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Hey after Minnesota elected a person like Al Frankin to be their Senator and Jesse Ventura to be Governor maybe Connecticut just wants to show they have a sense of humor also.

Sometimes I think the introduction of the WWF into Congress would be the only thing to get their attention.

Kinda makes you wonder about the 17th Amendment. and the wisdom of it.
I think you can easily, if you try and research it, find that Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd are principally behind the mortgage/finance fiasco along with many other Democrats (and some Republicans) that voted to support Barney Frank's and Christopher Dodds bills and recommendations.

EVERYONE tied to this should be in Jail also but at the very least should lose their committee appointments and lose their political positions but sadly some are so entrenched that their electorate will continue to vote them in regardless.

No wonder Christopher Dodd got a sweetheart deal in his financing. Also one only has to look at the person that headed Fanny Mae and see how he profited and ties (romantically that another, high in Fanny Mae or Freddy Mac) had to Barney Frank. This from previously reported news reports.

Remember also it was the Democratic controlled Congress the forced, actually under threat, banks to make these "sub-prime" loans to anyone that said they had a job or said they could pay while all the time they couldn't and didn't meet the minimum requirements for loans. It's not hard to find the source of the mortgage problem or the bad actors in Congress. It's not hard but you don't see the mainstream press doing so. Could there be a bias (on the part of the press) there? I guarantee you if this could be tied to a conservative Republican or any Republican you would have CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC trumpeting calls for jail terms and arrest on each of their venues. That's proof enough that the Republicans aren't to blame for this mess. If they were the Press would be roasting them over it but it's the liberal Democrats seeking to redistribute wealth by giving homes to people who can't pay for them and requiring banks not to do what financial institutions would normally do which is screen their potential loan applications and research people's reported information before they gave the loan to them. They were forced to make the loans, in order to be able to continue to get money from the FED and then were assured Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac would assume those bad loans when they went bad because they (Frank, Dodd, and the Democrat (and some Republican) politicians) knew that Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae would then be under the Government's control having failed on it's own. What happened to the leaders that let it fail? They left with huge retirement and separation packages while the organizations went under along with the American economy.

Is it no wonder that the American People got screwed in the end?

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