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Originally posted by EdEKit:
Originally posted by jptorisky:
Ed, you are delirious. I can't believe you said we should follow France and Spain. Both countries are on the verge of becoming countries where Sharia law rules. Let's take after France. They have a lot going for them. What a joke. The only reason France and Spain have been able to deal with these extremists is the fact that they are handing them the key to the country. As far as I know the terrorists are not brave enough to step on our soil and publicly parade around like they do in Europe.

Where did you get the idea that I suggested following anyone? What I said was that in the fight against Bin Ladenism, or Wahhabism, both France and Spain are doing a good job. So is England, Germany, Portugal, Austrailia, and Bali. BUT, England and Austrailia have FOLLOWED the USA into Iraq. Waffor? Do they think they will get a share of the spoils?
England is an oil producer of great importance, check out their North Sea oilfields. Austrailia may well become one.

With what you said Ed, you are correct... Geeze, some of the people on this forum sounds like they want problems with EVERY country out there... or at least that is what I am reading.

One war at a time, and that is TOOOOOO Much!!
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by EdEKit:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by jptorisky:
Ed, you are delirious. I can't believe you said we should follow France and Spain. <snip>

With what you said Ed, you are correct... Geeze, some of the people on this forum sounds like they want problems with EVERY country out there... or at least that is what I am reading.

One war at a time, and that is TOOOOOO Much!!

You go girl, LET'S START A MOVEMENT. You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant, excepin' Alice.
Originally posted by EdEKit:
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by EdEKit:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by jptorisky:
Ed, you are delirious. I can't believe you said we should follow France and Spain. <snip>

With what you said Ed, you are correct... Geeze, some of the people on this forum sounds like they want problems with EVERY country out there... or at least that is what I am reading.

One war at a time, and that is TOOOOOO Much!!

You go girl, LET'S START A MOVEMENT. You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant, excepin' Alice.

Trust me,... I do NOT want Alice...LOL!
To WHOMEVER the ?genius? was that submitted this post oroginally: Why don't you just go ahead and GET THE HELL out of this country. There is enough BS being circulated by your cowardly type. I'm sure the brain-damaged Pres of Iran would love to have you live in his country. YOU INSULT every one who has ever served in the U.S. Military, especially those who died to give you the right to "run your stupid mouth". KMA-GTH you pascifist pig. Good luck in IRAN. I hope they have a towel small enough for your brainless head.
Originally posted by marobersn:
To WHOMEVER the ?genius? was that submitted this post oroginally: Why don't you just go ahead and GET THE HELL out of this country. There is enough BS being circulated by your cowardly type. I'm sure the brain-damaged Pres of Iran would love to have you live in his country. YOU INSULT every one who has ever served in the U.S. Military, especially those who died to give you the right to "run your stupid mouth". KMA-GTH you pascifist pig. Good luck in IRAN. I hope they have a towel small enough for your brainless head.

Welcome to the forum marobersn!!! I like the way you think, so far Smiler If you read the entire post, most everyone slammed the posting party about the topic of this conversation, but the entire thread has swayed in different directions.

Oh, and most of us TRY to ignore PBA54, and I think he must know that by now, he is MIA... because he is just rude, insulting, crude, and the ONLY intellect he has is copy/paste from websites to rile up the boards... so don't let him rile you up...

ALL of us love our Troops, past and present!!!
Kindred Spirit, I took a while thinking about this answer. And after consideration, decided to make a flat out statement instead of just saying NO, we don't need to fear Islam.

I don't expect you to think as I do, all I expect is for you to think. (paraphrase of one of my philosophy professors.)

We need to resist Fanatic Religion. I paraphrase Pat Robertson, Fanatic Christian. We should assinate the President of Venezuela. We should put a small nuke in the headquarters of the US Department of State (Nuke Washington D.C.)
I paraphrase Osama Bin Laden. Rise up against the unbelievers, give your life for Allah.

The response to each is different. Robertson Threatened them Bin Laden Threatened us.

Kindred, if Islam was fanatic about killing infidels, as the propoganda would have us believe, and were willing to die as martyrs to kill them, there would be two billion corpses created, a billion dead Muslims, and one billion dead infidels.

If a dog believes the dog catcher means him harm the dog catcher gets bitten by the dog or the dog runs away. If you can be convinced that Muslims mean you harm, you will harm Muslims, or run from them. If they chase you, knock them off. If they don't, your fear was unfounded.

Seriously, test the behaviour of a strange dog. Approach slowly, the dog retreats, Stop approaching, the dog stops. Run at the dog yelling at the top of your voice. The dog runs, and will not come close to you again. If you corner the dog, heaven help you. Put yourself in the dog's place.

We Americans are being taught Islamophobia, very carefully and deliberately. We are being told constantly that they are going to come for us, just as soon as we quit coming for them in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are seeing and hearing all manner of stories of Fanatic Islam. The same stories apply to Fanatic Christians, with the scourging and reinactments of the suffering of Christ, for much the same reasons. We condemn the fanatic practices of Muslims, and honor the fanatic practices of Christians.

You KNOW that not all Christians are fanatics. Our propogandists tell us that. Well, Muslims KNOW that not all Muslims are Fanatics. Their propogandists tell them that.

Arab and Persian propoganda says ALL non muslims are evil. The inital reason was to prevent infiltration of non Muslim thinking from reaching Muslims. The same is true of propoganda from ANY religion.
Forum Users:

Please note we strive to keep the forums a place where users feel welcome to debate.

The Member Agreement states:

"Users are encouraged to debate, but do not attack.

Attacks on other users or private persons or entities are a direct violation of this Agreement and are grounds for immediate and permanent suspension of access to all or part of the Service."

Please keep all posts within the guidelines outlined in the agreement."

Originally posted by AP,
Forum Users:

Please note we strive to keep the forums a place where users feel welcome to debate.

The Member Agreement states:

"Users are encouraged to debate, but do not attack.

Attacks on other users or private persons or entities are a direct violation of this Agreement and are grounds for immediate and permanent suspension of access to all or part of the Service."

Please keep all posts within the guidelines outlined in the agreement."


Thank you AP... Things do have a way of getting heated, at times, and I am glad to see the boards monitored... I know that I can and probably do cross the line a bit, but I try very hard not to...

Just knowing there is someone on the boards that DOES watch will make us all feel better, and probably act better too, lol.

***POINTS AT SELF***** Yep, my self told me to behave now! Smiler
Originally posted by EdEKit:
Kindred Spirit, I took a while thinking about this answer. And after consideration, decided to make a flat out statement instead of just saying NO, we don't need to fear Islam.

I don't expect you to think as I do, all I expect is for you to think. (paraphrase of one of my philosophy professors.)

We need to resist Fanatic Religion. I paraphrase Pat Robertson, Fanatic Christian. We should assinate the President of Venezuela. We should put a small nuke in the headquarters of the US Department of State (Nuke Washington D.C.)
I paraphrase Osama Bin Laden. Rise up against the unbelievers, give your life for Allah.

The response to each is different. Robertson Threatened them Bin Laden Threatened us.

Kindred, if Islam was fanatic about killing infidels, as the propoganda would have us believe, and were willing to die as martyrs to kill them, there would be two billion corpses created, a billion dead Muslims, and one billion dead infidels.

If a dog believes the dog catcher means him harm the dog catcher gets bitten by the dog or the dog runs away. If you can be convinced that Muslims mean you harm, you will harm Muslims, or run from them. If they chase you, knock them off. If they don't, your fear was unfounded.

Seriously, test the behaviour of a strange dog. Approach slowly, the dog retreats, Stop approaching, the dog stops. Run at the dog yelling at the top of your voice. The dog runs, and will not come close to you again. If you corner the dog, heaven help you. Put yourself in the dog's place.

We Americans are being taught Islamophobia, very carefully and deliberately. We are being told constantly that they are going to come for us, just as soon as we quit coming for them in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are seeing and hearing all manner of stories of Fanatic Islam. The same stories apply to Fanatic Christians, with the scourging and reinactments of the suffering of Christ, for much the same reasons. We condemn the fanatic practices of Muslims, and honor the fanatic practices of Christians.

You KNOW that not all Christians are fanatics. Our propogandists tell us that. Well, Muslims KNOW that not all Muslims are Fanatics. Their propogandists tell them that.

Arab and Persian propoganda says ALL non muslims are evil. The inital reason was to prevent infiltration of non Muslim thinking from reaching Muslims. The same is true of propoganda from ANY religion.

Wow, Ed... that was a lot of good sound information there, and believe me, I will try VERY hard to THINK ... I like that phrase.

Islamicphobia will probably not go away though, because it is just too engrained, ... I know some Islamic people, they seem perfectly fine to me, but I have read some excerpts from their Quoran (sp?) and it really is much like ours... I actually DO think that it is their radicals that do the deeds.

We have radicals here in America, we call them gangs and such that I would love to see the gov't spend all that money on 'fixing' that problem. Now THAT IS our job, our people, our mess, and our Country...

Sorry If I didn't answer all the points you made, but I am still thinking..

And that is HARD to do after working a 10 hour shift!! lol ...
ed, I agree with your points made ,BUT (yea i know everybody has one) HOW are we to KNOW? How are we as everyday Americans going to be able to judge and KNOW that nice family of Muslims down the street are just that?
It has already been pointed out how well the radicals that flew planes into our towers blended into our country. They ALL present themselves very well,yet we have no way of knowing WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND THEIR CLOSED DOORS. They are a quiet,reserved peoples( from the few i have met and know), but there is no way on earth I can honestly say that I KNOW they are innocents just wanting to build a better life here in the US.
This is as many issues the media is over blowing things,or are they really? maybe we SHOULD have a fear,because if there is no fear we will be far too trusting and allow many things to get past our eye. This issue is a double sided coin for sure
Ok, you just stepped over the line.
ALL Muslims and Islamist are NOT hell bent on killing us!!!!
Must I say again it's the RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS!!!!
Go back to your history teacher and ask about it... Good grief... To lump an entire Culture or Religion into what the terrorist's are doing is just asinine!!!
Ok, you just stepped over the line.
ALL Muslims and Islamist are NOT hell bent on killing us!!!!
Must I say again it's the RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS!!!!
Go back to your history teacher and ask about it... Good grief... To lump an entire Culture or Religion into what the terrorist's are doing is just asinine!!!

If you think I'm a troller you need to check again.
You explain in your post where you didn't blame Muslims or Islamist you called the nice family down the street...of which I have many!... for what is going on... There is nothing in your post that would point otherwise. I don't care what you have posted before or since... Your post was not acceptical for a valid thought.
Explain your post or go somewhere else!!!
This post is for thinking people.
Originally posted by EdEKit:
Originally posted by imho:
NO - I said what I said. THEIR only peace is if we are all dead. Don't put words in my mouth!
If they would be civil we wouldn't need to keep after them.

What do you think would happen if the US just backed out of every other country and said we are just going to stay at home and protect ourselves - good luck to the rest of you?

I am going to direct you to a web page that contains a good history of how we got where we are. It may clear up your misconception that MUSLIMS want us dead.
The only reason I am bothering to respond to you is my personal belief that you have generalized a fear of bin Laden into a fear of Islam.
I am only concerned because the enmity has spread from the REAL enemy to an artifically created enemy.

Again, putting words in my mouth (or my post.) Not appreciated.

I said "The only peace for extremists is to kill us all." Where is the word Muslim in this sentence?

Muhammad, the great prophet of the Muslim people, spread his religion by violence. Those taking it to the extreme believe killing us sends them to paradise. Not much more to say there.

It is not the religion itself we fear, it is the extremist and their leaders we should fear and eliminate.
If you think I'm a troller you need to check again.
You explain in your post where you didn't blame Muslims or Islamist you called the nice family down the street...of which I have many!... for what is going on... There is nothing in your post that would point otherwise. I don't care what you have posted before or since... Your post was not acceptical for a valid thought.
Explain your post or go somewhere else!!!
This post is for thinking people.

my post which you CHOSE you climb all over was addressed to ed,,
[Posted 12 January 2007 08:15 PM Hide Post
ed, I agree with your points made ,BUT (yea i know everybody has one) HOW are we to KNOW? How are we as everyday Americans going to be able to judge and KNOW that nice family of Muslims down the street are just that?
It has already been pointed out how well the radicals that flew planes into our towers blended into our country. They ALL present themselves very well,yet we have no way of knowing WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND THEIR CLOSED DOORS. They are a quiet,reserved peoples( from the few i have met and know), but there is no way on earth I can honestly say that I KNOW they are innocents just wanting to build a better life here in the US.
This is as many issues the media is over blowing things,or are they really? maybe we SHOULD have a fear,because if there is no fear we will be far too trusting and allow many things to get past our eye. This issue is a double sided coin for sure]

I do not recall asking YOU if my post was acceptible or not,I do not recall asking you if it was a valid point to it.But let me cue you in on something,,,,I do not need your acceptance or your validation when i post on here,now is this much understood?
now since you have declared yourself the all knowing,the expert in this area, then YOU educate us on how we are supposed to know,afterall that IS the point of my post,my pondering the subject. So go for it,educate us.
Originally posted by smurph:
Muslims DO NOT believe in Jesus Christ

all I need or want to know about them,peroid.


Muslims DO believe in Jesus Christ, The believe his birth was miraculous. They believe he spoke to his mother at the moment of birth. They believe that his spoke to the elders of their congregation on the day of his birth. They believe he is one of the FOUR PROFETS, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. They follow his law, as Christians follow the law of Moses, and Jews Follow the laws of Abrham, David and Moses. THEY DO NOT BELIEVE DAVID IS A PROFET, but a great King.
Wahhabi, the people you are calling Muslims are in a catagory similar to some cults of Christianity.
If you are really interested in getting educated about the basic principals of Islam, without any attempt to convert you, I suggest the book, "Islam," edited by John Alden Williams, under the general supervision of Richard A. Gard. It is one of five volumes in the collection "Great Religions of Modern Man" published in 1962 by George Braziller in 1962. has a number of copies available used beginning at a dollar.
You may be able to find it in a library or from other sources, you may also be able to find the whole collection, Amazon also has the book, I think it must be the whole series,
starting at $11.86.
Originally posted by imho:
Originally posted by EdEKit:
Originally posted by imho:
NO - I said what I said. THEIR only peace is if we are all dead. Don't put words in my mouth!
If they would be civil we wouldn't need to keep after them.

What do you think would happen if the US just backed out of every other country and said we are just going to stay at home and protect ourselves - good luck to the rest of you?

I am going to direct you to a web page that contains a good history of how we got where we are. It may clear up your misconception that MUSLIMS want us dead.
The only reason I am bothering to respond to you is my personal belief that you have generalized a fear of bin Laden into a fear of Islam.
I am only concerned because the enmity has spread from the REAL enemy to an artifically created enemy.

Again, putting words in my mouth (or my post.) Not appreciated.

I said "The only peace for extremists is to kill us all." Where is the word Muslim in this sentence?

Muhammad, the great prophet of the Muslim people, spread his religion by violence. Those taking it to the extreme believe killing us sends them to paradise. Not much more to say there.

It is not the religion itself we fear, it is the extremist and their leaders we should fear and eliminate.


I DID WHAT? I took the response to my own words including the concept of Muslims, You changed that to terrorists. I RESPONDED CORRECTLY. I did not change your word from Terrorist to Muslim, you changed my word Muslim to terrorist. Check the thread.
Now lets look at the Papal strategy for spreading CATHOLICISM. Have you heard of the Spanish Inquisition? Did you learn about the civil wars in England when Henry VIII broke from the Pope over Ann Bolyn? Religion is a repeating theme in wars. The fundamental cause of war is RESOURCES. Land, Gold, Oil, Drugs, or people.
Originally posted by smurph:
ed, I agree with your points made ,BUT (yea i know everybody has one) HOW are we to KNOW? How are we as everyday Americans going to be able to judge and KNOW that nice family of Muslims down the street are just that?
It has already been pointed out how well the radicals that flew planes into our towers blended into our country. They ALL present themselves very well,yet we have no way of knowing WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND THEIR CLOSED DOORS. They are a quiet,reserved peoples( from the few i have met and know), but there is no way on earth I can honestly say that I KNOW they are innocents just wanting to build a better life here in the US.
This is as many issues the media is over blowing things,or are they really? maybe we SHOULD have a fear,because if there is no fear we will be far too trusting and allow many things to get past our eye. This issue is a double sided coin for sure

You have that right, if I don't trust you, I won't talk to you, if I don't talk to you, you won't talk to me. If we don't talk to each other we can't accurately judge each other. If we consider each other enemies, we are enemies.
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by EdEKit:
Kindred Spirit, I took a while thinking about this answer. And after consideration, decided to make a flat out statement instead of just saying NO, we don't need to fear Islam.

I don't expect you to think as I do, all I expect is for you to think. (paraphrase of one of my philosophy professors.)

We need to resist Fanatic Religion. I paraphrase Pat Robertson, Fanatic Christian. We should assinate the President of Venezuela. We should put a small nuke in the headquarters of the US Department of State (Nuke Washington D.C.)
I paraphrase Osama Bin Laden. Rise up against the unbelievers, give your life for Allah.

The response to each is different. Robertson Threatened them Bin Laden Threatened us.

Kindred, if Islam was fanatic about killing infidels, as the propoganda would have us believe, and were willing to die as martyrs to kill them, there would be two billion corpses created, a billion dead Muslims, and one billion dead infidels.

If a dog believes the dog catcher means him harm the dog catcher gets bitten by the dog or the dog runs away. If you can be convinced that Muslims mean you harm, you will harm Muslims, or run from them. If they chase you, knock them off. If they don't, your fear was unfounded.

Seriously, test the behaviour of a strange dog. Approach slowly, the dog retreats, Stop approaching, the dog stops. Run at the dog yelling at the top of your voice. The dog runs, and will not come close to you again. If you corner the dog, heaven help you. Put yourself in the dog's place.

We Americans are being taught Islamophobia, very carefully and deliberately. We are being told constantly that they are going to come for us, just as soon as we quit coming for them in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are seeing and hearing all manner of stories of Fanatic Islam. The same stories apply to Fanatic Christians, with the scourging and reinactments of the suffering of Christ, for much the same reasons. We condemn the fanatic practices of Muslims, and honor the fanatic practices of Christians.

You KNOW that not all Christians are fanatics. Our propogandists tell us that. Well, Muslims KNOW that not all Muslims are Fanatics. Their propogandists tell them that.

Arab and Persian propoganda says ALL non muslims are evil. The inital reason was to prevent infiltration of non Muslim thinking from reaching Muslims. The same is true of propoganda from ANY religion.

Wow, Ed... that was a lot of good sound information there, and believe me, I will try VERY hard to THINK ... I like that phrase.

Islamicphobia will probably not go away though, because it is just too engrained, ... I know some Islamic people, they seem perfectly fine to me, but I have read some excerpts from their Quoran (sp?) and it really is much like ours... I actually DO think that it is their radicals that do the deeds.

We have radicals here in America, we call them gangs and such that I would love to see the gov't spend all that money on 'fixing' that problem. Now THAT IS our job, our people, our mess, and our Country...

Sorry If I didn't answer all the points you made, but I am still thinking..

And that is HARD to do after working a 10 hour shift!! lol ...

There were few points to answer. Every Religion has Fanatics. Fanatics are a minority of any religion.
Fanatics make extreme statements. Mostly bluster and inciting.
Fear leads to one of two responses, Flight or Fight.
Any Cornered animal, including human will fight for its life.
Propoganda permeates the media, the debate, and the culture.
Originally posted by imho:
Originally posted by EdEKit:
It may clear up your misconception that MUSLIMS want us dead.

This was your post about what I said that I took exception to.
It is your misconception to say that is what I think.

No one, least of all me, missunderstood what you took exception to. I guess that I take exception to your willingness to CHANGE what I said from Muslim, to terrorist, and then complain that I changed terrorist BACK to Muslim. You don't get it do you. YOU CHANGED MY ORIGINAL STATEMENT BY USING TERRORIST IN PLACE OF MUSLIM. Then you had the raw audacity to complain that I used my ORIGINAL word.
This is getting out of hand, I am loosing patience with you. I don't want to also loose respect for myslef.

Originally posted by smurph:
If you think I'm a troller you need to check again.
You explain in your post where you didn't blame Muslims or Islamist you called the nice family down the street...of which I have many!... for what is going on... There is nothing in your post that would point otherwise. I don't care what you have posted before or since... Your post was not acceptical for a valid thought.
Explain your post or go somewhere else!!!
This post is for thinking people.

my post which you CHOSE you climb all over was addressed to ed,,
[Posted 12 January 2007 08:15 PM Hide Post
ed, I agree with your points made ,BUT (yea i know everybody has one) HOW are we to KNOW? How are we as everyday Americans going to be able to judge and KNOW that nice family of Muslims down the street are just that?
It has already been pointed out how well the radicals that flew planes into our towers blended into our country. They ALL present themselves very well,yet we have no way of knowing WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND THEIR CLOSED DOORS. They are a quiet,reserved peoples( from the few i have met and know), but there is no way on earth I can honestly say that I KNOW they are innocents just wanting to build a better life here in the US.
This is as many issues the media is over blowing things,or are they really? maybe we SHOULD have a fear,because if there is no fear we will be far too trusting and allow many things to get past our eye. This issue is a double sided coin for sure]

I do not recall asking YOU if my post was acceptible or not,I do not recall asking you if it was a valid point to it.But let me cue you in on something,,,,I do not need your acceptance or your validation when i post on here,now is this much understood?
now since you have declared yourself the all knowing,the expert in this area, then YOU educate us on how we are supposed to know,afterall that IS the point of my post,my pondering the subject. So go for it,educate us.

Smurph, YOU are the one the one that made the post. YOU explain what you meant. I can't do that for you dude.
And I'm not the judge and jury on your posts. I don't have the time to waste on judging how outragious your posts are. But when I see one that blames a whole section of people that for the majority disagree with what the RADICAL part of the same religion has taken over... yeah I'll confront anyone on it. I never said I was an "expert" on it. But I think I know enough about COMMON SENSE that I can tell the difference!!!
You can post all you want... that's the beauty of the American way. Just make sure you don't show your intelligence... or lack there of.
Originally posted by jaime:
Ok, you just stepped over the line.
ALL Muslims and Islamist are NOT hell bent on killing us!!!!
Must I say again it's the RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS!!!!
Go back to your history teacher and ask about it... Good grief... To lump an entire Culture or Religion into what the terrorist's are doing is just asinine!!!

jaime, it was not smurph who stepped over the line, it was YOU!!! You took upon yourself to take an idea that a lot of us have HOW DO YOU TELL THE GOOD FROM THE BAD... and went ballistic over it!!!!

There is NO One talking history here, not a word... the POINT that you so 'elequently' missed was that there are Middle Easterners on every street corner in every town USA, and the SIMPLE thought was HOW DO YOU TELL THE GOOD FROM THE BAD...

When in Florida, the terrorists who took their flying lessons to rock our world on 9/11 had neighbors who were in total shock. They held down jobs, went to school, was nice, clean and friendly.... And when their pictures appeared as the ones who caused 9/11 sent Florida into a state of shock. They could not believe that the nice young men, some even with families, had done that horrible act.

SOOOOOOOOOO the question was posed on this post as to HOW can you tell the good from the bad?

Chill man!!!! No one was judging, ... but you!
Originally posted by jaime:
If you think I'm a troller you need to check again.
You explain in your post where you didn't blame Muslims or Islamist you called the nice family down the street...of which I have many!... for what is going on... There is nothing in your post that would point otherwise. I don't care what you have posted before or since... Your post was not acceptical for a valid thought.
Explain your post or go somewhere else!!!
This post is for thinking people.

Geeze, man... Chill out and re-read the comments, you definitely have read something or someone WRONG!!! It was just a simple question.
Originally posted by jaime:
OH by the way... Congrats to Kindred..Wink on becoming a Hall of Famer... Wink... go get em girl

Thank you Jaime.. looks like I got the biggest "mouth" on the boards, huh? lol... but seriously, give smurph a break, it was just a question, and a VERY valid question in this day and time... very valid!!! We all have families to support and take care of, and we NEED to know if there is an enemy around us... And I have to agree and ask the question one more time...

Can ANYONE on the board tell us exactly HOW you can tell the good ones from the bad ones??? Florida couldn't so please tell me, how can we?

I am not being prejudiced, or biased, I am just sincerely wanting to know how WE can tell, because personally, I don't think we can, and I am afraid the 'nicer' ones could be the ones putting up the front, just like in Florida...

Al Quida resides in each and every country in the world, they know the art of disguise, and that is scary as heck!!!

Dang, I do have a big mouth!!! That is a LOT of comments!!! I didnt even realize it until you pointed it out to me, LOL!!!!
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by jaime:
As far as who the hell I am?.. apparently someone who thinks for himself a HELL of a lot more than you do.
Want to argue something else??? BRING IT ON!!!

Sorry Max, I told you I wouldn't do this... but this is just to easy....

?? don't know what you mean. I've been so sick the past few days everything has ran toolor:PURPLE]And you are bringing max into this.... WHY?[/color][/b]
What are you talking about??? I've been so sick I can only be online for a few then back down. And I'm sure I can not respond to whatever you were talking about.
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by smurph:
Muslims DO NOT believe in Jesus Christ

all I need or want to know about them,peroid.

Agreed, my friend... I do tend to be a bit biased on the way "I" feel about religion also... and Jesus Christ is the center of my whole world.

Please explain to me how you are actually different from the supposedly intolerant muslims being discussed here?

You people simply take as truth that since you're a christian that you are better than a muslim. Give me a break. Look at smurph's comment above. Can't you see that that is *exactly* the attitude that the extremist muslims have? Just replace Jesus Christ with Mohammed and christian with muslim and you both sound just alike.

No wonder there are so many problems in this world. Sheesh.
SLEEPER CELL-a small cell that isn't involved in any active terrorist activities UNTIL it is alerted, then begins it's predetermined preparation for an attack. I'm glad some of you are so sure you can tell these sleeper cells from innocent hard working people, because I can't and until I feel that I can identify a sleeper cell, I will err on the side of the U.S.A. They will not get any of my money to send back to use against us.I am not a radical christian, but I am a radical AMERICAN!

How did this forum go from
"Why I don't support our troops." to "How we should support our local "oops"arabic people."

Last edited by yankeegramma
Originally posted by logical:
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by smurph:
Muslims DO NOT believe in Jesus Christ

all I need or want to know about them,peroid.

Agreed, my friend... I do tend to be a bit biased on the way "I" feel about religion also... and Jesus Christ is the center of my whole world.

Please explain to me how you are actually different from the supposedly intolerant muslims being discussed here?

You people simply take as truth that since you're a christian that you are better than a muslim. Give me a break. Look at smurph's comment above. Can't you see that that is *exactly* the attitude that the extremist muslims have? Just replace Jesus Christ with Mohammed and christian with muslim and you both sound just alike.

No wonder there are so many problems in this world. Sheesh.

Ummmm, because I am not Muslim???? And as far as I know, no one has said anything that we have to EXPLAIN to you.

Oh, and I am not extremist, nor am I radical... so stop with the lectures.
Originally posted by yankeewitch:
SLEEPER CELL-a small cell that isn't involved in any active terrorist activities UNTIL it is alerted, then begins it's predetermined preparation for an attack. I'm glad some of you are so sure you can tell these sleeper cells from innocent hard working people, because I can't and until I feel that I can identify a sleeper cell, I will err on the side of the U.S.A. They will not get any of my money to send back to use against us.I am not a radical christian, but I am a radical AMERICAN!

How did this forum go from
"Why I don't support our troops." to "How we should support our local "oops"arabic people."


Yankeewitch, HOW TRUE!!!!, there are more people on this board screaming to leave Muslims alone than supporting our gov't... Go figure!!!

OH, and I like your sig. "BUY AMERICAN FROM AMERICANS" ..... Good one!
Originally posted by logical:
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by smurph:
Muslims DO NOT believe in Jesus Christ

all I need or want to know about them,peroid.

Agreed, my friend... I do tend to be a bit biased on the way "I" feel about religion also... and Jesus Christ is the center of my whole world.

Please explain to me how you are actually different from the supposedly intolerant muslims being discussed here?

You people simply take as truth that since you're a christian that you are better than a muslim. Give me a break. Look at smurph's comment above. Can't you see that that is *exactly* the attitude that the extremist muslims have? Just replace Jesus Christ with Mohammed and christian with muslim and you both sound just alike.

No wonder there are so many problems in this world. Sheesh.

I was gonna just shut up, but I am sorry, I cannot do that.... Why don't you just answer the questions posed by smurph, and also myself, and a couple of others..


See? Not even you can do that? If you didn't already know, on Sept. 11 2001, Middle Easterners flew planes into WTC and PENTAGON and into the GROUND... All profession to be Muslims...

Now, today, many changes later, we are at war in the Middle East... so where in the heck do you get off comparing me with a Muslim????

Christianity is the most popular religion in the US, and just happens to be mine... but if you choose another, that is your business, but PLEASE don't come on here and start flaming me because I WANT TO KNOW WHO THE DANG ENEMIES ARE!!! Or HOW you can tell the good from the bad.. NOTHING was wrong with that question, and someone as smart as you should be able to answer it.
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by logical:
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by smurph:
Muslims DO NOT believe in Jesus Christ

all I need or want to know about them,peroid.

Agreed, my friend... I do tend to be a bit biased on the way "I" feel about religion also... and Jesus Christ is the center of my whole world.

Please explain to me how you are actually different from the supposedly intolerant muslims being discussed here?

You people simply take as truth that since you're a christian that you are better than a muslim. Give me a break. Look at smurph's comment above. Can't you see that that is *exactly* the attitude that the extremist muslims have? Just replace Jesus Christ with Mohammed and christian with muslim and you both sound just alike.

No wonder there are so many problems in this world. Sheesh.

I was gonna just shut up, but I am sorry, I cannot do that.... Why don't you just answer the questions posed by smurph, and also myself, and a couple of others..


See? Not even you can do that? If you didn't already know, on Sept. 11 2001, Middle Easterners flew planes into WTC and PENTAGON and into the GROUND... All profession to be Muslims...

Now, today, many changes later, we are at war in the Middle East... so where in the heck do you get off comparing me with a Muslim????

Christianity is the most popular religion in the US, and just happens to be mine... but if you choose another, that is your business, but PLEASE don't come on here and start flaming me because I WANT TO KNOW WHO THE DANG ENEMIES ARE!!! Or HOW you can tell the good from the bad.. NOTHING was wrong with that question, and someone as smart as you should be able to answer it.

I can't help but quote the Merry Minuet, They're rioting in Africa,
They're starving in Spain.
There's hurricanes in Florida,
And Texas needs rain
The whole world is festering
With unhappy souls.
The French hate the Germans,
The Germans hate the Poles;
Italians hate Yugoslavs,
South Africans hate the Dutch,
And I don't like anybody very much!

But we can be tranquil
And thankfill and proud,
For man's been endowed
With a mushroom-shaped cloud.
And we know for certain
That some lovely day
Someone will set the spark off,
And we will all be blown away!

Enough, In the name of Abraham, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Buddah, Confuscious, Ra, Cocopelli and GOOD SENSE.
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by logical:
Originally posted by Kindred_Spirit:
Originally posted by smurph:
Muslims DO NOT believe in Jesus Christ

all I need or want to know about them,peroid.

Agreed, my friend... I do tend to be a bit biased on the way "I" feel about religion also... and Jesus Christ is the center of my whole world.

Please explain to me how you are actually different from the supposedly intolerant muslims being discussed here?

You people simply take as truth that since you're a christian that you are better than a muslim. Give me a break. Look at smurph's comment above. Can't you see that that is *exactly* the attitude that the extremist muslims have? Just replace Jesus Christ with Mohammed and christian with muslim and you both sound just alike.

No wonder there are so many problems in this world. Sheesh.

I was gonna just shut up, but I am sorry, I cannot do that.... Why don't you just answer the questions posed by smurph, and also myself, and a couple of others..


See? Not even you can do that? If you didn't already know, on Sept. 11 2001, Middle Easterners flew planes into WTC and PENTAGON and into the GROUND... All profession to be Muslims...

Now, today, many changes later, we are at war in the Middle East... so where in the heck do you get off comparing me with a Muslim????

Christianity is the most popular religion in the US, and just happens to be mine... but if you choose another, that is your business, but PLEASE don't come on here and start flaming me because I WANT TO KNOW WHO THE DANG ENEMIES ARE!!! Or HOW you can tell the good from the bad.. NOTHING was wrong with that question, and someone as smart as you should be able to answer it.

I cannot tell the good from the bad for any stranger. This is simply part of life. I do, however, believe that most people, regardless of where they are from or what religion they profess are basically good intentioned. I believe that will produce more positive results than negative ones.

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