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Does anyone else have recollection of how so many Democrats decry the wealthy for having so much money?   How about Global Warming <wait that doesn't work out> Climate Change <wait that also doesn't fit the agenda because climate change always happens> Man made Climate Change  <yeah that's the ticket>,  and within 10 to 12 years how so much of the World and the US will be under the Oceans due to the melting ice caps caused by the terrible (white, rich, conservative) man made climate change.  Well Obama has been preaching all these messages for a while now as Democratic Party leader and how we have to act now or the Oceans will claim so much land.  Well what he says surely (IF HE ACTUALLY BELIEVES IT) is in opposition to what he has actually done.  For Right at $15 Million dollars the Obama's have purchased property right on the Ocean.  The same ocean that is going to reclaim the land due to climate change.  Just like former Vice President Al Gore what he says is in total opposition to what he does or the way he lives his life.  

Isn't that typical of all the lefties/liberals who want you to do as they say and not like they do.  They as the sole purveyors of truth and what's good for humanity.  Still the Democrat supporters who believe Obama can't do anything wrong and is the messiah come early, will not be fazed by the Obama outlaying of 15 Million to buy a beach front mansion.  The Obama's aren't bad for having obscene amounts of money and they are immune from condemnation of enjoying wealth while so many others live and dwell in poverty.  The condemnation is received for the White, Protestant, Christian, Conservative men who are at the root of all evils in the Nation and the World.  Don't fret though there is enough blame to go around to white women as well so this is not a gender preference situation.  

I don't mind the Obama's enjoying their wealth, if I had it I would, but what I do not like is when someone's life is in total opposition to what they preach and try to implement on everyone else while considering themselves immune from their restrictions.  The Obama's learned well though as that is the way of Washington and politicians (Republicans and Democrats) who almost always exempt themselves from burdensome regulations they implement on everyone else.  If you are going to be consistent then be consistent and not hypocritical.  

Be as the Bereans ( Acts 17:11 )

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