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Watching all major News cast about the bombing attacks in Sri Lanka on Sunday one thing was evident.  Someone did Something to Some people at Easter Worship service.  At various times, the day after, the news services that I listened to, in some measure, indicated that the bombings were linked back to a Islam or Muslim organization but it was almost as if they had to be water boarded to say it.  Radical Islam wasn't indicated in the broadcast I listened to and the news questioned whether they had outside help so may have must been a few Muslims outside the norm and in that area.  What was never mentioned was that the targeted group of the attacks were Christians and Christian Churches.  

The closest that I heard that got to calling them Christians was calling them "Easter Worshipers".  So the media might as well have said and broadcast that Someone did something to someone else.  Contrast this to the girl that was killed at the Charlotte "White Nationalist" meeting years ago and the way they handle attacks like that.  ALL white people are guilty (White Nationalism is a word that is used these days) and all whites by association are the blame it seems.  The agenda, the narriative  and the story is set and determined by the editors and the media themselves.    

Remember the Kentucky Christian school kids that came to visit Washington and were quickly thrust on the front page and into breaking news as the media set the narrative that these WHITE Nationalist (used to be White Supremest) barged up against this poor old aging veteran Indian and began making fun of him and trying squelch his rights.  No mention about how it was the students that were attacked by the Black Hebrews and that they were the ones approached.  Darn it all that there was someone that had a video that actually showed the whole event that got out proving their story totally wrong and fake.  Did the media apologize?  Did the media seek out all witnesses to determine the truth before running with their short partial video narrative?  Did the media, after the truth was revealed, then turn their condemnation and ire on the Black Hebrews for instigating the whole thing?  NO ... a collective NO on all because the media's agenda was no longer being met, the narrative wasn't functional.

News today has to meet an agenda or conform to an agenda and if it doesn't then the news has to be restated or tweaked.  For some reason the words ... Christians worshiping at Easter Services Sunday were attacked and murdered in many separate bombings arranged and instigated by Radial Islamic Muslims who have declared jihad on non-Islams.   

We live in a different politically correct world these days where media is not news but agenda driven propaganda that must fufill an agenda and set or define a narrative to conform to that agenda.  Represenative Omar will fit right in if her district doesn't return her back to Congress.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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