wearing something you already have piled up to Kingdom Come in your closet.You are so right!!

Forget the fact that the car needs fixing, your frickin credit card bill is due, and we have children that it would be nice to send to college in the not too distant future. Forget all that! Go out and have your hair done, and heck, treat YOURSELF to a 2 hour massage at the spa. Then stop at the mall on the way home and pick up a few more outfits that you can bring home and try to cram in your closet that is already overflowing from the last time you felt the need to "empower" yourself by going out and spending a whole lot of money on YOURSELF. Nothing else matters. It's all about YOU baby! After all, HE went golfing last week.

And to the person whose husband said he would be ashamed to be seen with her wearing her outfit, I would recommend to both of them that they worry a little bit more about their "insides" than what their clothes look like. If you need to go out and spend $100 on new clothes to make you feel "empowered", maybe you need to ask yourself the question, why?

But I'm sure I'm gonna get lots of nasty comments about how all you poor make-do women out there sacrifice so much for your thankless husbands who sit around on their katookeses all day long and can't seem to understand why they married a woman with champagne tastes and a beer pocketbook.

Oh well, sorry to interrupt the Estrogen PMS Pity Party...... carry on....... Go out and treat yourself to something nice...... Wink

I bet you are a divorced man! I think everyone has a period of time they make-do men and women. But you sound like you know nothing.

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