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 Said what he was going to do and is doing what he said he was going to do.  Love the hiring freeze and especially the muzzle he put on the EPA.  Let's hope he cleans house.  What with removing all references to' made climate change on the White House government website you just gotta know there are plenty of dio nothing but useless regulation writing folks fearing Trump id's going to say "you're fired" to.  

Embrace the chaos!  You gotta also know Obama has to be chapped hearing the Union heads, big Democrat donors praising Trump like they never did him.   That's cause after 8 years of being sold down the creek and seeing a feckless President they now see someone who knows something and one who is for America, not against it.

As I said under another topic.  What the Democrats and the left fears most isn't Trump but his potential success.  Bringing America back, restoring pride, restoring rule of order and respect of law enforcement and erasing the pitiful strain of Obama and liberalism upon this Nation.  Don't you also know those remaining liberal justices on the Supreme Court will be kept on life support so as to lay out Trump and the chance he will position the court to the far Right.

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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