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This subject deals not just with Democrats but Republicans (and never Trumpers) also.  There was a time, in America, that political parties disagreed yet they came together for the betterment of the Nation.  It wasn't that they cared who got the credit but that the average American benefited.  There was a time when America came first and when the American Citizen came first then political parties and posturing came second but those days ware gone.

Today, and the Media is assisting in this lock step as well, many people (yes Republicans and Democrats) are accepting blindly whatever the party representation says without question and as if it were a dogmatic fact without the possibility of dispute or error.  The last two years and more have been a time when at least two, generally more, of the Nations Media outlets (CNN & MSNBC) have vested 100% of their reporting based in hopes of an outcome and false information rather than in factual reporting.  Innuendos and rumors and heresay  became legitimate news sources and legitimate basis for news reporting all which was based on an underlying agenda rather than a sincere effort to report the facts.  That underling agenda in the agenda driven news was to impeach Trump, disqualify Trump, or remove Trump from office and circumvent a legitimate, legal, election that they just didn't like the outcome of.

It's a dangerous time when doubts are excluded and things are accepted on face value all because they fit an agenda or meet a desired outcome.  Anymore politicians vote in blocks or in total for what the party wants or desires rather than making individual decisions based on what is best for their specific constituents.   You have politicians representing the farming areas of America voting the way that the major cities are voting.  There may be some few exceptions, more on the Republican side, where some individuals vote apart from what the party wants but that is few and far between and usually benefits the Democrat agenda rather than the Republican one.  

In the Senate you either have all Democrats voting in one block vote or abstaining to vote and just voting present.  Republicans, for that matter, are also doing just the same and usually the polar opposite of the Democrats.  This is also effecting America's worldwide ability to influence other Nations and the way we relate with other nations.  For instance our relationship with Russia is at an all time low when it should be much better as we have a common enemy in ISIS or at least we did when ISIS existed.  There also was a short time when it appeared that we (Russia, China and the US) could potentially cooperate together but that time was extremely short and limited.  Today, also for the first time that I can ever remember, we have a Democratic Party that is afraid to chastise it's members for making idiotic statements that are perceived as anti-Semitic and against Israel or downplaying an attack like was made against America on September 11th by Radical Islamic Terrorist and not just by Someone or Somebody doing something.  

Can you imagine someone in either the Democrat or Republican Party, in the 1950 or 1960's or even way after that making a statement like on December 7th, 1941 Someone did Something to America?  That person would be summarily drummed out of their Congressional position and removed from any committee they served on as well as possibly their district or state would seek to recall them.  Today Omar was rewarded by her name not even being dared to be mentioned.  Things are way out of kilter and no longer is there sanity to be found.  

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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