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There seems to be a lot of bickering on this Forum over nothing.  Some people want things one way and other people want things another way. God made everybody different.  So all have different points of view.  IF you people showed each other love, instead of hate, you might just find that you're all pretty much alike.  God bless you and have a nice day. 

Roll Tide!!

A forum is the place for debate. Is it bickering? Sometimes...


The opponents of this scam are just that. Most are like me, opposing the scam that purports to help the mansion while it in fact lines the pockets of those who couldn't care less about it. If there are those who truly love the old landmark, but who now have a false sense of security for its safety, that is indeed something to fight.


In almost two years, if not actually two years (think the renovations started in August 2009), just what has been done? I'm told only a porch has been reconstructed and some plastering done...and very little of that. Of course the lawns have been cleaned, but that has been done by volunteers and required no money. So...what's going on there? Really going on there?

FV, I admire your honesty toward the preservation  of an old landmark.  It seems at heart that you truly care about the upkeep of the place.  I respect people who volunteer to restore a landmark but I'm not so sure  that most of what I've read on this forum is not operating to tear down what those volunteers have erected.  I'm sure that most people don't have a lot of time to be working at Sweetwater, as it's hot, but I would be for donating some of my time to see that something gets done, as I'm sure you would too.  It doesn't matter who gets the glory, it just matters that I do what I can do to help.  There's only one judgement of what I do and that's all that matters. 

Roll Tide!

I'm not from here originally and have never seen the old home. From photos it looks like it's falling down. I'm a sometimes "big brother" and don't have time for any other volunteerism, but I sure wouldn't volunteer there.


Has anyone ever been to the Help Center downtown? It's a great place to volunteer. I'm sure the list goes on. And we don't have to worry about what will happen to our work when some private owner decides to make some money.

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