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Originally posted by lewwaters:
pba -
Yep the good old lies of the Swift Vets, The same folks that told all the lies on Kerry.

Sorry, but I am not a member of the Swift Vets.

As to "lies," even Kerry's campaign had to admit his 'TINS' were considerably less than accurate, especially Christmas '68 in Cambodia while "Nixon" was saying we had no troops there. Must have forgotten that Nixon wasn't president, yet.

Odder still that the left claims to support the troops and complains about the right mistreating a Veteran, but has no problem slandering and condemning over 250 highly decorated combat Veterans who completed FULL tours, not a mere 4 months.

See? Now you are picking a single statement made by someone who is a nobody to start with to make your point. Point lost right from the start now.
Originally posted by lewwaters:
how can you stand to support a war that was started on lies, is being fought by people who think the mission is to take out Muslim Terrorists, that has killed near 50 times as many people as there were ever terrorists, has destroyed the reputation of the USA as a law abiding nation, has touche off a new arms race, puts all Americans At risk anywhere beyond our borders, generates vast fear in the people of the country, and IS NOT LIKELY TO ACHIEVE IT'S GOAL REGARDLESS OF HOW LONG WE FIGHT?

1. It was not started on lies. Nearly every Democrat and foreign intelligence agreed Saddam was a danger. Even Hillary Clinton, in April 2004, on the Larry King Show said, "The consensus was the same, from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration," she said. "It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared.”

2. If their mission isn’t to “take out Muslim terrorists,” why is it that is what they are doing?

3. Please document the claim of “50 times as many people as there were terrorists.”

4. America’s reputation was damaged when we abandoned allies from Bay of Pigs, Viet Nam, Lebanon, Somalia, the first Gulf War and it is being further eroded as the world contemplates us once again, waltzing away leaving a country to flounder.

5. The arms race in the Middle East is out of fear of the Iranian build-up, not the US.

6. Americans have been at risk ever since 1979 when Carter did nothing to stand up the terrorists then and all their subsequent attacks on American interests abroad and two on our own soil. Pulling the cover over your heads won’t make them go away.

7. Vast fear? In whom? The left blamed Bush because there was no warning of 9/11 and now, as he fights terror and intercepts it, the left opposes that as well. When will thee be enough attacks for the elft to wake up that we had war declared on us in 1979?

8. The “goal” can be met, but not as long as the anti-liberty left continues to embolden our enemies again and support the wrong side. Like North Viet Nam, they are waiting on us to cut tail and run, inflicting as many casualties as they can in the meantime to keep public sentiment being eroded to hasten our withdrawal.

Viet Nam showed the entire world that although they cannot defeat our Military, they can defeat America by playing to the anti-liberty left.

We went to Afganastan to take out the al-quida... EVERYONE WAS BEHIND THAT!!! And I DO mean EVERYONE...

We invaded Iraq because they has WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.... it took YEARS before actual "terrorism" was even mentioned as the CAUSE of why we were in Iraq, when Bin Laden and his murderous cronies were in Afganastan.

Nope, Sorry... Most every one of us remembers WHY we went there, that we found nothing, and since then, the "CAUSE" has changed at least FOUR different times, on at least FOUR different occasions... so I am sorry that you consider us ignorant of the facts, but the facts speak for themselves here.

There is not ONE person that I know of that would say the first complaint if we were still in Afganastan looking for Laden and cronies... NO ONE.

But, since that wasn't working, we had a "TEAM" who decided to deceive the American Public with (YES) lies after lies after lies of why our young men/women/loved ones were having to go to Iraq.

Now, as of yesterday, and on several different Media coverage channels... There is only about 17% of the people in this country who still says "STAY THE COURSE"... and betcha most of them are either in Washington or North Alabama.

You can write all you want down here, and as many 'reason's and timelines' that you want to, but the people here on the forum are not stupid, and they DO keep up with things, just as you do, but hey, thanks for the info!!!!!!
Originally posted by lewwaters:

Viet Nam showed the entire world that although they cannot defeat our Military, they can defeat America by playing to the anti-liberty left.

That is not entirely true, I lived those days myself, with a husband and a brother there, not to mention too many friends to even count...

Vietnam would have NEVER beat us, if we didnt want them to, that is correct. But if they played the anti-liberty card to us, then why did Nixon sign the bill to end it all and bring our boys home????

We were not there to win, and when Westmoreland's "GAMES" are finally made public, (time limit by law), there will be many many YOUNG people's eyes wide open about what happened in Vietnam... And just why our beloved Soldiers were treated so horribly after coming home,.... you can thank Westmoreland and Nixon for the finality of it all, including how our Troops were treated... it was MOB MANIA going on, and so sickening that it made people just want to either cry or throw up.
Originally posted by NashBama:
There is not ONE person that I know of that would say the first complaint if we were still in Afganastan looking for Laden and cronies... NO ONE.

We never left Afghanistan, my cousin recently got back from there.

So did my friend's son, and they aren't doing anything concerning Laden, they are there aiding the Afghan's that were hurt during our first few weeks of action .
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
I THINK what excelman meant was that MISSION ACCOMPLISHED isn't gonna happen any time soon... or that was the way "I" read that.

If you search at how many Americans were killed in the first 3 years of Vietnam, the numbers wouldn't be much different... BUT the HUGE difference in Vietnam and Iraq is the Medics. Medics and their supplies SAVE so many of our Troops it is unreal... But actual injuries as recorded back a couple of months ago was over 22,000... Back during Vietnam probably about 4-5 thousand of them wouldn't have been able to be saved like today in Iraq.

Not much difference, not much difference at all...

The thing is though, that our Leaders back then PRETENDED to at least CARE... seems like now only folks like us plain old everyday John and Jane Doe's are the ones who actually CARE.

Kindred, the first Vietnam Casualty on the wall was a soldier who was MURDERED BY another soldier. THE FIRST TWO CASUALTIES WHO WERE AMERICANS IN VIETNAM, THEN CALLED FRENCH INDO CHINA WERE PILOTS lost while supporting the French Legionairs at Dien Bien Phu in 1957. American deaths increased as troop levels increased. The same is true in Iraq.
Increasing the number of Americans will result in more Americans being killed. IF THE ARMY COMES HOME NO MORE OF THEM WILL DIE IN IRAQ.
Kindred, many questions so I don’t know if I can answer all of them. Forgive me if I miss some, but I’ll try.

My question to pba about prior service had nothing to do with anyone’s ‘rights.’ As I stated earlier, it helps me to place perspective as to whether someone is speaking from experience or from what they were taught. I am the last one who will tell someone else they have no right to post anywhere. Hence, my own blog is not moderated.

I beg to differ about business in Viet Nam. It too was but a battle in a greater war. This being the Cold War, which culminated in the collapse of the Soviet Union. No, it didn’t end communism completely, but it sure took the wind out of its sails. That is, until some Americans started trying to institute it here by reinventing it.

Bin Laden is hardly the first notorious terrorist nor did he come into being after “we got there,” wherever “there” is. Since 1979, there have been no less than 15 terrorist attacks against American interests, two on our own soil. Bin Laden can only claim involvement in some of the later ones. He and his 1988 founded Al Qaeda were rather insignificant until the early 1990s.

Today, he has been reduced to [URL= ]relative insignificance[/URL]again, having lieutenants to take over his role, if he is still alive. If alive, getting him will be a great morale booster, but his death won’t stop terror.

Yes, war in the Middle East is dangerous, but ignoring it gained us nothing but September 11.

Not “EVERYONE” was behind us in Afghanistan. The New York Times ran an editorial within days of invading Afghanistan comparing it to a “Viet Nam quagmire.” A listing of some of the “World Opinion Polls” opposing the US led invasion in Afghanistan may be seen at World opinion opposes attack on Afghanistan

WMDs were but ONE reason given for involving Iraq. Your assertion that terrorism wasn’t mentioned for “years” is quite faulty. In the September 12, 2002 speech made before the UN General Assembly, Bush said "If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately and unconditionally forswear, disclose, and remove or destroy all weapons of mass destruction, long-range missiles, and all related material.

If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately end all support for terrorism and act to suppress it, as all states are required to do by U.N. Security Council resolutions.

If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will cease persecution of its civilian population, including Shi'a, Sunnis, Kurds, Turkomans, and others, again as required by Security Council resolutions.

If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will release or account for all Gulf War personnel whose fate is still unknown. It will return the remains of any who are deceased, return stolen property, accept liability for losses resulting from the invasion of Kuwait, and fully cooperate with international efforts to resolve these issues, as required by Security Council resolutions.

If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately end all illicit trade outside the oil-for-food program. It will accept U.N. administration of funds from that program, to ensure that the money is used fairly and promptly for the benefit of the Iraqi people."

Perhaps you missed that one, even though it widely disseminated throughout the world.

“IF we were still in Afghanistan?” When did we leave? We have had troops there all along, along with a greater NATO presence, as demanded by the left. Seems the Taliban is regrouping to try to regain Afghanistan too, possibly figuring NATO will also run?

Lie after Lie, huh? Then was Hillary also lying in April 2004 when she said of the WMD evidence, "The consensus was the same, from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration. It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared.”

Were Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, John Kerry and others lying when on October 9, 1998 they wrote a letter saying, "[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."?

Was Madeline Albright lying in 1998 when she said, "Saddam's goal ... is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. We cannot, we must not and we will not let him succeed."?

Was Bill Clinton lying when he said, in 1998, "The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow."?

Was Nancy Pelosi lying when she too added, also in 1998, "As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."?

Was Sandy Berger lying when he said in 1998, "Imagine the consequences if Saddam fails to comply and we fail to act. Saddam will be emboldened, believing the international community has lost its will. He will rebuild his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. And some day, some way, I am certain, he will use that arsenal again, as he has ten times since 1983."?

And, who can forget John Kerry’s words before the Senate in November of 1997, addressing Saddam’s WMDs, in a speech titled and calling for Military Action against Iraq (“not only of a handful of cruise missiles hitting isolated targets”) “We must be firm with Saddam Hussein,” “Should the resolve of our allies wane to pursue this matter until an acceptable inspection process has been reinstituted--which I hope will not occur and which I am pleased to say at this moment does not seem to have even begun--the United States must not lose its resolve to take action.”

Please note, statements were made long before George W. bush was even a candidate for President.

My, but how a change in the political make up of the sitting administration change things.

I don’t know about Alabama, haven’t been there in many years, but Washington is hardly a right leaning state. Did you forget we are the home of Patty “Osama Mama” Murray?

Thank you for granting me permission to voice my views. Very big of you.
Originally posted by lewwaters:
Kindred, many questions so I don’t know if I can answer all of them. Forgive me if I miss some, but I’ll try.

My question to pba about prior service had nothing to do with anyone’s ‘rights.’ As I stated earlier, it helps me to place perspective as to whether someone is speaking from experience or from what they were taught. I am the last one who will tell someone else they have no right to post anywhere. Hence, my own blog is not moderated.

I beg to differ about business in Viet Nam. It too was but a battle in a greater war. This being the Cold War, which culminated in the collapse of the Soviet Union. No, it didn’t end communism completely, but it sure took the wind out of its sails. That is, until some Americans started trying to institute it here by reinventing it.

Bin Laden is hardly the first notorious terrorist nor did he come into being after “we got there,” wherever “there” is. Since 1979, there have been no less than 15 terrorist attacks against American interests, two on our own soil. Bin Laden can only claim involvement in some of the later ones. He and his 1988 founded Al Qaeda were rather insignificant until the early 1990s.

Today, he has been reduced to [URL= ]relative insignificance[/URL]again, having lieutenants to take over his role, if he is still alive. If alive, getting him will be a great morale booster, but his death won’t stop terror.

Yes, war in the Middle East is dangerous, but ignoring it gained us nothing but September 11.

Not “EVERYONE” was behind us in Afghanistan. The New York Times ran an editorial within days of invading Afghanistan comparing it to a “Viet Nam quagmire.” A listing of some of the “World Opinion Polls” opposing the US led invasion in Afghanistan may be seen at World opinion opposes attack on Afghanistan

WMDs were but ONE reason given for involving Iraq. Your assertion that terrorism wasn’t mentioned for “years” is quite faulty. In the September 12, 2002 speech made before the UN General Assembly, Bush said "If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately and unconditionally forswear, disclose, and remove or destroy all weapons of mass destruction, long-range missiles, and all related material.

If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately end all support for terrorism and act to suppress it, as all states are required to do by U.N. Security Council resolutions.

If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will cease persecution of its civilian population, including Shi'a, Sunnis, Kurds, Turkomans, and others, again as required by Security Council resolutions.

If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will release or account for all Gulf War personnel whose fate is still unknown. It will return the remains of any who are deceased, return stolen property, accept liability for losses resulting from the invasion of Kuwait, and fully cooperate with international efforts to resolve these issues, as required by Security Council resolutions.

If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately end all illicit trade outside the oil-for-food program. It will accept U.N. administration of funds from that program, to ensure that the money is used fairly and promptly for the benefit of the Iraqi people."

Perhaps you missed that one, even though it widely disseminated throughout the world.

“IF we were still in Afghanistan?” When did we leave? We have had troops there all along, along with a greater NATO presence, as demanded by the left. Seems the Taliban is regrouping to try to regain Afghanistan too, possibly figuring NATO will also run?

Lie after Lie, huh? Then was Hillary also lying in April 2004 when she said of the WMD evidence, "The consensus was the same, from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration. It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared.”

Were Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, John Kerry and others lying when on October 9, 1998 they wrote a letter saying, "[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."?

Was Madeline Albright lying in 1998 when she said, "Saddam's goal ... is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. We cannot, we must not and we will not let him succeed."?

Was Bill Clinton lying when he said, in 1998, "The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow."?

Was Nancy Pelosi lying when she too added, also in 1998, "As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."?

Was Sandy Berger lying when he said in 1998, "Imagine the consequences if Saddam fails to comply and we fail to act. Saddam will be emboldened, believing the international community has lost its will. He will rebuild his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. And some day, some way, I am certain, he will use that arsenal again, as he has ten times since 1983."?

And, who can forget John Kerry’s words before the Senate in November of 1997, addressing Saddam’s WMDs, in a speech titled and calling for Military Action against Iraq (“not only of a handful of cruise missiles hitting isolated targets”) “We must be firm with Saddam Hussein,” “Should the resolve of our allies wane to pursue this matter until an acceptable inspection process has been reinstituted--which I hope will not occur and which I am pleased to say at this moment does not seem to have even begun--the United States must not lose its resolve to take action.”

Please note, statements were made long before George W. bush was even a candidate for President.

My, but how a change in the political make up of the sitting administration change things.

I don’t know about Alabama, haven’t been there in many years, but Washington is hardly a right leaning state. Did you forget we are the home of Patty “Osama Mama” Murray?

Thank you for granting me permission to voice my views. Very big of you.

relying on "Swift Boat" lies as you recommend a site - "Swift Vets." the usual distortions.

The facts I gave are correct and documented

When was you in Viet-Nam? what part of Viet-nam were you station? what service?
Originally posted by Southern Patriot:
Lew, you are mistaken! You actually believe that your supplying facts to PDA and Ed will in any way get them to see the truth. They never let truth or facts get in the way of the leftest garbage they spew. I appreciate your effort though. The segements you have written in this thread are superb.

You mean the Rightie's Views are the only views that = Truth huh?
Originally posted by lewwaters:
The "untold millions of innocent deaths of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians" were the result of the US War against a country that never attacked us. The US war machine killed over 2 million in Vietnam alone and countless thousands as it spread the war to neighboring Cambodia and Laos.

Pure leftist spin.

The North Vietnamese did finally admit that we killed millions of their troops. The weekly body counts everyone said were made up proved to be understatements. The killing mentioned came about at the hands of the Communists AFTER we left.

If spreading the war to Cambodia disturbs you, maybe you should look at who really spread it there by attacking the South through and from there. Then again, the Cambodian government at the time allowed them to freely operate from there.

Laos suffered a Communist incursion at the hands of the Communists long before the US was involved in the fighting in Viet Nam, from the Viet Minh.

The war was an invasion and occupation behind a puppet government that supported the oligarchy and it's exploitation of the working people. The occupation was opposed by the majority of the Vietnamese people which is why we lost. One of the main things I remember was soldiers saying you never knew who you could trust.

Wrong again.

Diem was neither a puppet of the US nor a very fair leader. We protected him from assassination attempts up until the time he, being part of the minority Catholic ruling class, began oppressing the majority Buddhists, resulting in the now famous scenes of Buddhist Monks setting themselves on fire. Through the CIA, Kennedy decided to stop protecting Diem and allowed the CIA to encourage a coup de tat to oust Diem from power. He did not expect Diem and his brother to be assassinated.

Incidentally, “WE” didn’t lose Viet Nam, “YOU” did. We left Viet Nam undefeated on the battlefield. After we left, promising continued support for a free Viet Nam, the Democrat led Congress passed the ‘bipartisan’ Case-Church Amendment in June of 1973, effectively denying any and all support or help to South Viet Nam, paving the way for North Viet Nam to violate the Paris Peace Accords and conquer South Viet Nam.

If the “majority of the Vietnamese” so opposed our presence, as you state, why were so many fighting to be evacuated on any ship, airplane or helicopter they grab as the ‘benevolent’ North Vietnamese Communist tanks rolled into Saigon and later as the “Boat People?”

How does anyone in any war “know who to trust?”

Those who were traitors to their country and collaborated with the US occupiers did try to flee and the US did turn it's back on them. According ex CIA agent John Stockwell, who was a station chief in Vietnam, the policy to abandon the collaborators was done purposely as a propaganda technique to use against the anti war movement. Others tried to flee for economic reasons. The country had been devastated and economic opportunities were low, resources scant and the hardships great.

Have you ever spoken to any Vietnamese? Or, do you just get your information from left wing propaganda?

Apparently, Stockwell missed some things in Viet Nam. Like, Ho Chi Minh, a lifelong Communist, trained in Soviet Union and took control of North Vietnam by fear. He assassinated political rivals, and removed competition until he was the only representative of Vietnamese nationalism. Under his leadership, the North Vietnamese Army sustained stunning casualties. He and his successor, Ton Duc Thang, were willing to sacrifice as many Vietnamese as it took to ensure their subsequent victory.

Stockwell is but one person who ran a CIA intelligence-gathering post in Vietnam and did not become a Station Chief until afterwards in Angola. Still, he spent 13 years in the CIA and has made quite a name for himself with the left. Few others pay him much mind.

If you care to see just who really decimated Viet Nam, compare it to South Korea, where the left did not bring about a “cut and run” and abandon an ally tactic. Isn’t it odd that South Korea thrives, while North Korea doesn’t? In fact, Viet Nam after the takeover by the Communists resembles North Korea in several ways.

The majority of the Vietnams people went on to rebuild their lives and their country into a peaceful nation that has been seeking normal relations with the US. They are anything but "enslaved."

Following their victory in 1975, the communists, hailed as liberators by their sympathizers, put more than 1 million people in concentration camps, appropriated property, nationalized all means of production, evicted people from their homes and stripped people of their savings. Before the end of the war, South Vietnam was at par with other developing countries in the region. Now, after 30 years of "liberation", Vietnam ranks with the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world.

After 30 years of peace, intellectuals, artists, Buddhist monks, Catholic priests, tribal people, even communist war heroes, are subject to arrest, torture, harassment and imprisonment for peacefully demanding freedom and democracy. The Montagnards in the Central Highlands have been especially targeted for decimation.

The people of Vietnam spent decades fighting to free themselves from domination by the Japanese, French and the Americans and finally won their independence.

Truth be known, Viet Nam’s struggles between North and South date as far back as 207 BC. Without addressing the lengthy history of that time, I’ll just say that the French became involved in the ongoing fighting in the 1700s and installed Colonial Rule. Other than the years under Japanese occupation, the French pretty much ruled Viet Nam. After the massive defeat the French suffered in Diem Bin Phu, they decided enough and began withdrawing after a cease-fire was signed in Geneva.

Elections mandated between the North and South in the cease-fire were to take place within two years, but never did. Ho Chi Minh, already a staunch Communist, had been installed as leader in the North while Bo Dai was installed in the South. Diem was brought back by emperor Bo Dai as Prime Minister and through strong-arm tactics, became the “elected” President in 1955, defeating Bo Dai. Diem proved he wasn’t going to be a “puppet” ruler, doing things his way.

Several reasons have been given for the elections not taking place. One was the massive influx of refugees, some 850,000, from the North to the South after Communist rule was installed. The South, which had not signed the Geneva Accords, did not feel the Communists in the North would allow fair elections. In January 1957, the International Control Commission (ICC), comprising observers from India, Poland, and Canada, agreed with this perception, reporting that neither South nor North Vietnam had honored the armistice agreement.

A suggested book to read. “Unheralded Victory” by Mark W. Woodruff.

Today the people of Iraq face the same struggle as they fight to free themselves from US occupation and domination.

Spoken like a true Socialist. Do you visit Iraqi blog sites? I do. While they prefer America not be there, as we would if foreign troops were here, they also agree America can’t leave until they are strong enough to fight off Al Qaeda and other radicals groups.

For “occupying and dominating” the country, they sure didn’t listen to us about not executing Saddam, did they? He was tried, convicted and executed by Iraqis, even as the current administration recommended against it.

The left never "spit on Vietnam Vets" either. More lies by the right wing.

Really? Feel free to visit the Swift vets forum where we have several news articles listed and dating back into the late 1960s documenting spitting incidents. Lembecke didn’t look very hard before making his assertions in historical revision. Swift vets - The Spitting Myth

lewwaters, I Think you're on the Spin for the wayout far rightlies for sure!
check this out!

This article is about the CIA agent. For the actor, see John Stockwell (actor).

John R. Stockwell is a former CIA officer who became a critic of United States government policies after serving in the Agency for thirteen years serving seven tours of duty. After managing the Angola War as Chief of the Angola Task Force during its 1975 covert operations, he resigned and wrote In Search of Enemies, a book which remains the only detailed, insider's account of a major CIA "covert action."

The US killed over two million Vietnamese, a fact that has been established by the UN and International Aid agencies as well as research by independent journalists and historians. Indiscriminate bombings, military actions and death squads all contributed. Your as bad as Holocaust deniers.

The made up body counts were exposed and admitted too by both the soldiers who participated in them and again, independent journalists. The Vietnamese did take heavy loses but the exaggerated body counts were well established and famous.
After the US withdrew there were no mass killings or "blood bath" as the US had hoped. Those who had betrayed their country and collaborated with the US occupying forces were sent to prisons and "reeducation camps," and later released.

Cambodia was a neutral country. The Vietcong camps that the US claimed proved to be small and US bombing raids as well as invasions did not find the huge camps they claimed existed. The war in Vietnam was fought by Vietnamese guerillas that operated in the South with the aid of the majority of the people of South Vietnam.

The war was spread to Laos by US death squads under the Phoenix program, which assassinated community leaders, teachers, journalists and anyone who spoke out for economic and political justice in their country.

Diem, was a puppet of the US and because he was extremely brutal, corrupt and unpopular the US decided to get rid of him. He represented the small wealthy ruling class, or oligarchy, that ruled over the Buddhist majority. As did the US hand picked puppets Ky and Thu who followed him. The people of Vietnam, like many peoples throughout the world, lied their history through invasions and wars and saw the US invasion as just another part of their history.

The Buddhist Monks set themselves afire in protest of the US occupation and war, which was devastating the country side with bombing raids and Agent Orange, killing and maiming thousands of Vietnams civilians. Another fact that has been rewritten by Right Wing spin.

The US lost 59,000 soldiers with tens of thousands wounded, maimed, and suffering from Post Traumatic Stress, and no end to the war in sight. The army was cracking under the strain and began to mutiny. See the documentary "Sir, No Sir."

The failure of the war and strategy was evident to all reasonable thinking people who began to question the reason for this war. Our questions were answered when Daniel Ellesberg leaked the Pentagon Papers which exposed the lies of the US government had been telling about the war. And yes, the American people finally rose up and elected anti war candidates to congress who put an end to the war. And "incidentally," that's how democracy works.

The majority of the Vietnamese opposed the US occupation. There were some that did collaborate with the US occupying forces who tried to flee when the US left. Ex CIA agent John Stockwell wrote that word came from Washington that only a small number would be evacuated and the rest left hoping to use them as propaganda against the anti war movement, which is what the pictures of them trying to flee were all about. They were originally promised a flight out then abandoned. The CIA was also hoping for a blood bath to use as propaganda.

I attended to lectures by John Stockwell, one in 1986 and again in 88 and bought a number of his tapes and videos. As I remember he was a station chief and later, after the war headed the CIA secret war in Angola. He wrote that all the documents and reports by CIA agents on the ground told the truth about Vietnam, the corruption, brutality, killings, suffering, injustice and hopelessness of winning the war and how it was a national movement for independence and economic justice. These documents were rewritten and twisted by Thomas Polgar to fit Washington's agenda, spin and lies. He said the agents called it "Polgarizing" the reports.

Ho Chi Minh was educated in Europe, France I believe, and was an international statesman, a writer, a poet who dedicated his life to freeing his people and bringing economic and political justice to them. He was referred to by the people as "Uncle Ho." The US did it's best to vilify him but he was recognized internationally as the true statesman he was. he led his people to independence against some of the ost pwerful nations on earth.

Vietnam remained poor after the war because it was devastated by the War and left in ruins. Children are still born today with birth defects from Agent Orange as well as being maimed by unexploded bombs. Even though they struggled they found peace and solidarity and reconciliation as a nation.

Ho Chi Minh as well as others knew the problems between the North and South, the people of the hills and those of the cities and the gap between the ruling elite's and the rest of the Vietnams population and recognized the country as one. It did not recognize the right of the UN, Europe and the US to cut their country in two, the North going to the Vietnams people and the South to US occupation. The US was interested in encircling China as well as other economic reasons and saw Vietnam merely as a pawn and a stepping stone. Ho Chi Minh saw his country as one, independent of US colonial rule. History has shown him to be right and a great leader.

Today the people of Iraq are facing the same struggle against imperialism. Al Qaeda are a small force in Iraq, as they are throughout the Muslim world. The majority of the Iraqi people have continually voted in polls as well as in demonstrations for the US to leave and they will solve their differences. Outside of the small ruling US puppets, the majority of the Sunni and Shiites agree that the US occupation is the major factor for the internal fighting.

US did not try to stop the execution of Saddam but merely postpone it. It was a clear kangaroo court, established under US military occupation. The US wanted the execution Saddam as an example to other Arab leaders who will resist US domination.

The myth of returning vets being "spit on" by the peace movement is a myth. The peace movement saw the soldiers also as victims of the US war machine, as they continue to do today with those lied to fight in Iraq.
Last edited by Jan55
Originally posted by lewwaters:
how can you stand to support a war that was started on lies, is being fought by people who think the mission is to take out Muslim Terrorists, that has killed near 50 times as many people as there were ever terrorists, has destroyed the reputation of the USA as a law abiding nation, has touche off a new arms race, puts all Americans At risk anywhere beyond our borders, generates vast fear in the people of the country, and IS NOT LIKELY TO ACHIEVE IT'S GOAL REGARDLESS OF HOW LONG WE FIGHT?

1. It was not started on lies. Nearly every Democrat and foreign intelligence agreed Saddam was a danger. Even Hillary Clinton, in April 2004, on the Larry King Show said, "The consensus was the same, from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration," she said. "It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared.”

2. If their mission isn’t to “take out Muslim terrorists,” why is it that is what they are doing?

3. Please document the claim of “50 times as many people as there were terrorists.”

4. America’s reputation was damaged when we abandoned allies from Bay of Pigs, Viet Nam, Lebanon, Somalia, the first Gulf War and it is being further eroded as the world contemplates us once again, waltzing away leaving a country to flounder.

5. The arms race in the Middle East is out of fear of the Iranian build-up, not the US.

6. Americans have been at risk ever since 1979 when Carter did nothing to stand up the terrorists then and all their subsequent attacks on American interests abroad and two on our own soil. Pulling the cover over your heads won’t make them go away.

7. Vast fear? In whom? The left blamed Bush because there was no warning of 9/11 and now, as he fights terror and intercepts it, the left opposes that as well. When will thee be enough attacks for the elft to wake up that we had war declared on us in 1979?

8. The “goal” can be met, but not as long as the anti-liberty left continues to embolden our enemies again and support the wrong side. Like North Viet Nam, they are waiting on us to cut tail and run, inflicting as many casualties as they can in the meantime to keep public sentiment being eroded to hasten our withdrawal.

Viet Nam showed the entire world that although they cannot defeat our Military, they can defeat America by playing to the anti-liberty left.

1. The Iraq war was started on lies. The latest report by the Department of Defense has also called into question how intelligence was gathered to support the invasion. The White House established a special team that "cherry picked" information that fitted their agenda, ignored information that they disagreed with and "Stove Piped" or by passed regular CIA channels right to Cheney, who used it as their excuse to invade.

The democrats did believe Saddam was threat but only authorized use of force based on Bush's manipulating intelligence creating a phoney threat. UN inspectors found no such threat. CIA information also found no evidence of any WMD program.

Even the claim by Bush that Saddem was trying to buy uranium from Niger was known to be a lie and Bush was told by Tenet not to say it but still Bush repeated it. It is why they leaked CIA Valerie Plame's name to the press and punish her husband, Joe Wilson, for exposing their lies. The Bush administration are not only are liars but traitors and war criminals.

The famous "Downing Street Memo" was a document leaked to the press that had been drawn up by the British government after meetings with the Bush administration that reported that Saddam did not have a capable WMD program but Bush was intent on going to war and that the "Facts were being Fixed around the Policy."

2. The reason for the invasion was the bogus claim that Saddam had a secret WMD program and was allied with al Qeada, and also the lie that Iraqi agents had a connection to Atta through a supposed meeting. Another lie. Bush even callously joked while looking under his desk and behind curtians saying, "No WMD here.,... and nope, non over here," while US soldiers are dying and suffering. The Pentagon has issued a report saying no WMD program has been found in Iraq.

3. Before the US invasion there were no al Qaeda cells in Iraq, except for two in the Northern Kurdish country that were protected by the US/Britian "No Fly Zone."

US intelligence estimates at the time of 9/11 were that al Qaeda had about 2,000 members, world wide, the majority in camps in Afghanistan. There are about 50 to 75 million people living in Iraq alone. ( I forget the exact number) not counting one billion Muslims world wide. Al Qaeda are a very tiny minority of extremists and Bin Laden's continual call for a jihad against the West had failed to cause the Muslim world to rise up and support him. The majority of Arab and Muslim people are peaceful but do resent US and western puppets and domination of their region.

Bush's invasion, occupation, atrocities and war crimes and corruption in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as secret prisons, torture, scapegoating of Muslim people in America and west has helped al Qaeda's numbers grow. Something that the left and peace movement warned would happen but Bush and the war mongers played right into his hands. The Iraq War and the brutality of the occupation and war on terrorism has increased resentment and anger at west throughout the Muslim world and has strengthened al Qaeda.

4. America's reputation was damaged when it over threw legitimate democracies, like Iran, Guatemala, the Congo, Chile, Brazil, and others as well as it's support of death squads and repressive right wing governments. The Iraq War, which is illegal, has further damaged it's reputation along with illegal kidnappings, secret prisons, torture and occupation of Iraq.

5. The arms race in the Mideast is led with US support by Israelis illegal occupation of Palestine, which is lnd legally recognized as Palestinian, which Israel invaded in 1967 an is stealing while it carries out it's ethnic cleansing campaign. The Palestinians are fighting against an illegal occupation. Iran is responding to Israelis expansionist policies and territorial and political demands for a greater Israel and domination of the region.

6. The US has been at risk since it's policy after WW2 of dominating the region, overthrowing governments, backing repressive puppets and thwarting democratic and labor movements throughout the region and it's one sided support for Israelis crimes, as a poluicy to help US control the region and influence over the oil. It has now decided to take the region by force and control the oil supplies and profits. Bin Laden has continually written his goal is to drive Western Domination from the region. The West has dominated the region, for the oil, since WW1.

7. The left blames Bush because he ignored all briefings and warnings prior to the 9/11 attacks. Richard Clarke wrote that is briefings about al Qaeda's threats were brushed aside and money to fight terrorism cut. Bush was concentrating on invading Iraq. Even our own intelligence agencies warned Bush in the famous Aug 6th briefing, "Bin Laden determined to attack on US soil." Bush's response was to go on vacation and "cut brush" on his ranch. The intelligence agencies of Israel, Russia, Germany, Egypt and others also warned US of an impending attack and it has now come out that Tenet himself went to Rice and Rumsfled with the warning and was also brushed aside.

Now Bush uses the excuse to dismantle the constitution, which is not needed. Simple police work and international co-operation crippled al Qaeda's leadership but his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with secret prisons and torture has been al Qaeda's best recruiting tools.

8. The insurgency in Iraq, like that in Vietnam, are fighting for their freedom against an invading army. They have 'no where to run to" and will continue to fight for their freedom.

The US lost 59,000 soldiers in Vietnam with no end to the war in sight. It was defeated militarily. The American military began to crack and mutiny. That is why the American people rose up and ended it. That's how Democracy works, the people say end the war and the government ends it.
Since you asked and apparently ignored my previous answer, I was US Army, Viet Nam mid 69 to Jan 71, C Troop 7/17th Air Cav/412th TC Det., Central Highlands, Qui Nhon, An Son, An Khe, Pleiku; 67V20, OH-6A/OH-58A Helicopter Crew Chief/Mechanic

Now, yours?

On to your funny facts.

1. The Iraq war was started on lies. The latest report by the Department of Defense has also called into question how intelligence was gathered to support the invasion. The White House established a special team that "cherry picked" information that fitted their agenda, ignored information that they disagreed with and "Stove Piped" or by passed regular CIA channels right to Cheney, who used it as their excuse to invade.

Apparently you missed the Washington Post’s correction: A Feb. 9 front-page article about the Pentagon inspector general's report regarding the office of former undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith incorrectly attributed quotations to that report. References to Feith's office producing "reporting of dubious quality or reliability" and that the office "was predisposed to finding a significant relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda" were from a report issued by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) in Oct. 2004. Similarly, the quotes stating that Feith's office drew on "both reliable and unreliable reporting" to produce a link between al-Qaeda and Iraq "that was much stronger than that assessed by the IC [Intelligence Community] and more in accord with the policy views of senior officials in the Administration" were also from Levin's report. The article also stated that the intelligence provided by Feith's office supported the political views of senior administration officials, a conclusion that the inspector general's report did not draw…

The democrats did believe Saddam was threat but only authorized use of force based on Bush's manipulating intelligence creating a phoney threat. UN inspectors found no such threat. CIA information also found no evidence of any WMD program.

Please refer to my reply above where I gave several quotes of prominent Democrats cries about Saddam long before Bush was elected.

Even the claim by Bush that Saddem was trying to buy uranium from Niger was known to be a lie and Bush was told by Tenet not to say it but still Bush repeated it. It is why they leaked CIA Valerie Plame's name to the press and punish her husband, Joe Wilson, for exposing their lies. The Bush administration are not only are liars but traitors and war criminals.[/]

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence destroyed Joe Wilson’s claims as totally false. The entire Plamegate issue was nothing but a witch hunt instituted by the left. That is why Scooter Libby is not on trial for leaking any name, no one is. Fitzgerald knew who said her name, Richard Armitage, early on and it wasn’t being ‘outed’ as Democrats tried in vain to prove.
Frontpage Magazine

[I]The famous "Downing Street Memo" was a document leaked to the press that had been drawn up by the British government after meetings with the Bush administration that reported that Saddam did not have a capable WMD program but Bush was intent on going to war and that the "Facts were being Fixed around the Policy."

BWAHAHAHAHA, the ‘Downing Street Memo?’ Did you somehow miss where the ‘leaker’ claimed the original was so sensitive, he typed a copy and destroyed the original? Must have known the Kinko’s manager and Dan Rather.

2. The reason for the invasion was the bogus claim that Saddam had a secret WMD program and was allied with al Qeada, and also the lie that Iraqi agents had a connection to Atta through a supposed meeting. Another lie. Bush even callously joked while looking under his desk and behind curtians saying, "No WMD here.,... and nope, non over here," while US soldiers are dying and suffering. The Pentagon has issued a report saying no WMD program has been found in Iraq.

So Bush made a joke, whoopie. The expected WMDs were not found, true. But, since so many felt they were there and in the six months long ‘rush to war,’ they disappeared, any notion where they went? Too many Democrats said they were there long before Bush was elected for them to have not existed.

3. Before the US invasion there were no al Qaeda cells in Iraq, except for two in the Northern Kurdish country that were protected by the US/Britian "No Fly Zone."

No Al Qaeda in Iraq, but they were everywhere else, huh? Allow me quote some passages from the much vaunted 911 Commission report;

Page 134: “In February 1999, Allen proposed flying a U-2 mission over Afghanistan to build a baseline of intelligence outside the areas where the tribals had coverage. [Richard] Clarke was nervous about such a mission because he continued to fear that Bin Ladin might leave for someplace less accessible. He wrote Deputy National Security Advisor Donald Kerrick that one reliable source reported Bin Ladin’s having met with Iraqi officials, who “may have offered him asylum.” Other intelligence sources said that some Taliban leaders, though not Mullah Omar, had urged Bin Ladin to go to Iraq. If Bin Ladin actually moved to Iraq, wrote Clarke, his network would be at Saddam Hussein’s service, and it would be “virtually impossible” to find him. Better to get Bin Ladin in Afghanistan, Clarke declared.”

Page 134 “Berger suggested sending one U-2 flight, but Clarke opposed even this. It would require Pakistani approval, he wrote; and “Pak[istan’s] intel[ligence service] is in bed with” Bin Ladin and would warn him that the United States was getting ready for a bombing campaign: “Armed with that knowledge, old wily Usama will likely boogie to Baghdad.” Though told also by Bruce Riedel of the NSC staff that Saddam Hussein wanted Bin Ladin in Baghdad, [Sandy] Berger conditionally authorized a single U-2 flight. Allen meanwhile had found other ways of getting the information he wanted. So the U-2 flight never occurred.”

From some Commissioners;

Patrick Fitzgerald a U.S. attorney and the lead prosecutor in several terrorism cases: “We understood there was a very, very intimate relationship between Al-Qaeda and the Sudan. They worked hand in hand. We understood there was a working relationship with Iran and Hezbollah and they shared training. We also understood that there had been antipathy between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, because Saddam Hussein was not viewed as being religious. Clearly we put Sudan in the first order at that time as being a part of Al-Qaeda. We understood the relationship with Iran, but Iraq we understood went from a position where they were working against each other to standing down against each other and we understood they were going to explore the possibility of working on weapons together. That's my piece of what I know. I don't represent to know everything else, so I can't tell you what we've learned since then. But there was that relationship that went from opposing each other to not opposing each other, to possibly working with each other. “

Jim Thompson former governor of Illinois and member of the 9-11 Commission: When asked by Soledad O’Brien on CNNs Good Morning America on 18 June 2004: "So we hear from both President Bush and Dick Cheney clearly there was a relationship. Does your report contradict what the White House is saying?" Thompson answered: Not at all. In fact, the report says that President Bush and Vice President Cheney are correct. It's a little mystifying to me why some elements of the press have tried to stir this up as a big controversy and a big point of contradiction because there is none. We said there's no evidence to support the notion that Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein collaborated together to produce 9/11. President Bush said that weeks ago. He said it again yesterday. The vice president said it again yesterday. I said it again yesterday in television interviews. What we did I say was there were contacts between Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi administration of Saddam Hussein, and the president has said there were contacts. The vice president has said there were contacts. They may be in possession of information about contacts beyond those that we found, I don't know. That wasn't any of our business. Our business was 9/11. So there is no controversy; there's no contradiction, and this is not an issue.

Chairman of the 9-11 Commission Kean: “Were there contacts between al-Qaeda and Iraq? Yes. Some of them are shadowy, but there’s no question they were there.”

Former Navy Secretary John Lehman, on CNN’s June 17 “Inside Politics” ''The President's correct. And the commission yesterday said exactly that. What the commission also said was there was no evidence of collaboration on any of the attacks against the United States. But we had previously pointed out that, particularly in Sudan, there is very hard evidence of collaboration on the X gas and other evidence, and additional contacts between Saddam's intelligence service and al Qaeda in the assistance in training in weapons, chemical and biological weapons, anthrax manufacture, and that's what we had in our report yesterday, but unfortunately, the New York Times sort of highlighted only one half of that.''

US intelligence estimates at the time of 9/11 were that al Qaeda had about 2,000 members, world wide, the majority in camps in Afghanistan. There are about 50 to 75 million people living in Iraq alone. ( I forget the exact number) not counting one billion Muslims world wide. Al Qaeda are a very tiny minority of extremists and Bin Laden's continual call for a jihad against the West had failed to cause the Muslim world to rise up and support him. The majority of Arab and Muslim people are peaceful but do resent US and western puppets and domination of their region.

Al Qaeda’s membership has and is only estimates. However, it should be noted they are but one of several loosely knit groups advocating jihad against the west. One that Al Qaeda is believed to have grown from was estimated at having upwards of 35,000 between 1982 and 1991.

Bush's invasion, occupation, atrocities and war crimes and corruption in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as secret prisons, torture, scapegoating of Muslim people in America and west has helped al Qaeda's numbers grow. Something that the left and peace movement warned would happen but Bush and the war mongers played right into his hands. The Iraq War and the brutality of the occupation and war on terrorism has increased resentment and anger at west throughout the Muslim world and has strengthened al Qaeda.[/]

So, you advocate surrendering to terror?

4. Too much nonsense.

5. [I]The arms race in the Mideast is led with US support by Israelis illegal occupation of Palestine, which is lnd legally recognized as Palestinian, which Israel invaded in 1967 an is stealing while it carries out it's ethnic cleansing campaign. The Palestinians are fighting against an illegal occupation. Iran is responding to Israelis expansionist policies and territorial and political demands for a greater Israel and domination of the region.

I guess it never occurred to you that the Jews of Israel are Jewish Palestinians? Jews have always lived in that region, long before Mohammad came onto the scene. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW1, Britain declared that the Jews would receive all land west of the Jordan River and the Arabs East. Jews have the oldest claim to the land dating back to Biblical times.

Then again, why weren’t Arabs concerned over Palestinian Arabs prior to their defeat in 1967?

6. The US has been at risk since it's policy after WW2 of dominating the region

Try reading some history. Britain and France were the most responsible for the region dating from WW1.

7. The left blames Bush because he ignored all briefings and warnings prior to the 9/11 attacks. Richard Clarke wrote that is briefings about al Qaeda's threats were brushed aside and money to fight terrorism cut.

Could this be the same Richard Clarke I quote above that said he saw an Al Qaeda to Iraq connection that you say didn’t exist? Tenet, with perfect 20/20 hindsight, said, “There was no conclusive, smoking-gun intelligence, but there was such a huge volume of data that an intelligence officer's instinct strongly suggested that something was coming.”

Okay, good enough. What was coming? What steps should have been taken? Would the nation have appreciated Bush grounding all aircraft on September 10, 2001?

8. The insurgency in Iraq, like that in Vietnam, are fighting for their freedom against an invading army. They have 'no where to run to" and will continue to fight for their freedom.

Al Qaeda is “fighting for their freedom?” Funny you mention Viet Nam again. If, as you suggest, they fought for and won their “freedom” from America, why did so many flee in the late 70s and early 80s as the “Boat People?” Did they not appreciate the freedom they gained from the benevolent Stalinist Communists?

The US lost 59,000 soldiers in Vietnam with no end to the war in sight. It was defeated militarily. The American military began to crack and mutiny. That is why the American people rose up and ended it. That's how Democracy works, the people say end the war and the government ends it.

This is the most ridiculous canard you have ever stated. Please list battles American Military lost in Viet Nam.

Did you miss the quotes of the Officers of North Viet Nam I supplied where they state their “victory” is owed to the American left? Their words, not mine. Hate to tell you, but they were considering a surrender after their utter defeat in their failed Offensive of Tet of ’68. Walter Cronkite, unknowingly, gave them courage to fight on, but differently, playing to public sentiment in America. In the end, an additional 40,000 Americans died in Viet Nam before we left in 1973. We left with our heads held high, until we came home to vitriol from the left and were forced to watch as North Vietnamese tanks overtook Saigon and we sold out the South Vietnamese, doing nothing!

Incidentally, I have quoted you nothing from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The one link I gave is an archival thread documenting news claims of returning Veterans being spit on. Articles were from news sources decades before the SBVT were formed.

On top of that, your cries of “LIES,” much like Lawrence O’Donnells, doesn’t discredit any one but yourselves. Nothing they claimed or documented has ever been disproven.
Originally posted by lewwaters:
Since you asked and apparently ignored my previous answer, I was US Army, Viet Nam mid 69 to Jan 71, C Troop 7/17th Air Cav/412th TC Det., Central Highlands, Qui Nhon, An Son, An Khe, Pleiku; 67V20, OH-6A/OH-58A Helicopter Crew Chief/Mechanic

Now, yours?

On to your funny facts.

1. The Iraq war was started on lies. The latest report by the Department of Defense has also called into question how intelligence was gathered to support the invasion. The White House established a special team that "cherry picked" information that fitted their agenda, ignored information that they disagreed with and "Stove Piped" or by passed regular CIA channels right to Cheney, who used it as their excuse to invade.

Apparently you missed the Washington Post’s correction: A Feb. 9 front-page article about the Pentagon inspector general's report regarding the office of former undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith incorrectly attributed quotations to that report. References to Feith's office producing "reporting of dubious quality or reliability" and that the office "was predisposed to finding a significant relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda" were from a report issued by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) in Oct. 2004. Similarly, the quotes stating that Feith's office drew on "both reliable and unreliable reporting" to produce a link between al-Qaeda and Iraq "that was much stronger than that assessed by the IC [Intelligence Community] and more in accord with the policy views of senior officials in the Administration" were also from Levin's report. The article also stated that the intelligence provided by Feith's office supported the political views of senior administration officials, a conclusion that the inspector general's report did not draw…

The democrats did believe Saddam was threat but only authorized use of force based on Bush's manipulating intelligence creating a phoney threat. UN inspectors found no such threat. CIA information also found no evidence of any WMD program.

Please refer to my reply above where I gave several quotes of prominent Democrats cries about Saddam long before Bush was elected.

Even the claim by Bush that Saddem was trying to buy uranium from Niger was known to be a lie and Bush was told by Tenet not to say it but still Bush repeated it. It is why they leaked CIA Valerie Plame's name to the press and punish her husband, Joe Wilson, for exposing their lies. The Bush administration are not only are liars but traitors and war criminals.[/]

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence destroyed Joe Wilson’s claims as totally false. The entire Plamegate issue was nothing but a witch hunt instituted by the left. That is why Scooter Libby is not on trial for leaking any name, no one is. Fitzgerald knew who said her name, Richard Armitage, early on and it wasn’t being ‘outed’ as Democrats tried in vain to prove.
Frontpage Magazine

[I]The famous "Downing Street Memo" was a document leaked to the press that had been drawn up by the British government after meetings with the Bush administration that reported that Saddam did not have a capable WMD program but Bush was intent on going to war and that the "Facts were being Fixed around the Policy."

BWAHAHAHAHA, the ‘Downing Street Memo?’ Did you somehow miss where the ‘leaker’ claimed the original was so sensitive, he typed a copy and destroyed the original? Must have known the Kinko’s manager and Dan Rather.

2. The reason for the invasion was the bogus claim that Saddam had a secret WMD program and was allied with al Qeada, and also the lie that Iraqi agents had a connection to Atta through a supposed meeting. Another lie. Bush even callously joked while looking under his desk and behind curtians saying, "No WMD here.,... and nope, non over here," while US soldiers are dying and suffering. The Pentagon has issued a report saying no WMD program has been found in Iraq.

So Bush made a joke, whoopie. The expected WMDs were not found, true. But, since so many felt they were there and in the six months long ‘rush to war,’ they disappeared, any notion where they went? Too many Democrats said they were there long before Bush was elected for them to have not existed.

3. Before the US invasion there were no al Qaeda cells in Iraq, except for two in the Northern Kurdish country that were protected by the US/Britian "No Fly Zone."

No Al Qaeda in Iraq, but they were everywhere else, huh? Allow me quote some passages from the much vaunted 911 Commission report;

Page 134: “In February 1999, Allen proposed flying a U-2 mission over Afghanistan to build a baseline of intelligence outside the areas where the tribals had coverage. [Richard] Clarke was nervous about such a mission because he continued to fear that Bin Ladin might leave for someplace less accessible. He wrote Deputy National Security Advisor Donald Kerrick that one reliable source reported Bin Ladin’s having met with Iraqi officials, who “may have offered him asylum.” Other intelligence sources said that some Taliban leaders, though not Mullah Omar, had urged Bin Ladin to go to Iraq. If Bin Ladin actually moved to Iraq, wrote Clarke, his network would be at Saddam Hussein’s service, and it would be “virtually impossible” to find him. Better to get Bin Ladin in Afghanistan, Clarke declared.”

Page 134 “Berger suggested sending one U-2 flight, but Clarke opposed even this. It would require Pakistani approval, he wrote; and “Pak[istan’s] intel[ligence service] is in bed with” Bin Ladin and would warn him that the United States was getting ready for a bombing campaign: “Armed with that knowledge, old wily Usama will likely boogie to Baghdad.” Though told also by Bruce Riedel of the NSC staff that Saddam Hussein wanted Bin Ladin in Baghdad, [Sandy] Berger conditionally authorized a single U-2 flight. Allen meanwhile had found other ways of getting the information he wanted. So the U-2 flight never occurred.”

From some Commissioners;

Patrick Fitzgerald a U.S. attorney and the lead prosecutor in several terrorism cases: “We understood there was a very, very intimate relationship between Al-Qaeda and the Sudan. They worked hand in hand. We understood there was a working relationship with Iran and Hezbollah and they shared training. We also understood that there had been antipathy between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, because Saddam Hussein was not viewed as being religious. Clearly we put Sudan in the first order at that time as being a part of Al-Qaeda. We understood the relationship with Iran, but Iraq we understood went from a position where they were working against each other to standing down against each other and we understood they were going to explore the possibility of working on weapons together. That's my piece of what I know. I don't represent to know everything else, so I can't tell you what we've learned since then. But there was that relationship that went from opposing each other to not opposing each other, to possibly working with each other. “

Jim Thompson former governor of Illinois and member of the 9-11 Commission: When asked by Soledad O’Brien on CNNs Good Morning America on 18 June 2004: "So we hear from both President Bush and Dick Cheney clearly there was a relationship. Does your report contradict what the White House is saying?" Thompson answered: Not at all. In fact, the report says that President Bush and Vice President Cheney are correct. It's a little mystifying to me why some elements of the press have tried to stir this up as a big controversy and a big point of contradiction because there is none. We said there's no evidence to support the notion that Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein collaborated together to produce 9/11. President Bush said that weeks ago. He said it again yesterday. The vice president said it again yesterday. I said it again yesterday in television interviews. What we did I say was there were contacts between Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi administration of Saddam Hussein, and the president has said there were contacts. The vice president has said there were contacts. They may be in possession of information about contacts beyond those that we found, I don't know. That wasn't any of our business. Our business was 9/11. So there is no controversy; there's no contradiction, and this is not an issue.

Chairman of the 9-11 Commission Kean: “Were there contacts between al-Qaeda and Iraq? Yes. Some of them are shadowy, but there’s no question they were there.”

Former Navy Secretary John Lehman, on CNN’s June 17 “Inside Politics” ''The President's correct. And the commission yesterday said exactly that. What the commission also said was there was no evidence of collaboration on any of the attacks against the United States. But we had previously pointed out that, particularly in Sudan, there is very hard evidence of collaboration on the X gas and other evidence, and additional contacts between Saddam's intelligence service and al Qaeda in the assistance in training in weapons, chemical and biological weapons, anthrax manufacture, and that's what we had in our report yesterday, but unfortunately, the New York Times sort of highlighted only one half of that.''

US intelligence estimates at the time of 9/11 were that al Qaeda had about 2,000 members, world wide, the majority in camps in Afghanistan. There are about 50 to 75 million people living in Iraq alone. ( I forget the exact number) not counting one billion Muslims world wide. Al Qaeda are a very tiny minority of extremists and Bin Laden's continual call for a jihad against the West had failed to cause the Muslim world to rise up and support him. The majority of Arab and Muslim people are peaceful but do resent US and western puppets and domination of their region.

Al Qaeda’s membership has and is only estimates. However, it should be noted they are but one of several loosely knit groups advocating jihad against the west. One that Al Qaeda is believed to have grown from was estimated at having upwards of 35,000 between 1982 and 1991.

Bush's invasion, occupation, atrocities and war crimes and corruption in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as secret prisons, torture, scapegoating of Muslim people in America and west has helped al Qaeda's numbers grow. Something that the left and peace movement warned would happen but Bush and the war mongers played right into his hands. The Iraq War and the brutality of the occupation and war on terrorism has increased resentment and anger at west throughout the Muslim world and has strengthened al Qaeda.[/]

So, you advocate surrendering to terror?

4. Too much nonsense.

5. [I]The arms race in the Mideast is led with US support by Israelis illegal occupation of Palestine, which is lnd legally recognized as Palestinian, which Israel invaded in 1967 an is stealing while it carries out it's ethnic cleansing campaign. The Palestinians are fighting against an illegal occupation. Iran is responding to Israelis expansionist policies and territorial and political demands for a greater Israel and domination of the region.

I guess it never occurred to you that the Jews of Israel are Jewish Palestinians? Jews have always lived in that region, long before Mohammad came onto the scene. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW1, Britain declared that the Jews would receive all land west of the Jordan River and the Arabs East. Jews have the oldest claim to the land dating back to Biblical times.

Then again, why weren’t Arabs concerned over Palestinian Arabs prior to their defeat in 1967?

6. The US has been at risk since it's policy after WW2 of dominating the region

Try reading some history. Britain and France were the most responsible for the region dating from WW1.

7. The left blames Bush because he ignored all briefings and warnings prior to the 9/11 attacks. Richard Clarke wrote that is briefings about al Qaeda's threats were brushed aside and money to fight terrorism cut.

Could this be the same Richard Clarke I quote above that said he saw an Al Qaeda to Iraq connection that you say didn’t exist? Tenet, with perfect 20/20 hindsight, said, “There was no conclusive, smoking-gun intelligence, but there was such a huge volume of data that an intelligence officer's instinct strongly suggested that something was coming.”

Okay, good enough. What was coming? What steps should have been taken? Would the nation have appreciated Bush grounding all aircraft on September 10, 2001?

8. The insurgency in Iraq, like that in Vietnam, are fighting for their freedom against an invading army. They have 'no where to run to" and will continue to fight for their freedom.

Al Qaeda is “fighting for their freedom?” Funny you mention Viet Nam again. If, as you suggest, they fought for and won their “freedom” from America, why did so many flee in the late 70s and early 80s as the “Boat People?” Did they not appreciate the freedom they gained from the benevolent Stalinist Communists?

The US lost 59,000 soldiers in Vietnam with no end to the war in sight. It was defeated militarily. The American military began to crack and mutiny. That is why the American people rose up and ended it. That's how Democracy works, the people say end the war and the government ends it.

This is the most ridiculous canard you have ever stated. Please list battles American Military lost in Viet Nam.

Did you miss the quotes of the Officers of North Viet Nam I supplied where they state their “victory” is owed to the American left? Their words, not mine. Hate to tell you, but they were considering a surrender after their utter defeat in their failed Offensive of Tet of ’68. Walter Cronkite, unknowingly, gave them courage to fight on, but differently, playing to public sentiment in America. In the end, an additional 40,000 Americans died in Viet Nam before we left in 1973. We left with our heads held high, until we came home to vitriol from the left and were forced to watch as North Vietnamese tanks overtook Saigon and we sold out the South Vietnamese, doing nothing!

Incidentally, I have quoted you nothing from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The one link I gave is an archival thread documenting news claims of returning Veterans being spit on. Articles were from news sources decades before the SBVT were formed.

On top of that, your cries of “LIES,” much like Lawrence O’Donnells, doesn’t discredit any one but yourselves. Nothing they claimed or documented has ever been disproven.

You need to go back and read my post again! I answered your question! I told you I had brothers in viet nam at the time and I will let you wonder about me for now. I will answer this post after I review it more. You keep trying to prove to me and others that Viet-Nam was a just war just like Iraq. and no body thinks that these wars or just except the neo-cons.
Last edited by Jan55
You keep trying to prove to me and others that Viet-Nam was a just war just like Iraq. and no body thinks that these wars or just except the neo-cons.

Actually, I'm trying to prove nothing to you. I post to counter some of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard or read anyone say.

If you wish to save timea dn band width, forgo the reply and just tell us all what happens if we up and leave Iraq, as many on the left desire. Tell us about the peaceful and benevolent "insurgents" fighting for their freedom and how they will shower the Iraqi people with gifts of gratitude and wave the Al Qaeda flag when they march through the streets of Baghdad.

You will never accept Iraq or Viet Nam as just, in spite of tons of evidence to that effect. Others, though, may appreciate seeing some truth spoken about it.

A good site to check out for truth on Viet Nam is Vietnam Veterans for Academic Reform. Not by a Viet Nam Veteran, by the way.
Originally posted by lewwaters:
You keep trying to prove to me and others that Viet-Nam was a just war just like Iraq. and no body thinks that these wars or just except the neo-cons.

Actually, I'm trying to prove nothing to you. I post to counter some of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard or read anyone say.

If you wish to save timea dn band width, forgo the reply and just tell us all what happens if we up and leave Iraq, as many on the left desire. Tell us about the peaceful and benevolent "insurgents" fighting for their freedom and how they will shower the Iraqi people with gifts of gratitude and wave the Al Qaeda flag when they march through the streets of Baghdad.

You will never accept Iraq or Viet Nam as just, in spite of tons of evidence to that effect. Others, though, may appreciate seeing some truth spoken about it.

A good site to check out for truth on Viet Nam is Vietnam Veterans for Academic Reform. Not by a Viet Nam Veteran, by the way.

lot of distractions from the facts and YOU basically ignoring what I said, typical technique. YOUR FACTS filled with a lot of quotes but YOU missed my main facts and points.
Originally posted by lewwaters:
Since you asked and apparently ignored my previous answer, I was US Army, Viet Nam mid 69 to Jan 71, C Troop 7/17th Air Cav/412th TC Det., Central Highlands, Qui Nhon, An Son, An Khe, Pleiku; 67V20, OH-6A/OH-58A Helicopter Crew Chief/Mechanic

Now, yours?

On to your funny facts.

1. The Iraq war was started on lies. The latest report by the Department of Defense has also called into question how intelligence was gathered to support the invasion. The White House established a special team that "cherry picked" information that fitted their agenda, ignored information that they disagreed with and "Stove Piped" or by passed regular CIA channels right to Cheney, who used it as their excuse to invade.

Apparently you missed the Washington Post’s correction: A Feb. 9 front-page article about the Pentagon inspector general's report regarding the office of former undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith incorrectly attributed quotations to that report. References to Feith's office producing "reporting of dubious quality or reliability" and that the office "was predisposed to finding a significant relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda" were from a report issued by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) in Oct. 2004. Similarly, the quotes stating that Feith's office drew on "both reliable and unreliable reporting" to produce a link between al-Qaeda and Iraq "that was much stronger than that assessed by the IC [Intelligence Community] and more in accord with the policy views of senior officials in the Administration" were also from Levin's report. The article also stated that the intelligence provided by Feith's office supported the political views of senior administration officials, a conclusion that the inspector general's report did not draw…

The democrats did believe Saddam was threat but only authorized use of force based on Bush's manipulating intelligence creating a phoney threat. UN inspectors found no such threat. CIA information also found no evidence of any WMD program.

Please refer to my reply above where I gave several quotes of prominent Democrats cries about Saddam long before Bush was elected.

Even the claim by Bush that Saddem was trying to buy uranium from Niger was known to be a lie and Bush was told by Tenet not to say it but still Bush repeated it. It is why they leaked CIA Valerie Plame's name to the press and punish her husband, Joe Wilson, for exposing their lies. The Bush administration are not only are liars but traitors and war criminals.[/]

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence destroyed Joe Wilson’s claims as totally false. The entire Plamegate issue was nothing but a witch hunt instituted by the left. That is why Scooter Libby is not on trial for leaking any name, no one is. Fitzgerald knew who said her name, Richard Armitage, early on and it wasn’t being ‘outed’ as Democrats tried in vain to prove.
Frontpage Magazine

[I]The famous "Downing Street Memo" was a document leaked to the press that had been drawn up by the British government after meetings with the Bush administration that reported that Saddam did not have a capable WMD program but Bush was intent on going to war and that the "Facts were being Fixed around the Policy."

BWAHAHAHAHA, the ‘Downing Street Memo?’ Did you somehow miss where the ‘leaker’ claimed the original was so sensitive, he typed a copy and destroyed the original? Must have known the Kinko’s manager and Dan Rather.

2. The reason for the invasion was the bogus claim that Saddam had a secret WMD program and was allied with al Qeada, and also the lie that Iraqi agents had a connection to Atta through a supposed meeting. Another lie. Bush even callously joked while looking under his desk and behind curtians saying, "No WMD here.,... and nope, non over here," while US soldiers are dying and suffering. The Pentagon has issued a report saying no WMD program has been found in Iraq.

So Bush made a joke, whoopie. The expected WMDs were not found, true. But, since so many felt they were there and in the six months long ‘rush to war,’ they disappeared, any notion where they went? Too many Democrats said they were there long before Bush was elected for them to have not existed.

3. Before the US invasion there were no al Qaeda cells in Iraq, except for two in the Northern Kurdish country that were protected by the US/Britian "No Fly Zone."

No Al Qaeda in Iraq, but they were everywhere else, huh? Allow me quote some passages from the much vaunted 911 Commission report;

Page 134: “In February 1999, Allen proposed flying a U-2 mission over Afghanistan to build a baseline of intelligence outside the areas where the tribals had coverage. [Richard] Clarke was nervous about such a mission because he continued to fear that Bin Ladin might leave for someplace less accessible. He wrote Deputy National Security Advisor Donald Kerrick that one reliable source reported Bin Ladin’s having met with Iraqi officials, who “may have offered him asylum.” Other intelligence sources said that some Taliban leaders, though not Mullah Omar, had urged Bin Ladin to go to Iraq. If Bin Ladin actually moved to Iraq, wrote Clarke, his network would be at Saddam Hussein’s service, and it would be “virtually impossible” to find him. Better to get Bin Ladin in Afghanistan, Clarke declared.”

Page 134 “Berger suggested sending one U-2 flight, but Clarke opposed even this. It would require Pakistani approval, he wrote; and “Pak[istan’s] intel[ligence service] is in bed with” Bin Ladin and would warn him that the United States was getting ready for a bombing campaign: “Armed with that knowledge, old wily Usama will likely boogie to Baghdad.” Though told also by Bruce Riedel of the NSC staff that Saddam Hussein wanted Bin Ladin in Baghdad, [Sandy] Berger conditionally authorized a single U-2 flight. Allen meanwhile had found other ways of getting the information he wanted. So the U-2 flight never occurred.”

From some Commissioners;

Patrick Fitzgerald a U.S. attorney and the lead prosecutor in several terrorism cases: “We understood there was a very, very intimate relationship between Al-Qaeda and the Sudan. They worked hand in hand. We understood there was a working relationship with Iran and Hezbollah and they shared training. We also understood that there had been antipathy between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, because Saddam Hussein was not viewed as being religious. Clearly we put Sudan in the first order at that time as being a part of Al-Qaeda. We understood the relationship with Iran, but Iraq we understood went from a position where they were working against each other to standing down against each other and we understood they were going to explore the possibility of working on weapons together. That's my piece of what I know. I don't represent to know everything else, so I can't tell you what we've learned since then. But there was that relationship that went from opposing each other to not opposing each other, to possibly working with each other. “

Jim Thompson former governor of Illinois and member of the 9-11 Commission: When asked by Soledad O’Brien on CNNs Good Morning America on 18 June 2004: "So we hear from both President Bush and Dick Cheney clearly there was a relationship. Does your report contradict what the White House is saying?" Thompson answered: Not at all. In fact, the report says that President Bush and Vice President Cheney are correct. It's a little mystifying to me why some elements of the press have tried to stir this up as a big controversy and a big point of contradiction because there is none. We said there's no evidence to support the notion that Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein collaborated together to produce 9/11. President Bush said that weeks ago. He said it again yesterday. The vice president said it again yesterday. I said it again yesterday in television interviews. What we did I say was there were contacts between Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi administration of Saddam Hussein, and the president has said there were contacts. The vice president has said there were contacts. They may be in possession of information about contacts beyond those that we found, I don't know. That wasn't any of our business. Our business was 9/11. So there is no controversy; there's no contradiction, and this is not an issue.

Chairman of the 9-11 Commission Kean: “Were there contacts between al-Qaeda and Iraq? Yes. Some of them are shadowy, but there’s no question they were there.”

Former Navy Secretary John Lehman, on CNN’s June 17 “Inside Politics” ''The President's correct. And the commission yesterday said exactly that. What the commission also said was there was no evidence of collaboration on any of the attacks against the United States. But we had previously pointed out that, particularly in Sudan, there is very hard evidence of collaboration on the X gas and other evidence, and additional contacts between Saddam's intelligence service and al Qaeda in the assistance in training in weapons, chemical and biological weapons, anthrax manufacture, and that's what we had in our report yesterday, but unfortunately, the New York Times sort of highlighted only one half of that.''

US intelligence estimates at the time of 9/11 were that al Qaeda had about 2,000 members, world wide, the majority in camps in Afghanistan. There are about 50 to 75 million people living in Iraq alone. ( I forget the exact number) not counting one billion Muslims world wide. Al Qaeda are a very tiny minority of extremists and Bin Laden's continual call for a jihad against the West had failed to cause the Muslim world to rise up and support him. The majority of Arab and Muslim people are peaceful but do resent US and western puppets and domination of their region.

Al Qaeda’s membership has and is only estimates. However, it should be noted they are but one of several loosely knit groups advocating jihad against the west. One that Al Qaeda is believed to have grown from was estimated at having upwards of 35,000 between 1982 and 1991.

Bush's invasion, occupation, atrocities and war crimes and corruption in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as secret prisons, torture, scapegoating of Muslim people in America and west has helped al Qaeda's numbers grow. Something that the left and peace movement warned would happen but Bush and the war mongers played right into his hands. The Iraq War and the brutality of the occupation and war on terrorism has increased resentment and anger at west throughout the Muslim world and has strengthened al Qaeda.[/]

So, you advocate surrendering to terror?

4. Too much nonsense.

5. [I]The arms race in the Mideast is led with US support by Israelis illegal occupation of Palestine, which is lnd legally recognized as Palestinian, which Israel invaded in 1967 an is stealing while it carries out it's ethnic cleansing campaign. The Palestinians are fighting against an illegal occupation. Iran is responding to Israelis expansionist policies and territorial and political demands for a greater Israel and domination of the region.

I guess it never occurred to you that the Jews of Israel are Jewish Palestinians? Jews have always lived in that region, long before Mohammad came onto the scene. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW1, Britain declared that the Jews would receive all land west of the Jordan River and the Arabs East. Jews have the oldest claim to the land dating back to Biblical times.

Then again, why weren’t Arabs concerned over Palestinian Arabs prior to their defeat in 1967?

6. The US has been at risk since it's policy after WW2 of dominating the region

Try reading some history. Britain and France were the most responsible for the region dating from WW1.

7. The left blames Bush because he ignored all briefings and warnings prior to the 9/11 attacks. Richard Clarke wrote that is briefings about al Qaeda's threats were brushed aside and money to fight terrorism cut.

Could this be the same Richard Clarke I quote above that said he saw an Al Qaeda to Iraq connection that you say didn’t exist? Tenet, with perfect 20/20 hindsight, said, “There was no conclusive, smoking-gun intelligence, but there was such a huge volume of data that an intelligence officer's instinct strongly suggested that something was coming.”

Okay, good enough. What was coming? What steps should have been taken? Would the nation have appreciated Bush grounding all aircraft on September 10, 2001?

8. The insurgency in Iraq, like that in Vietnam, are fighting for their freedom against an invading army. They have 'no where to run to" and will continue to fight for their freedom.

Al Qaeda is “fighting for their freedom?” Funny you mention Viet Nam again. If, as you suggest, they fought for and won their “freedom” from America, why did so many flee in the late 70s and early 80s as the “Boat People?” Did they not appreciate the freedom they gained from the benevolent Stalinist Communists?

The US lost 59,000 soldiers in Vietnam with no end to the war in sight. It was defeated militarily. The American military began to crack and mutiny. That is why the American people rose up and ended it. That's how Democracy works, the people say end the war and the government ends it.

This is the most ridiculous canard you have ever stated. Please list battles American Military lost in Viet Nam.

Did you miss the quotes of the Officers of North Viet Nam I supplied where they state their “victory” is owed to the American left? Their words, not mine. Hate to tell you, but they were considering a surrender after their utter defeat in their failed Offensive of Tet of ’68. Walter Cronkite, unknowingly, gave them courage to fight on, but differently, playing to public sentiment in America. In the end, an additional 40,000 Americans died in Viet Nam before we left in 1973. We left with our heads held high, until we came home to vitriol from the left and were forced to watch as North Vietnamese tanks overtook Saigon and we sold out the South Vietnamese, doing nothing!

Incidentally, I have quoted you nothing from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The one link I gave is an archival thread documenting news claims of returning Veterans being spit on. Articles were from news sources decades before the SBVT were formed.

On top of that, your cries of “LIES,” much like Lawrence O’Donnells, doesn’t discredit any one but yourselves. Nothing they claimed or documented has ever been disproven.

You ignore what I wrote "cherry picks" lines and side tracks and tries to distract from the issue. It's a technique people will use like you do. A lot of "high brow" intellectual style of writing going around the issues.

Most of the time I don't get to involved with people like you. I find people like you that take up all my time, as you do now, and I am wasting my time. I get PM'S from people who agree with me and say I already answered the post and not to waste my time on you.
Still, I will try one more time.

1. Cheney and Rumsfeld set up a special office, The Office of Special Planning," that "cherry picked" information that suited their case and disregarded information that contradicted it then "by passed" regular intelligence channels for analyses, or "Stove Piped it" directly to Cheney who made "numerous statements reflecting Feiths assessments" and called it the "best source of information".

This is not the first time this story has appeared but has been reported on and followed for a number of years. Some senators have stated they were approached by intelligence officers who left because they were concerned about what was happening. Seymour Hersh wrote excellent articles for the New Yorker exposing it as well as articles and pieces by ex Intelligence officers like Ray McGovern, Melvin Goodman, and journalists David Sirota and Christy Harvey, besides others, including a previous Senate report. This is a good summary of what happened by Sitora and Harvey.
Click here: They Knew...: Despite the whitewash, we now know that the Bush administration was warned before the war that its I

People should keep in mind the previous writings by the Project for a New American Century and since the late 1990's the CIA reports all concluded Iraq had no WMD program and even had Powell quoted those reports.

In my post I pointed out that the DOD report was just "the latest" report. The Washington Post may have "attributed" quotes by Levin to the IG's report but Levin read the report and his quotes on the report are very clear.

Here is an excerpt but you can read more in depth from Jason Leopold's piece in Truthout:
Click here: Jason Leopold | DoD Report Appears to Confirm Downing Street Memo

"Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said the report is a "a devastating condemnation of the activities of the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. Those activities supported the Bush administration's misleading case for war against Iraq."

The article also quotes Governor Rockefeller:

"The IG has concluded that this office was engaged in intelligence activities," Rockefeller said. "The Senate intelligence committee was never informed of these activities. Whether these actions were authorized or not, it appears that they were not in compliance with the law."

That was their comments on the report. We will see what will be declassified and let the public decide for itself.

2. The Uranium in Niger is controlled by the French. Wilson went to Niger and found that there was no evidence of any plans or secret deals to sell uranium to Saddam and all the uranium was carefully accounted for. Even Tenet warned Bush not to make the statement because it wasn't true and Bush did remove it from a previous speech but then repeated it in his State of the Union address "attributing it to British Intelligence."

Plame's name was leaked and it's a crime to divulge a CIA's identity. This is a law that the right wing came up with that came back to bite them in the butt.

Armitage came out and 'took the sword" but that's not what the current court proceedings are finding. Not to get side tracked but already we have Cheney's notes implicating him and the president in a cover up and obstruction of justice in trying to get "Libby to take the fall." And more interesting details continue to unravel as the case continues.

Despite the best efforts by the pundits in the corporate media to discredit it the British government has never disavowed the findings, claims or authenticity of the Downing Street Memo. They found that the "Facts where Fixed to Fit the Policy."

3. As I point out, at the time of the 9/11 attacks the CIA claimed al Qaeda to number around two thousand, a good majority of them in the camps in Afghanistan but other camps also. As I pointed out there are over 50 million people in Iraq alone and an estimated billion Muslim people living world wide. 2,000 members is a very small percentage of people.

There were two al Qaeda cells in Iraq, both in the northern Kurdish territory and under the protection of the US/British "No Fly Zone."

There were only a couple of "contact" meetings between Iraq and members of al Qaeda and they went no where. Saddam had no tolerance for religious extremists, especially ones who wanted to overthrow his government. They had been long time enemies. Anyone who followed the region, as I have for over 25 years, knew that, and the corporate media should have known also and questioned the administrations claims deeper. It was continually written about and exposed as "highly improbable" in the alternative and foreign press. The US corporate media contineud to parrot the lies unquestioned.

The Iraqi's participated in the meetings in hopes of infiltrating the group. Nothing came out of the meetings and US intelligence knew that.

Al Qaeda' has grown since Bush's wars and harassment of Muslim people in the West. It is the chief reason for the recruiting and growing numbers for al Qaeda. Simple police work and international cooperation crippled al Qaeda'a leadership, one of the chief reasons it is currently ineffective. Bush's wars have increased anger and hatred toward Amercia and helped al Qaeda's numbers grow with a new and even more dangerous leadership.

4. Since you have no reply to 4 we will leave it as it stands

5. Israel was destroyed by the Romans, ancient history, and the Jews expelled. Israel ceased to exist, like Carthage. Since the 7th century the Arabs have been the majority people and dominate culture in the region and the Jews a small minority, a historical fact. They lived together in peace until the 1880's European Zionist movement claimed Palestine and came and took it with terror and violence, and they have continued ever since. Indeed, even polls in Europe find Israel and the US to be the number one threats to peace.

6. I stated, and you post my line, that the US policy is after WW2. Later I do state the West, meaning France and Britain, dominated the region since WW1.

7 My original post stands, Bush ignored all the warnings prior to 9/11.

8. You can play with all the facts you want but the US lost the Vietnam War. After 59,000 deaths and tens of thousands wounded, maimed and suffering PTS, with no end in site, the American people, led by the Peace Movement, ended the war. The military was cracking and mutinying. See the documentary, Sir, No Sir, which documents the events.

The costs were not worth the price.

As the Pentagon Papers pointed out the war was lie from the beginning and they could not achieve victory. Yet they continued to lie to the American people.

I didn't checkout your link about returning Vietnam Vets being spit on. I lived through the period and . I have never seen anyone blame the Vets or show hostilty to them. I never remember seeing, reading or hearing about Vets being spit on or harassed in anyway. I do remember once reading that some older WW2 Vets blamed them for losing the war but as I say, we recognized that the soldiers who went to fight
believed they were doing the right thing. We understood that they too are victims.
Originally posted by lewwaters:
BWAHAHAHAHA, you depend on Truthout? Do you also depend on DailyKos?

And you complain about Swift Vets, who I haven't even quoted.

Since I'm on lunch, I'll read this later and post a reply.

Well you can reply, but I will not fall for your little game anymore,I stand with all my post to you and I'am not spending anymore time on this Issue. You say>>you depend on Truthout? Do you also depend on DailyKos?<<<< not anymore than you depend on the mainstream media or the Right Wing Media.
Hmmmmmmm... baiting are we?

Thing is, everyone here has a right to say what they want, to use any site to link to without reprisal. The very site that PBA used may be one you hate and mistrust, but then again, the very site YOU may link to may be one HE hates and MISTRUSTS...

We ALL have different opinions... that is why we are such a diverse crowd, and flaming someone for their belief shouldn't be a factor to a debate.. or a discussion... nice huh?
Still doesn't change the fact that our beloved 3357 Troops should all be home instead of in the ground.

The terrorists did NOT start going toward Iraq until we did. Now they are everywhere, and I DO mean everywhere!!!!

Think we are safe just because we have people fighting in Iraq, and maybe soon in Iran???

I hope to God we are, but something tells me that the alquida KNOWS exactly where our TROOPS are, and that is not here... think about it.
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Still doesn't change the fact that our beloved 3357 Troops should all be home instead of in the ground.

The terrorists did NOT start going toward Iraq until we did. Now they are everywhere, and I DO mean everywhere!!!!

Think we are safe just because we have people fighting in Iraq, and maybe soon in Iran???

I hope to God we are, but something tells me that the alquida KNOWS exactly where our TROOPS are, and that is not here... think about it.

On the previous post about Iraq and Niger.

The documents that the claim that Saddam was buying uranium from Niger were written on papers stolen from the Italian Embassy and determined to be forgeries by Italian Intelligence. The British did "entertain" the idea for a while and the CIA determined them to be fake. No one claims them to be real today.

This is actually a good example of how Bush and Cheney "cherry picked" information. The CIA told him they were fakes and the Italian Inteligence said they were fake yet Bush went with the British who at the time were considering them to be real but still examining them.

Also I think I forgot to add something about Bush making fun of not finding the WMD. Look at the frenzy the right wing and media went on when Kerry botched the joke about the soldiers in Iraq but they brush off Bush's cold and callous remarks. That was the reason the American people supported the War. They believed Saddam had WMD and would use them, with al Qaeda, against us. Could you imagine if Kerry had made such a joke or Clinton. They are still trying to blame Clinton for 9/11
Originally posted by lewwaters:
And that statement is correct ONLY if you can define what winning was to be. WE DID NOT LOOSE THE WAR. WE QUIT FIGHTING IT. We were there for NO DEFINED PURPOSE.

Our "defined purpose" was to block the tide of spreading communism. While I agree that we didn't lose Viet Nam, it is the left that continually cries about losing it and some seem to think it was proper.

The same is true of the War in Iraq, and we are going to end up with the same result. WE WILL STOP FIGHTING, AND THE IRAQI PEOPLE WILL GET ON WITH PUTTING A GOVERNMENT TOGETHER. We will just have to accept that the new government of Iraq, like the new government of Vietnam will seek aid and support from some nation or group of nations NOT INCLUDING THE USA.

We will stop fighting if the left gets their way, again. Unlike Viet Nam, todays enemies there aren't interested in merely ruling Iraq, these radicals are desiring world domination, much like they tried several centuries ago.

Leaving opens Iraq up to becoming over ran with a Taliban style regime that will once again allow terrorist training camps, align themselves closer with Iran and Ahmanutjob's desire to rule the entire mid-east.

If we abandon Iraq, as we did Viet Nam, the only thing between us and the terrorists will be Israel, who too many on the left also have abandoned.

If you feel terrorists are fighting us because we are in Iraq, read this article from Australia and ask why is Al Qaeda targeting France, who strongly opposes every step we take;

Al-Qaeda in ‘plot to attack France’

Well Lew, using the "defined purpose that we were there to stop the spread of communism, then WE WON THE WAR. We stopped the spread of Communist Influence. AND THAT'S A FACT.

Originally posted by pba:
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Still doesn't change the fact that our beloved 3357 Troops should all be home instead of in the ground.

The terrorists did NOT start going toward Iraq until we did. Now they are everywhere, and I DO mean everywhere!!!!

Think we are safe just because we have people fighting in Iraq, and maybe soon in Iran???

I hope to God we are, but something tells me that the alquida KNOWS exactly where our TROOPS are, and that is not here... think about it.

On the previous post about Iraq and Niger.

The documents that the claim that Saddam was buying uranium from Niger were written on papers stolen from the Italian Embassy and determined to be forgeries by Italian Intelligence. The British did "entertain" the idea for a while and the CIA determined them to be fake. No one claims them to be real today.

This is actually a good example of how Bush and Cheney "cherry picked" information. The CIA told him they were fakes and the Italian Inteligence said they were fake yet Bush went with the British who at the time were considering them to be real but still examining them.

Also I think I forgot to add something about Bush making fun of not finding the WMD. Look at the frenzy the right wing and media went on when Kerry botched the joke about the soldiers in Iraq but they brush off Bush's cold and callous remarks. That was the reason the American people supported the War. They believed Saddam had WMD and would use them, with al Qaeda, against us. Could you imagine if Kerry had made such a joke or Clinton. They are still trying to blame Clinton for 9/11

pba, the paper is not the big thing...the big thing is the ITALIAN security people said they got the letter from a CIA operative.

And, there was over 400 tons of yellow cake in Iraq at the time, and there were IAEA inspectors in Iraq, and they were monitoring the yellow cake and had been since before Israel bombed the Nuclear Power Plant in Iraq.
1. Cheney and Rumsfeld set up a special office, The Office of Special Planning," that "cherry picked" information that suited their case and disregarded information that contradicted it then "by passed" regular intelligence channels for analyses, or "Stove Piped it" directly to Cheney who made "numerous statements reflecting Feiths assessments" and called it the "best source of information".

When you are ready to see the real use of the Office of Special Plans, instead of the leftist moonbats unsubstantiated claims, this link will take you to a pdf file of the report issued by the bipartisan Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

You might also read the following article by Michael Rubin, who actually did work in the Pentagon and OSP.

This is not the first time this story has appeared but has been reported on and followed for a number of years. Some senators have stated they were approached by intelligence officers who left because they were concerned about what was happening. Seymour Hersh wrote excellent articles for the New Yorker exposing it as well as articles and pieces by ex Intelligence officers like Ray McGovern, Melvin Goodman, and journalists David Sirota and Christy Harvey, besides others, including a previous Senate report. This is a good summary of what happened by Sitora and Harvey.

Nothing like unbiased reporters (insert eyes rolling emotiocon here).

Seymour Hersh is well known through the Socialist circles. They quote him most often. Are you also a Socialist? Just curious.

McGovern, although a retired CIA Analyst, is best described as “a nutcase.”

Melvin Goodman is another good one you chose. He was quoted as saying, "Congresswoman [Cynthia ‘smack a cop’] McKinney is viewed as a contrarian, and I hope someday her views will be considered conventional wisdom."

You sure know who to place your trust in.

Click here: They Knew...: Despite the whitewash, we now know that the Bush administration was warned before the war that its I

Yes, you are right, they did a masterful job at summarizing the moonbat left. Too bad their information is grossly flawed. Did you miss my quote from the 911 Commission Report where Clarke was worried about Bin Laden escaping to Iraq? They also distort transcripts for their own agenda. i.e. “In March 2003, Cheney went on national television days before the war and claimed Iraq “has reconstituted nuclear weapons.””

From the transcript provided in the article by Sitora and Harvey, “And I think that would be the fear here, that even if he were tomorrow to give everything up, if he stays in power, we have to assume that as soon as the world is looking the other way and preoccupied with other issues, he will be back again rebuilding his BW and CW capabilities, and once again reconstituting his nuclear program.”

I don’t know about you, but that seems to me to be quite a glaring misquote!

People should keep in mind the previous writings by the Project for a New American Century and since the late 1990's the CIA reports all concluded Iraq had no WMD program and even had Powell quoted those reports.

I applaud you for visiting a conservative site (if you actually did instead of quoting what someone else said), but you’ll need to show me where they said that.

I will refer you to the “Addendums to the Duelfer Report,” where it is stated, “The investigation centered on the possibility that WMD materials were moved to Syria. As is obvious from other sections of the Comprehensive Report, Syria was involved in transactions and shipments of
military and other material to Iraq in contravention of the UN sanctions. This indicated a flexibility with respect to international law and a strong willingness to work with Iraq—at least when there was considerable profit for those involved. Whether Syria received military items from Iraq for safekeeping or other reasons has yet to be determined. There was evidence of a discussion of possible WMD collaboration initiated by a Syrian security officer, and ISG received information about movement of material out of Iraq, including the possibility that WMD was involved. In the judgment of the working group, these reports were sufficiently credible to merit further investigation.”

In my post I pointed out that the DOD report was just "the latest" report. The Washington Post may have "attributed" quotes by Levin to the IG's report but Levin read the report and his quotes on the report are very clear.

The ‘correction’ says their quotes were wrongfully attributed and were from a report by Levin from Oct. 2004, no “may have” about it!

Here is an excerpt but you can read more in depth from Jason Leopold's piece in Truthout:
Click here: Jason Leopold | DoD Report Appears to Confirm Downing Street Memo

I will only reiterate that the so called Downing Street Memo, alleged minutes of an alleged meeting were manually copied and any originals destroyed. As such, it is impossible to verify their authenticity. From an article critical of the Bush Administration and the Iraq theater of the War on terror, “The eight memos - all labeled "secret" or "confidential" - were first obtained by British reporter Michael Smith, who has written about them in The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Times. Smith told AP he protected the identity of the source he had obtained the documents from by typing copies of them on plain paper and destroying the originals.” (June 18, 2005, Las Vegas Sun)

Look upon it like Dan Rather eventually admitted about his “documents” obtained through Kinkos, “fake but accurate.”

Tony Blair said about the “memo,” “The trouble with having a political discussion on the basis of things that are leaked is that they are always taken right out of context. Everything else is omitted from the discussion and you end up focusing on a specific document," he said.

"It would be absolutely weird if, when the Iraq issue was on the agenda, you were not constantly raising issues, trying to work them out, get them in the right place," he said. (Yahoo AP News, 06/29/2005)

That was their comments on the report. We will see what will be declassified and let the public decide for itself.

Yes, we will.

2. The Uranium in Niger is controlled by the French. Wilson went to Niger and found that there was no evidence of any plans or secret deals to sell uranium to Saddam and all the uranium was carefully accounted for. Even Tenet warned Bush not to make the statement because it wasn't true and Bush did remove it from a previous speech but then repeated it in his State of the Union address "attributing it to British Intelligence."

Ah yes, the famous “16 words” that has the left in a tither, still. Too bad the British have consistently stood by those words. For more background:

Plame's name was leaked and it's a crime to divulge a CIA's identity. This is a law that the right wing came up with that came back to bite them in the butt.

Correction. It is illegal to divulge the name of a CIA undercover operative or one that was undercover within the past 5 years. Valerie Plame no longer fell into that category when her name was let known by Richard Armitage. Since Wilson’s charges were discredited by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in their July 2004 report, unanimously accepted, incidentally, there wasn’t even any reason to “out” her or anybody.

Armitage came out and 'took the sword" but that's not what the current court proceedings are finding. Not to get side tracked but already we have Cheney's notes implicating him and the president in a cover up and obstruction of justice in trying to get "Libby to take the fall." And more interesting details continue to unravel as the case continues.

You need to read better. Armitage did not “take the sword,” but revealed her name at a party, where even he says he gossips at times. Armitage was known to Fitzgerald early on in his investigation and that it wasn’t a deliberate “leak.” Libby is not on trial for “leaking” anyone’s name, no one is. His crime is they accuse him of lying and obstructing justice. This is purely a witch hunt in the clearest sense.

Despite the best efforts by the pundits in the corporate media to discredit it the British government has never disavowed the findings, claims or authenticity of the Downing Street Memo. They found that the "Facts where Fixed to Fit the Policy."

I refer you to above where Tony Blair did indeed deny the veracity of the DSM. If anything, the story of Iraq seeking yellowcake is what they have consistently stood by. Get your facts straight.

3. As I point out, at the time of the 9/11 attacks the CIA claimed al Qaeda to number around two thousand, a good majority of them in the camps in Afghanistan but other camps also. As I pointed out there are over 50 million people in Iraq alone and an estimated billion Muslim people living world wide. 2,000 members is a very small percentage of people.

How many does it take to execute a terrorist attack?

Besides, aren’t you also saying that the CIA’s intelligence couldn’t be trusted in the run-up to the Iraq invasion? Is this ‘pick and choose?’

There were only a couple of "contact" meetings between Iraq and members of al Qaeda and they went no where. Saddam had no tolerance for religious extremists, especially ones who wanted to overthrow his government. They had been long time enemies. Anyone who followed the region, as I have for over 25 years, knew that, and the corporate media should have known also and questioned the administrations claims deeper.

The Iraqi's participated in the meetings in hopes of infiltrating the group. Nothing came out of the meetings and US intelligence knew that.

I refer you back to the statements from the 911 Commission Report.

Al Qaeda' has grown since Bush's wars and harassment of Muslim people in the West. It is the chief reason for the recruiting and growing numbers for al Qaeda. Simple police work and international cooperation crippled al Qaeda'a leadership, one of the chief reasons it is currently ineffective. Bush's wars have increased anger and hatred toward Amercia and helped al Qaeda's numbers grow with a new and even more dangerous leadership.

Balderdash. If you can handle it, purchase a copy of the book “The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11,” by Dinesh D’Souza. In it, he lays out how many of the very things near and dear to the left is hated vehemently by radical Islam and used as a recruiting tool to grow. No, it does not say all of the blame lies on the left, but they have yet to accept any blame for their culpability in raising the ire of Muslims in the Middle East with their “progressive attitudes.

5. Israel was destroyed by the Romans, ancient history, and the Jews expelled. Israel ceased to exist, like Carthage. Since the 7th century the Arabs have been the majority people and dominate culture in the region and the Jews a small minority, a historical fact. They lived together in peace until the 1880's European Zionist movement claimed Palestine and came and took it with terror and violence, and they have continued ever since. Indeed, even polls in Europe find Israel and the US to be the number one threats to peace.

Oh please. Israel was conquered by Rome, not totally destroyed. Sects of Jews have always been in the region, even though many were driven out.

If the Arabs and Jews were so peaceful under Arab domination, why then do they begrudge their Jewish brethren a small sliver of land? Why was there no Palestinian refugee problem until after the Arab defeat in 1967?

7 My original post stands, Bush ignored all the warnings prior to 9/11.

And, I’ll ask again, what would you have had him do that previous administrations were doing? Seems I recall more actual attacks under the previous administration, although not as severe as the one under Bush. Show me any intelligence report that contained anything beyond vague warnings that both administrations constantly saw.

8. You can play with all the facts you want but the US lost the Vietnam War. After 59,000 deaths and tens of thousands wounded, maimed and suffering PTS, with no end in site, the American people, led by the Peace Movement, ended the war. The military was cracking and mutinying. See the documentary, Sir, No Sir, which documents the events.

I don’t need to “play with facts,” I saw it firsthand. Instead of reading leftwing propaganda, try seeking out Viet Nam Veterans and ask them if they mutinied, ask your brothers if they did or even if they committed war crimes. The left has built a cottage industry around their lies about Viet Nam and people like you won’t let go of them or seek the truth. Don’t take my word for it, ask other Viet Nam Veterans.

For three decades now, the left has taken what may amount to a small number of events and turned them into a major undertaking. Bogus reporting is what was rampant during Viet Nam, much like it is today. At it’s height, the number of prosecutions for what could be described as a “mutiny” reached barely over 100. Most often, the charge was insubordination, not anything like “combat refusal.” Insubordination could result from something as minor as refusing to sleep under a mosquito net.

The costs were not worth the price.

Tell that to the boat people.

As the Pentagon Papers pointed out the war was lie from the beginning and they could not achieve victory. Yet they continued to lie to the American people.

Have you ever actually read the Pentagon Papers or even seen them? Or, do just take someones word for it?

I didn't checkout your link about returning Vietnam Vets being spit on. I lived through the period and . I have never seen anyone blame the Vets or show hostilty to them. I never remember seeing, reading or hearing about Vets being spit on or harassed in anyway. I do remember once reading that some older WW2 Vets blamed them for losing the war but as I say, we recognized that the soldiers who went to fight believed they were doing the right thing. We understood that they too are victims.

You really should look them over. They are actual news articles or records of news article stating such things did indeed happen, dating from the late 60s. Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, if to a minority. I also “lived through the period” and had to walk around airports in uniform.

Yes, I also heard we were blamed for “losing” it by “the class of 45,” but never actually witnessed it myself. I think some of it came from Kerry’s claims in his early book, “The New Soldier,” which he refused to allow to be reprinted during the last campaign. My guess is that if true, they are a distinct minority.

Funny how the left had us as deranged ticking time bombs until after the Rambo movies and then we became victimized walking time bombs. Today, they sooth their conscience by denying they mistreated returning Veterans and claim we made it all up. The left just can’t resist somehow slandering Viet Nam Veterans.
Originally posted by lewwaters:
Well Lew, using the "defined purpose that we were there to stop the spread of communism, then WE WON THE WAR. We stopped the spread of Communist Influence. AND THAT'S A FACT.

Actually, we didn't. Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos all fell to Communism after he cut and ran.

And now , Vietnam is considered a trading partner. Once the foreighners were out of their country, they did punish those who helped us, but their country then had peace for the 1st time in over a generation, and did not continue to try to take over the world.
And now , Vietnam is considered a trading partner. Once the foreighners were out of their country, they did punish those who helped us, but their country then had peace for the 1st time in over a generation, and did not continue to try to take over the world.

Not everybody is happy about them being a trade partner, but that is neither here nor there.

The lady that does my and my wifes hair escaped Viet Nam as one of the Boat People in the early 80s at the age of 14. Her description of events is a far cry from only retribution against those that helped us. She describes it as "a very bad time." When reports leaked out about the time of the Boat People, it was a far cry from anything "peaceful."

If you recall, Soviet Communists became deeply embroiled in Afghanistan about the same time. Let's just say they were sort of busy to conquer the world.
Originally posted by lewwaters:
You keep trying to prove to me and others that Viet-Nam was a just war just like Iraq. and no body thinks that these wars or just except the neo-cons.

Actually, I'm trying to prove nothing to you. I post to counter some of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard or read anyone say.

If you wish to save timea dn band width, forgo the reply and just tell us all what happens if we up and leave Iraq, as many on the left desire. Tell us about the peaceful and benevolent "insurgents" fighting for their freedom and how they will shower the Iraqi people with gifts of gratitude and wave the Al Qaeda flag when they march through the streets of Baghdad.

You will never accept Iraq or Viet Nam as just, in spite of tons of evidence to that effect. Others, though, may appreciate seeing some truth spoken about it.

A good site to check out for truth on Viet Nam is Vietnam Veterans for Academic Reform. Not by a Viet Nam Veteran, by the way.

Vietnam was a "Cold War" never actually called a real war.

I am sick of reading all the opinions (not on this board but papers and media) of what Iraq is... I have heard it called everything and rarely ever hear it called a war. The most Bush ever says is that it is a "War on Terrorism"... which, in my book, we should take care of on our OWN soil...

DEPORT EVERYONE who has any sort of link to any sort of probablility of terrorism, even those with green cards. Because the 9/11 Terrorists all had green cards.

Get the threats AWAY from our soil... then monitor Air and Water spaces for incoming.

Seek out and find all the "sleeper cells" in our VERY own country.

CLEAN UP here at HOME first... and let the rest of the countries take care of themselves, especially those who have denounced us.

Of course, that would not be easy, nor would it be cheap, but I think each and every American can wrap their brains around the protection of OUR soil ON OUR soil instead of thousands of miles away in a place that we have absolutey no business in. In fact, I still have heard just too many CAUSES to believe any of them anymore.

We are a Civilized Nation, and we need to make certain that we stay that way, and do it the right way... right here in our Nation!
Originally posted by pba:
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Still doesn't change the fact that our beloved 3357 Troops should all be home instead of in the ground.

The terrorists did NOT start going toward Iraq until we did. Now they are everywhere, and I DO mean everywhere!!!!

Think we are safe just because we have people fighting in Iraq, and maybe soon in Iran???

I hope to God we are, but something tells me that the alquida KNOWS exactly where our TROOPS are, and that is not here... think about it.

On the previous post about Iraq and Niger.

The documents that the claim that Saddam was buying uranium from Niger were written on papers stolen from the Italian Embassy and determined to be forgeries by Italian Intelligence. The British did "entertain" the idea for a while and the CIA determined them to be fake. No one claims them to be real today.

This is actually a good example of how Bush and Cheney "cherry picked" information. The CIA told him they were fakes and the Italian Inteligence said they were fake yet Bush went with the British who at the time were considering them to be real but still examining them.

Also I think I forgot to add something about Bush making fun of not finding the WMD. Look at the frenzy the right wing and media went on when Kerry botched the joke about the soldiers in Iraq but they brush off Bush's cold and callous remarks. That was the reason the American people supported the War. They believed Saddam had WMD and would use them, with al Qaeda, against us. Could you imagine if Kerry had made such a joke or Clinton. They are still trying to blame Clinton for 9/11

Keyword being WAS, not IS. Thing is, Bush and Cheney have BOTH forgot to mention what the Unitied States has sold Iraq over the years by way of weaponry. Wonder why? And WHOSE fault is that?
Bush and Cheney have BOTH forgot to mention what the Unitied States has sold Iraq over the years by way of weaponry

Please feel free to list actual documentation of all weaponry sold.

Clinton isn't to blame for 9/11, he just didn't combat terror effectively enough. Terrorists are to blame for 9/11, no one else.

Am I the only person who can recall the reporting of increased chatter from terrorists broadcast in nightly news reports prior to 9/11? As I recall, an attack was expected, but overseas.

As to WMD intelligence, don't forget the words of Saint Hillary on the Larry King Show of April 21, 2004, "The consensus was the same, from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration," she said. "It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared."

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